Alle JustMac-News vom 08.03.2009
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08.03.2009 24:00 Uhr
17-inch MBP fan / overheating issues causing GeForce 9600M to bug out?
Oh, brother. We can already tell this one's going to be a fun, enjoyable journey to follow. Shortly after Apple's 17-inch unibody MacBook Pro began making its way out to early adopters, small legions of owners have reported all sorts of bizarre graphical glitches. While we first assumed that it was NVIDIA's GeForce 9600M causing all the mayhem, further investigation has led us to believe that faulty fan controls could be the culprit. Granted, all of this is just speculatory at the moment, but it seems that some users have noticed that their fans aren't kicking into high gear when they should. 'Course, some folks have seen those RPMs spin up w
08.03.2009 23:51 Uhr, Engadget,
08.03.2009 23:00 Uhr
9to5Mac Toys weekend roundup
From the Toys section, we've got a few little products at never before seen prices: offers the Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.B 1TB Serial ATA 3.0Gb/s Internal Hard Drive, model no. 0A38016, for $87.99 with free shipping ($0.09/GB). ( charges the same.) That
08.03.2009 22:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Former Apple employees start Apperian
Former Director of Field Engineering and Professional Services at Apple, Chuck Goldman, and some former Apple and Motorola employees have started a business that focuses on building mobile apps for Enterprise. This field, which is blowing up at the moment, is ripe for exploration by smaller companies because the bigger consulting firms have little to no experience with mobile application development, especially on a platform like the iPhone.
Speculation is that Apple may be an investor.
Though Goldman can’t yet name any of Apperian’s clients, he says they include “some unbelievable billion-dollar customers.” And when it comes to selling projects, the startup’s roots at Apple don’t hurt. “We have a grea
08.03.2009 22:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Who is Sergey Brin?
A few years before Google's founders were "household" names and billionaires, they weren't recognizable by mainstream America. Here's a look back to 2001 on an episode of "To tell the truth" - with J. Peterman. Goolgle only had 170 Employees (who are all probably also millionaires by now) at that point but went from 7 million searches to 100 million that year . Anyway, see if you can guess which guy is Brin:
via Google OS
08.03.2009 22:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
08.03.2009 22:00 Uhr
Sony's Vaio P benchmarked in all its magnificent and diverse forms
Thanks to the work of the gang making time over at their Vaio P forum, the folks at Pocketables have been able to compile benchmarks of all the various configurations of the ultraportable. Including the three models available domestically (which all sport a 1.33GHz Intel Atom Z520) and the various 1.6GHz Z530 and 1.86GHz Z540-based machines available elsewhere, this ragtag group of benchmarksters have come to the conclusion that the main factor when it comes to the machine's performance is the disk drive type. "Yes," writes Jenn Lee, "the faster CPUs give the ALU/FLU numbers a noticeable bump up, but it's not as significant as the increase seen between a HDD and SSD." Hopefully this is some small comfort to those of you who are miffed tha
08.03.2009 21:36 Uhr, Engadget,
08.03.2009 21:00 Uhr
Amazon HD VOD still on the way for TiVo, at some point
Months after Amazon Video on Demand HD began "testing" on TiVo, we're being told that, um, testing is still ongoing. After Sir Dave Zatz openly questioned where this long awaited addition was, he received confirmation from multiple undisclosed sources that TiVo's implementation was still being honed. He also suspects that the real hang-up may be with Amazon, though we are told that image quality is nothing short of spectacular. Sadly, there are no clues as to when this will all go live, but we're totally kosher
08.03.2009 20:06 Uhr, Engadget,
08.03.2009 19:00 Uhr
Who is Sergey Brin?
A few years before Google's founders were "household" names and billionaires, they weren't recognizable by mainstream America. Here's a look back to 2001 on an episode of "To tell the truth" - with J. Peterman. Goolgle only had 170 Employees (who are all probably also millionaires by now) at that point but went from 7 million searches to 100 million that year . Anyway, see if you can guess which guy is Brin:
via Google OS
08.03.2009 18:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Music-focused event on tap for Nokia this week
Hot on the heels of MWC, it seems Nokia's got another secret that it wants to get off its chest this week. Why the company didn't bundle this announcement with the MWC stuff is unclear -- but with the E55, E75, and N86 all unveiled in Barcelona, maybe they're just looking to give the new gear some spotlight time of its own. Actually, calling this "gear" might be overstepping -- for all we know, Nokia could simply be announcing new Comes With Music markets or something along those lines -- but naturally, our hearts
08.03.2009 18:06 Uhr, Engadget,
08.03.2009 18:00 Uhr
Microsofts größter Flop: Bob - Windows für Anfänger
Im März 1995, kurz vor der Wachablösung von Windows 3.1 durch Windows 95, stellte Microsoft eine neue Benutzeroberfläche vor, die das Arbeiten mit Windows für Computer-Anfänger erleichtern sollte. Das Ergebnis was so bizarr, dass es nicht einmal ein Jahr später wieder vom Markt verschwand.
