Alle JustMac-News vom 29.03.2009
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29.03.2009 24:00 Uhr
Samsung posts N110 product page, pre-orders get going
Heads-up, netbook lovers -- Sammy's latest is totally official, though it's becoming so after a bona fide review. At any rate, Samsung has just recently hosted up a product page for its 10.1-inch N110, which brags about its 9.5 hour battery life, 2.8 pound body and 93 percent full-size keyboard. Specs wise, it's still rockin' the tried-and-true N270 / 1GB / 160GB combo, which makes it pretty tough to choose over the far less expensive ASUS Eee PC 1000HE. At any rate, those who've somehow found the value proposition to be more enticing can get in line now for $441.99 at,
29.03.2009 23:51 Uhr, Engadget,
29.03.2009 23:00 Uhr
Gigabyte's Booktop M1022 (and dock) hits the FCC
Lookie here -- Gigabyte's Booktop M1022, which we spotted looking peculiar at CeBIT earlier this month, has just splashed down in the FCC's database. The 10.1-inch machine will apparently arrive with a LED-backlit panel, Bluetooth 2.0+EDR, WiFi, a 1.6GHz Intel Atom N270 CPU, 1.3 megapixel camera, optional integrated WWAN, VGA output, an Ethernet port, ExpressCard slot, 4-in-1 multicard reader, 1GB of RAM and a bundled docki
29.03.2009 22:51 Uhr, Engadget,
29.03.2009 22:00 Uhr
LG Xenon appears in semi-unflattering photoshoot
LG's Xenon has just shown up over at Smartphone Nation in an impromptu photoshoot, and it's not looking too bad. There's nothing out of the ordinary here -- slideout QWERTY keyboard, resistive touchscreen, 2 megapixel camera -- you get the idea, right? Seems to be expected on or around the month of April on AT&T, and we hear it will come in three colors -- red, black and something else -- and that it'll run somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 after a mail in rebate. Of course, none of that's official yet, so we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? One more shot after the break, hit the read link for the whole set.[Via
29.03.2009 21:06 Uhr, Engadget,
29.03.2009 21:00 Uhr
29.03.2009 20:00 Uhr
Mini DisplayPort-HDMI Adapters now at Amazon for $19 plus shipping
Want to hook up your new Mac directly to an HDMI-equipped HDTV? You'll need an adapter. Apple isn't selling them, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Amazon and through its partners are now selling the adapter cables for $19 plus $4.99 shipping. Gizmodo ran some tests on the Mini DisplayPort-HDMI adapter and found it worked better than Apple's solution of Mini DisplayPort-DVI Adapter to DVI-HDMI adapter. Plus this one is cheaper.
29.03.2009 19:36 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Solar-powered broadcast on WFMU New York Monday night may just change your life
If you're on the planet tomorrow night, you may just want to check out Engadget's own podcast producer, Trent Wolbe, on his WFMU radio show. Sure, Trent can be found assaulting the airwaves there every single Monday, but this coming one (March 31st), the show will be live from the Solar One facility on the East River in NYC, and the broadcast will be entirely solar-powered. Oh, there's going to be live performances by some great 8 bit / handlheld, artists too. We love that. Hit up WFMU.ORG for all the details, or to listen to the show live tomorrow night, from 8-10 PM EST. Should be awesome, friends.
Filed under: Announcements
29.03.2009 19:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Sweet iPhone 3.0 concept
We found this iPhone 3.0 concept lurking on the Internets. Everything would have to be wireless/bluetooth, but we like the lookhow about you?
29.03.2009 19:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Mini DisplayPort-HDMI Adapters now at Amazon for $19 plus shipping
Want to hook up your new Mac directly to an HDMI-equipped HDTV? You'll need an adapter. Apple isn't selling them, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Amazon and through its partners are now selling the adapter cables for $19 plus $4.99 shipping. Gizmodo ran some tests on the Mini DisplayPort-HDMI adapter and found it worked better than Apple's solution of Mini DisplayPort-DVI Adapter to DVI-HDMI adapter. Plus this one is cheaper.