08.03.2009 17:35 Uhr, CHIP,
Review: Dell Inspiron Mini 10 netbook
Although it's barely six months old, Dell's netbook effort has been advancing to where it's already on its third new design in the form of the Inspiron Mini 10. These early experiences have given Dell an opportunity to improve not only on what it did before but also weaknesses inherent to netbooks at large. That the Mini 10 is an improvement is certain; but, as we'll soon learn, it's possible th
08.03.2009 17:35 Uhr, MacNN,
Briefly: Dell Inspiron Mini 10 review
Although it's barely six months old, Dell's netbook effort has been advancing to where it's already on its third new design in the form of the Inspiron Mini 10. These early experiences have given Dell an opportunity to improve not only on what it did before but also weaknesses inherent to netbooks at large. That the Mini 10 is an improvement is certain; but, as we'll soon learn in the full Mini 10
08.03.2009 17:35 Uhr, MacNN,
08.03.2009 17:00 Uhr
CeBIT: Das sind die Trends 2009
Die Wirtschaftskrise ist auch auf der Messe spürbar, Netbooks dominieren den Markt doch viele Produkte hat man schon einmal gesehen - die CeBIT-Trends aus dem Jahr 2009.
08.03.2009 16:20 Uhr, CHIP,
ASUS G71Gx boats of GeForce GTX 260M graphics, other extravagances
A followup to last year's G71, the G71Gx has ASUS at its extravagant best. The 17-inch laptop packs a WUXGA (1920 x 1200) resolution, backed up by a brand-new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M graphics card with 1GB of VRAM. There's also room for 12GB of RAM and dual 500GB hard drives inside, along with Blu-ray and Altec Lansing speakers to wrap it up with a bow. No word on price, but we're guessing ASUS isn't stuffing these things in cereal boxes.[Via iTech News Net]Filed under:
08.03.2009 16:06 Uhr, Engadget,
08.03.2009 16:00 Uhr
Große Änderungen für Core Text in Snow Leopard
Mac OS X macht es sehr einfach, eine simple Textverarbeitung mit Listen- und Tabellenunterstützung zu programmieren. Dank Ergänzungen in Snow Leopard können alle Programme, welche Core Text nutzen, mit neuen Funktionen ausgestattet werden, die zum Teil vom iPhone und zum Teil von Anwendungen wie TextExpander bekannt sind.
08.03.2009 15:06 Uhr, Maclife,
08.03.2009 15:00 Uhr
08.03.2009 14:00 Uhr
Tauss' Anwalt beklagt Vorverurteilung durch Staatsanwälte
Der Anwalt des SPD-Medienexperten Jörg Tauss beklagt im Umgang der Staatsanwaltschaft mit seinem Mandanten eine Vorverurteilung, wie er "sie noch nicht erlebt" habe. Gegen Tauss wird wegen des Verdachts des Besitzes von Kinderpornografie ermittelt. (Internetsperren)
08.03.2009 13:05 Uhr, golem,
08.03.2009 13:00 Uhr
"Polo Challenge 3D": Auch VW setzt auf das iPhone als Werbeplattform
Immer mehr Firmen entdecken den App Store als Marketinginstrument: Egal ob Social-Networking-Anbieter, Plattenfirma, Hollywoodstudios oder Automobilhersteller: Alle scheinen das iPhone als wertige Werbeplattform wahrzunehmen. Zum Ende dieser Woche veröffentlichte das Hamburger Unternehmen Fishlabs ein kostenloses Rennspiel im App Store. Der Name des Spiels ist Programm: "Volkswagen Polo Challenge 3D" bewirbt im Auftrag von Volkswagen den mehr oder weniger schnittigen Kleinwagen aus Wolfsburg, inklusive einer Funktion, die den Spieler auf seinen Wunsch hin zum nächsten VW-Händler lotst
08.03.2009 12:51 Uhr, Maclife,
CeBIT endet mit Besucherrückgang
„Diese CeBIT brummt“, so lautete das Fazit noch zur Halbzeit des verantwortlichen Vorstands der Deutschen Messe AG, Ernst Raue. Auch wenn weniger Besucher über das Messegelände wanderten (am Ende sind es 20 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr) wurden viele Geschäfte gemacht und Kontakte geknüpft.