29.03.2009 19:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
29.03.2009 19:00 Uhr
Piezoelectric nanowires could lead to blood-powered iPods, cellphones
You know what'll be awesome? Actual end products resulting from this presumably nonstop research on piezoelectric nanowires. Yet again we're hearing of a new group of researchers that have figured out a way to harness electricity from life's simplest things: walking, a heart beating or even the flowing of blood. Put simply, the gurus have discovered how to use zinc oxide nanowires in order to generate an electric current when "subjected to mechanical stress." The difference here, however, is that these critters could actually be implanted under the skin, though the scientists have made quite clear that there isn't a timetable f
29.03.2009 18:06 Uhr, Engadget,
29.03.2009 18:00 Uhr
Neue Ferrari-Homepage: Formel 1 zum Mitmachen
Die Formel-1-Saison 2009 wartet nicht nur mit neuen Regeln und Favoriten, sondern auch mit einer neuen Ferrari-Homepage auf. Die Webpräsenz des Titel-Kandidaten wartet unter anderem mit virtuellen Rennen, einer Werks-Tour und einem Traumwagen-Designer auf.
29.03.2009 17:35 Uhr, CHIP,
29.03.2009 17:00 Uhr
Intel Core 2 Quad S-Series shaves power consumption to 65W
In a relatively hush-hush manner, Intel recently slipped out energy conscience versions of its Core 2 Quad Q8200, Q9400 and Q9550 CPUs, all of which are suffixed with a simple "s." Put simply, these S-Series chips are built using the same 45 nanometer process technology as used on the regular models, and aside from TDP, all the specifications are exactly alike. The difference comes in power consumption, as the S crew sucks down just 65 watts compared to 95 watts in the standard issue models. Tom's Hardware had a chance to handle, benchmark and report on these new power sippers, and lucky for you, they found performance to be equ
29.03.2009 16:51 Uhr, Engadget,
Basics: VoiceOver-Sprache für einzelne Titel ändern
Der neue iPod shuffle spricht 14 verschiedene Sprachen und verwendet für Ansage einzelner Titel jeweils die (vermeintlich) passende: Eine weibliche Stimme mit französischem Einschlag sagt dann beispielsweise die Chansons von Patricia Kaas an, während der "Spanier" im Shuffle über die Heros del Silencio informiert.
Ab und an greift die integrierte Spracherkennung aber auch ordentlich daneben, in unserem Fall wurde zum Beispiel John Lennons "Instant Karma" mit französichem Akzent angesagt, Franz Ferdinands "Auf Achse" hat dagegen gute Chancen auf eine deutschsprachige Ankündigung.
Wer sich daran stört, kann die für VoiceOver verwendete Sprache in iTunes 8.1 titelbezogen manuell festlegen. Sobald das für die Sprachausgabe erforderliche VoiceOver-Kit installiert wurde, findet sich unter dem Reiter "Optionen" in den Titelinformationen ein neues Drop-Down-Menü für die VoiceOver-Sprache. Hier lässt sich nun frei nach Lust und Laune eine der 14 vorhandenen Stimmen bzw. Sprachversionen einstellen.
In der R
29.03.2009 16:35 Uhr,,
29.03.2009 16:00 Uhr
Keepin' it real fake, part CXCIV: Nokia N83 is not a Nokia N83
While the shortly flaunted N83 never did amount to anything back in the day, we can safely say the device you see above is definitely not what the suits in Espoo had in mind. The touchscreen-based smartphone looks about as thick as an N95, though we can't recall ever seeing a flavor of Symbian look anything like this. If you care to know, the phone sports a 400 x 240 resolution panel, 0.3 megapixel camera (ha!), dual SIM card slots, Bluetooth, FM radio module, about two to three hours of talk time and a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack. But hey, it's only a buck 'o five off-contract, or exactly the price of freedom according to certain puppets.[Thanks, facelessloser]Filed under:
29.03.2009 15:06 Uhr, Engadget,
ATi R700-Specs: Architekturdetails zum RV790
AMD hat für die Entwicklung quelloffener Treiber diese Woche die detaillierten Spezifikationen seiner R700-Grafikchipfamilie freigegeben. Das Dokument behandelt neben den bereits vorgestellten RV710-, RV730-, RV770-Chips auch die noch nicht am Markt erhältlichen Varianten RV740 und RV790 und verrät dabei ein kleines Detail.
29.03.2009 15:05 Uhr, ComputerBase,
TealOS wird eingestellt - auf Druck von Palm
Auf Druck von Palm wird der WebOS nachempfundene PalmOS-Programmstarter TealOS nicht mehr angeboten. Der Softwareentwickler Tealpoint will sich mit Palm nicht streiten und plant eine alternative Software. (iPhone, PalmPre)
29.03.2009 15:05 Uhr, golem,
29.03.2009 15:00 Uhr
While Waiting for the Radeon HD4890... Flash a PC Version!?
When Apple announce a new graphic cards compatible with its new Mac Pro models, it is always a good news for Mac users. However, it is often a balance feeling, and the new Radeon HD4970 released with the new Mac Pro is a perfect example:
512 MB of VRAM instead of the current default 1 GB on most high-end PC models
Almost proprietary mini-DisplayPort mini-display
Mac Pro 1.1 can not use this new Radeon
Price: around 315 €!
Availability 4 to 5 weeks!
following first report of successful flashing procedure of a PC Radeon HD4870 with the Mac ROM, we have decided to make our own test. We have chosen a Gainward HD4870 Golden Sample with 1 GB VRAM :
1024 MB of VRAM
DVI-D, VGA, DisplayPort and HDMI ports!
2 BIOS: 1 normal BIOS normal, and 1 "Turbo" BIOS "turbo" corresponding to an overlocked version. One can simply swap from one BIOS to the other via a switch in the back of the card. This
29.03.2009 14:50 Uhr,,
MSI Wind U123 kommt in Kürze
Die Asiaten sie in Bezug auf Neuvorstellungen immer einige Tage/Wochen schneller als in Europa, so dass es auch im neuerlichen Fall nicht verwundert, dass das MSI Wind U123, das zur CeBIT auch in Deutschland gezeigt wurde, dort zum April offiziell eingeführt wird. Die Unterschiede zum aktuellen U120 sind jedoch minimaler Natur.
29.03.2009 14:05 Uhr, ComputerBase,
VIA zeigt Em-ITX-Platine mit Nano-Prozessor
VIA wird auf der anstehenden „Embedded Systems Conference Silicon Valley 2009“ eine neue, voll ausgestattete ITX-Platine vorstellen, die auf Nano-Prozessoren setzt. Durch den Prozessor mit seinem sehr geringen Stromverbrauch soll bei passiver Kühlung eine bisher nicht erreichte Leistung geboten werden.
29.03.2009 14:05 Uhr, ComputerBase,
29.03.2009 14:00 Uhr
EU droht Facebook mit Verbraucherschutzgesetz
EU-Verbraucherschutzkommissarin Meglena Kuneva plant ein Gesetz gegen Datenmissbrauch beim weltgrößten Social Network Facebook und anderen Plattformen. Kuneva wird dazu in der kommenden Woche Stellung nehmen. (Soziales Netz, Datenschutz)
29.03.2009 13:35 Uhr, golem,
29.03.2009 13:00 Uhr
New firmware adds high-def video plug-in to Archos 5 / 7
Hey, Archos 5 / 7 users -- do we have your attention? Good. You know that high-def support you've been not-so-patiently waiting for? Archos just hooked you up good fashion. As of right now, the read link is holding fresh firmware for both players (v1.6.03), which tosses in support for WMV / VC-1 playback at 720p (24fps; 6Mbps maximum). The update also fixes a number of bugs involving MP3 tags, TV recording errors and GUI malfunctions. Give it a download and report back, won'tcha?[Thanks, Trevor]Filed under:
29.03.2009 12:21 Uhr, Engadget,
Erneut Ärger mit Vista-Logo-Programm - Acer verklagt