08.03.2009 12:50 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Intel's upcoming mobile chips to squeeze 3GHz out of Penryn, bring high-performance ULV to the masses
Yeah, we've had just about all the Atom we can handle, and it looks like Intel's just about ready to help us back away from the difficult choice of sexy form factors for low prices and sexy form for exorbitant prices. Intel is working on Montevina Plus, which will push Penryn laptop chip technology past the 3GHz mark, while subsequently sending ULV chips into the mainstream, showing up in laptops ranging from $599 to $1,000, instead of the $1,500+ premiums they currently usually command -- great news for ultraportable lovers that actually want to get a few thin
08.03.2009 12:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Acer plant angeblich eigenen App Store für Handys
Nachdem bereits Google dem Vorbild von Apple gefolgt ist und für seine Android-Plattform einen App Store gestartet hat und auch Microsoft einen App Store für die Windows Mobile-Plattform plant, will nun auch (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltiPhone: "App Store" soll Konkurrenz bekommenAnalysten: Android wird iPhone bis 2012 überholen
08.03.2009 12:21 Uhr,,
08.03.2009 12:00 Uhr
Intel und die (Ausnahme-)Stellung von Apple
Im persönlichen Gespräch mit Intel auf der CeBIT haben wir uns aufgrund aktueller Ereignisse unter anderem mit dem Thema Apple befasst. Dabei ging es uns in erster Linie um die „Bevorzugung“ von Apple durch Intel bei der Vorstellung neuer Produkte und Sonderanfertigungen.
08.03.2009 11:50 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Verlosung: 3 Exemplare des "iPhone Missing Manual"
Das iPhone Missing Manual erläutert sämtliche Funktionen der beiden bisherigen iPhone-Generationen mit Witz und Kompetenz. Über die Grundlagen und das Einrichten des Telefons hinaus beschäftigen sich ganze Kapitel beispielsweise mit iTunes oder den Feinheiten der Synchronisierung. Zudem gibt es jede Menge Tipps und Tricks für die alltägliche Nutzung.
Wer eines der drei Bücher gewinnen will, muss folgende kleine Rechenaufgabe bewältigen und das Ergebnis per E-Mail an schicken:
Die für das iPhone Missing Manual bei Amazon und dem O'Reilly-Verlag angegebenen Seitenzahlen unterscheiden sich. Wie viele Seiten hat Amazon zu wenig angegeben? (Korrekt ist natürlich die vom Verlag angegebene Seitenzahl.)
Einsendeschluss ist der 9. März um 2
08.03.2009 11:35 Uhr,,
QuickTime X mit entschlacktem Interface
Die unter dem Raubkatzennamen "Snow Leopard" in Entwicklung befindliche siebte große Version des Betriebssystems Mac OS X macht weiter große Fortschritte. Das Weblog veröffentlichte nun einen Screenshot aus der für Entwickler verfügbaren Vorabversion, in der das neue QuickTime-Interface zu sehen ist. Die überarbeitete UI erinnert nicht zuletzt durch den verwendeten Transparenz-Effekt an die Darstellung der Bedienelemente in den Vollbild-Modi der derzeit aktuellen Versionen der Apple-eigenen Anwendungen QuickTime und DVD Player
08.03.2009 11:21 Uhr, Maclife,
Analysten: Android wird iPhone bis 2012 überholen
Erst am vergangenen Freitag haben wir berichtet, dass Smartphones in den kommenden Jahren ihren Marktanteil deutlich ausbauen werden. Was die Geräte angeht, sehen Analysten einen Konkurrenzkampf zwischen (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltiPhone: "App Store" soll Konkurrenz bekommen
08.03.2009 11:05 Uhr,,
08.03.2009 11:00 Uhr
Schweizer Gericht erklärt Marke GMail für nichtig
Im Streit um den Markennamen GMail hat das Handelsgericht im schweizerischen Zürich zugunsten des US-Internetdienstleisters Google entschieden und die Marke GMail des deutschen Unternehmers Daniel Giersch für (Weiter lesen)Verwandter Inhalt'Die 15 illegalsten Hacker-Tools': Rüge gegen PCWelt
08.03.2009 10:36 Uhr,,
VW Polo Challenge für iPod touch & iPhone
Zur Premiere des neuen VW Polo gibt es das Autorennspiel Polo Challenge für den iPod touch und das iPhone jetzt kostenlos im App Store. Man kann sich auf acht verschiedenen Rennstrecken austoben, die Steuerung erfolgt wahlweise durch Tasten oder den Bewegungssensor.
08.03.2009 10:05 Uhr,,
08.03.2009 10:00 Uhr
Verizon's Touch Diamond in the wild
"Better late than never," so they say. Perhaps -- but with Sprint's version of this in the rear view mirror for half a year now, just how relevant is a Touch Diamond on Verizon these days? Odds are we'll find out next month -- or, at least, that's where the latest rumors have it lined up for launch -- but in the meantime, we've got one floating around in the wilds looking pretty much like any other Touch Diamond you've seen in the past. Like
08.03.2009 09:06 Uhr, Engadget,
08.03.2009 9:00 Uhr
08.03.2009 8:00 Uhr
Ulysse Nardin's Chairman is the steampunk Prius of phones
It's not the first Swiss watchmaker to decide to get into the phone game, but Ulysse Nardin's upcoming Chairman could very well take both the "most like a watch" and "most insanely badass" crowns when it's officially unveiled at Baselworld later this month. Billed as a "hybrid smart phone," the handset -- which, we assure you, you can't afford -- will incorporate a visible, fully-functional kinetic rotor that will apparently assist in providing power, just like you might find in a mechanical wristwatch. Beyond that, we know that it'll be unlocked, will be limited to just 1,846 pieces, and that Vertu should be feeling the heat
08.03.2009 07:21 Uhr, Engadget,
08.03.2009 6:00 Uhr
Apple Seeds Another New OS X 10.5.7 Build
Just a little more than a week after seeding OS X 10.5.7 Build 9J22 to developers, Apple has distributed a new version, Build 9J27, for testing. World of Apple reports on the release and republishes the seed notes, which reveal ten changes since the
08.03.2009 05:20 Uhr, Macrumors,
08.03.2009 5:00 Uhr
$100 Nova Navigator cloud-powered nettop in the wild
PCs have fallen wildly in price over the past couple of years, but while the prospect of a "real computer" (well, almost) for a mere $100 isn't completely outlandish these days, it's still rare. The Nova Navigator, built for the India market, is actually down from its originally-projected $199 pricepoint, and commands a monthly subscription fee in the vicinity of $15 and up -- the more you pay the more online storage you get, with 50GB as a baseline. On its sparse 256MB of built-in storage, however, you get a full build of Linux with Firefox and OpenOffice, and the ability to access Windows with a Remote Desktop client. The unit doesn't come with a keyboard monitor or mouse, so once you
08.03.2009 04:51 Uhr, Engadget,
9to5Mac Toys weekend roundup
From the Toys section, we've got a few little products at never before seen prices:
A 1GB MP3 player that doubles as some emergancy storage, a FM radio and a SD card reader for $12. It gets 4 out of 5 stars from 23 people so it can't be THAT big a PoS.
We've found a Car/Home AC/DC iPod/iPhone charging unit/USB Adapter for
08.03.2009 04:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
08.03.2009 4:00 Uhr
08.03.2009 3:00 Uhr
08.03.2009 2:00 Uhr
Piaggio MP3 Hybrid trike hits the streets in early 2010 for around $9k
It's certainly an odd beast, but Piaggio's "MP3 Hybrid" scooter / trike / whatsit has itself a ship window and a vague pricetag. Piaggio hopes to start selling the vehicle in the US by Q1 2010, with a price ranging around $8,000 or $9,000. The plug-in hybrid can run off of a standard charge for 40 miles, and has a gas-powered generator (like the Volt) for extra power, with a promised 141 mpg overall. It's packed in with some regenerative breaking, a high-performance battery-boosted mode to make one pretty hot scooter -- if you can get over those looks and the extra wheel.Filed under:
08.03.2009 01:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Changed permissions and computer will not boot
It is highly recommended that users do not change the permissions attributes for files and folders, especially for system resources; however, there may be times when users inadvertently do this. If permissions are changed and propagated to system files, the computer may act slowly, give errors when trying to open programs, not start up at all, or show other odd behavior.