Der drittgrößte PC-Hersteller der Welt, Acer, ist in den Vereinigten Staaten verklagt worden. Zwei Käufer werfen dem Unternehmen vor, Windows Vista auf Notebooks mit zu geringer Leistung vorinstalliert zu (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltWindows Vista: Marktanteil erstmals über 30 ProzentVista: Service Pack 2 Escrow-Build für Betatester64-Bit-Version verhilft Windows Vista zu später Blüte
29.03.2009 12:21 Uhr,,
29.03.2009 12:00 Uhr
BKA: Immer mehr PCs mit Schadsoftware infiziert
In Deutschland hat die Zahl von Computern die mit Schadsoftware infiziert sind deutlich zugenommen. Dies teilte das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) vor Kurzem mit. Die Behörde rechnet mit mehr als einer Million (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltSchad-Software "kidnappt" Word- und PDF-DateienInternet Explorer 8 bietet besten Malware-Schutz"Conficker" befällt PCs des britischen Parlaments
29.03.2009 11:36 Uhr,,
Microsoft holt sich erneut Ex-Yahoo-Manager ins Boot
Microsoft hat sich erneut einen ehemaligen Mitarbeiter des Konkurrenten Yahoo ins Boot geholt. Diesmal handelt es sich um Jan Pedersen, der als Chief Scientist für die Yahoo-Suchmaschine und Werbeabteilung (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltMicrosoft und NASA zeigen Mond und Mars in HDZune-Software wohl doch erst in Windows Mobile 7Office & Vista: MS startet Rabattaktion für Studenten
29.03.2009 11:21 Uhr,,
29.03.2009 11:00 Uhr
Blackberry App World: RIM plant eigenen App Store
Angetrieben durch den großen Erfolg des App Stores von Apple haben zuletzt immer mehr Unternehmen einen eigenen Marktplatz für Handy-Software angekündigt. Bereits nächste Woche könnte die Blackberry App World (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltAuch der Blackberry wird jetzt zum Ebook-ReaderBericht: Skype bringt VoIP-Software auf das iPhoneUSA: Apple verkauft iPhone 3G auch ohne Vertrag
29.03.2009 10:36 Uhr,,
29.03.2009 10:00 Uhr
Honda's "Let it Shine" commercial turns a grid of Insights into giant LED display
ASIMO and his Earth-loving robot compadres pulling the strings at Honda have once again managed to find a way to save us humans from ourselves. All it took was an affordable hybrid, apparently, and Honda is showing off its new Insight by turning those LED headlights into one gigantic animated Lite-Brite in an upcoming commercial. The spot's called "Let it Shine," and the video's after the break. Hit up the read link for the making of video and a detailed carbon footprint breakdown of the shoot -- you know you want to.Continue reading Honda's
29.03.2009 09:21 Uhr, Engadget,
29.03.2009 9:00 Uhr
iPhone OS 3.0: Safari deutlich schneller
Die Entwickler von WebKit können dank einer neuen JavaScript-Engine namens 'Nitro'(vormals SquirrelFish) viele Seiten deutlich schneller anzeigen, die gesamte Browser-Performance hat sich verbessert. Größter Teilhaber dieser Entwicklung ist der Apple-Browser Safari, der in der Version 4 über die
29.03.2009 08:06 Uhr, Apfeltalk,
29.03.2009 7:00 Uhr
A SSD as a Photoshop Swap Drive
Hereafter is a report from Clément:I just installed a OCZ SSD Vertex of 30 GB to be used as my Photoshop swap drive on my Mac Pro (I boot from an Intel SSD 80 GB). HEreafter is the result:
Such performance level is quite astonishing for a entry level SSD available for around 120 Euro. However, the 3.5" adaptors provided by ACZ are not compatible with the HD tray of the Mac Pro.
29.03.2009 06:20 Uhr,,
MedNet app monitors heartbeat, transfers data to cardiologists
Heart monitors for cellphones have definitely been around, but a new option is about to surface for AT&T customers. The service, which will be offered up starting April 21st by MedNet Healthcare Technologies, will somehow let patients monitor their own heartbeats and automatically send that information to their cardiologists using Bluetooth-enabled phones. Reportedly, the information will be sent out to a central monitoring center, which then transfers the data to the doctor. As expected, there will be a monthly fee for the service (exact pricing has yet to be disclosed), and doctors must also be signed on to receive the information. Sounds good and all, but seriously, good
29.03.2009 06:06 Uhr, Engadget,
29.03.2009 4:00 Uhr
iriver's D50N MID gets its own site, closer to our hearts
iriver came clean with its D50N e-dictionary / MID back at CES, but it's taken until now for the company to host up a proper teaser site with all the details (in Korean, naturally). The beautiful handheld boasts a 4.8-inch 800 x 480 resolution display, 16GB of internal storage space, 802.11b/g WiFi, support for a whole litany of files, a microSD expansion slot, full QWERTY keyboard and a battery good for up to 16 hours of music playback (or 8 hours of video). Reportedly, the price on this one is pegged at around $370, but we're no closer to finding out when it'll ship to the states.[Via P
29.03.2009 03:36 Uhr, Engadget,
29.03.2009 2:00 Uhr
Quark's XML Author 3.0 adds support, improvements
Quark has announced XML Author 3, the latest version of its XML authoring tool that enables users to create XML content within Microsoft Word. Standing as a core component of Quark Dynamic Publishing software, the application provides both creation and editing tools for making XML content. Features in the update add support for Microsoft Word 2007 and Windows Vista, toolbar improvements, and new i
29.03.2009 01:20 Uhr, MacNN,
Jailbroken iPhone makes its way into iPhone patent application
We generally try to avoid Apple's patent applications. They have little to do with what end up as final products and they are about as exciting as Apple's lawsuits. That isn't to say there aren't some interesting ones.
This one certainly falls into this category. Apple's recent application for biometric security on iPhones had the following image (Via Engadget):
Yep, that's a jailbroken iPhone with the and the SMBPrefs jailbroken app drawn by the patent artist. Hilarious! Apple's lawyers Kramer, Levin Naftalis & Frankel have broken the law - in accordance with Ap
29.03.2009 01:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Fontcase 1.1 for Mac adds more metadata, support
Bohemian Coding on Friday released Fontcase 1.1, the newest version of its font manager application for the Mac OS X. Designed to tag, control and organize font, the software focuses a lot on metadata and allows users to add a variety of metadata for every font and weight. The update provides a versatile plug-in interface to help extend the application, the ability to now analyze the languages a f
29.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacNN,
MonsterQuest puzzle game debuts for Mac
Macgamestore has announced MonsterQuest for the Mac, a mystery and puzzle game developed by Canopy Productions and digitalBrandplay. During play, users take control of an investigative team required to determine if monsters are real, fantasy, or a hoax. Featuring five different monster cases, players must investigate eyewitness reports, examine hundreds of clues in photo realistic environments, an
29.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Equinux integrates SongGenie, CoverScout in update
Equinux has launched updates to both its SongGenie and CoverScout applications, and furthered their integration. SongGenie 1.1 adds the ability to apply all identified track information at once, instead of having to work on individual tracks, and features both a new mode that enables the program to try and identify and analyze track information automatically, and a function for people who keep mus
29.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Mozilla releases Firefox update 3.0.8
Mozilla has released an update to its popular web browser, Firefox 3.0.8. The company has dealt with two security issues marked as critical under its rating of importance. The first fix involves the XUL method in some cases triggering garbage collection routines on objects which were still in use. This resulted in possible browser crashes when attempting to access a previously destroyed object, an
29.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacNN,
29.03.2009 1:00 Uhr
Realtek HD Audio Codecs R2.20 - Audio-Treiber
Realtek HD Audio ist ein kostenloses Treiberpaket für Computer mit Realtek-HD-Soundchips, das für eine optimale Nutzung aller Funktionen sorgen soll. Zudem enthalten sind die Werkzeuge Soundman und Sound (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltNvidia GeForce-Treiber 182.46 Beta für Vista und XP
29.03.2009 00:51 Uhr,,
Sega's Storm-G arcade experience puts the "g" in puking
An uncompromising vision of a future world dominated by roving, power-up-collecting bobsled gangs, Sega's new Storm-G arcade game puts a "spin" on things by rotating the rider a full 360 degrees in accordance with the action. It's not exactly the most immersive arcade experience ever produced -- at some point you'd think Sega would get tired of rolling people down virtual tubes -- but it does look pretty wild and stomach-wrenching. The folks at Akihabara News got to try it firsthand at Sega's Joypolis in Odaiba Japan, and found the experience rather exhausting. Check out the video after the break.
29.03.2009 00:36 Uhr, Engadget,