08.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacFixIt,
Battery Update 1.4 for MacBooks
Apple has released a firmware update for 13" MacBook computers. The update addresses battery problems. According to the description from Apple, the update improves the computer's ability to maintain a charge when the system is shut down. This update applies to all MacBook models (Black and White as well as Aluminum), and is not for any Pro or Air models.
08.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacFixIt,
Issue: iPhoto crashing when showing slide shows
Description: Some iPhoto users are having troubles with the program crashing when attempting to view slide shows as described in this Apple knowledge base article (
Gregory Davis--
"iPhoto 09 works fine until I click the slide show button. As soon as I do this, crash and burn baby. It brings up the first picture from the event I've chosen and shows the title but then crashes before anything else happens. I've tried running OnyX and repairing all disk permissions, as well as running all the cleanup scripts. Nothing seems to fix the crashing."
This problem seems to be related to display resolution problems and specific monitor setups. In the past, people have had troubles with the built-in photos screensaver when running dual monitors after updating the iLife media browser. This problem could be related since many of those affected have dual-monitor setups. Video driver conflicts with the iLife media browser could be the culp
08.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacFixIt,
Issue: iPhoto: Invalid media found in movie when exporting to slide show
When exporting slide shows from iPhoto to other applications using the Share menu, some people are getting an error that claims the exported movie contains invalid data.
"I have been trying all day to send a photo album to ITunes to put on my IPod. Every time I try, I eventually get the message that Invalid Media Data was found in the movie. What does this mean and how do I fix this?"
This error happens when people try to share files with iDVD for burning, as well as when exporting to iTunes, and appears to be a problem with how iPhoto handles large files. This could be either from the resulting movie being large due to high-quality exports used, or from the quantity of included pictures being large. When users have split up their slide shows, they have been able to bypass this error.
Unfortunately, this appears to be either a bug in how the iLife applications handle slide shows, or perhaps a bug in QuickTime, which is used to encode the slide show. Regardless, there are a coup
08.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacFixIt,
Persistent problem of iTunes not being able to burn CDs
Some users have had issues when burning CDs in iTunes 8, where either the program will not give a burn option, or will only partially burn a CD and result in an unusable disc.
Walter Pfister-
"I haven't burned a cd in a while and just tried to. It scans my playlist, starts to initialize, and then goes to burn but almost immediately switches to "finishing burn." This all happens in less than a minute. It then ejects the cd and gives me an error about unable to burn, and unable to retrieve or retry (something to that extent)."
For some users, prior versions of iTunes would work fine, but after updating to version 8.0.x the burning stopped. This has remained unsolved for many of these users since the release of iTunes 8 last year. In addition, other users who have successfully burned with iTunes 8 in the past have had this problem crop up. Despite the
08.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacFixIt,
Searching not working in iCal
iCal's search function is quite useful for organizing and finding calendar events, and many people depend on this function to properly manage their events. While it seems to run great for the most part, there may be instances where the search function stops working.
cassie229 - from
"Suddenly, the search function on iCal is not working. The window drops down where the results are to appear, but it is blank. What can I do about it? It's never happened before so I have no idea what the problem is."
The search in iCal is run by the "Spotlight" indexing technology, and while there could be several reasons for a loss of search function, it is most likely that the underlying spotlight system isnt working properly. Therefore, the first place to troubleshoot this problem is with the spotlight system settings.
1. Ensure spotlight i
08.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacFixIt,
Laptop battery optimization and maintenance
Description: Apple laptops ship with well-engineered battery systems that are advertised as providing some of the longest runtimes when compared with portable computers with similar specifications. Despite this, while some people are able to get times similar to those advertised by Apple, others are frustrated with their experiences of these runtimes being truncated by at least an hour from the advertised times, even on brand-new machines. This is mainly due to a difference in Apple's testing conditions versus the way an average user will run the laptop. It's best to consider the advertised battery times as being at the very high end of what's achievable, since in Apple's tests the environmental and computing conditions are optimal, and the batteries are fresh.
08.03.2009 01:05 Uhr, MacFixIt,
08.03.2009 1:00 Uhr