Alle JustMac-News vom 03.05.2008
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03.05.2008 24:00 Uhr
AT&T already turns off free WiFi for iPhone users?
Filed under: WirelessEasy come, easy go: looks like that free WiFi for iPhone users could already turned off, as users are now reporting login screens instead of the free web access they so quickly came to expect. The only question now is whether the whole free iPhone WiFi was flipped on early and quickly turned off to be officially announced at a later time, or AT&T changed its mind about the whole thing. Guess we'll soon see.[Via Gear Diary]
03.05.2008 23:51 Uhr, Engadget,
Cubans line up to buy first legal PCs
Filed under: Desktops
Although Cubans have been able to get underground PCs for a while now, the Cuban government only recently lifted the official ban on them, and the first publicly-available machines just went on sale Friday. The state-approved QTECH PCs are only available at one store, where crowds formed to gawk at some pretty clunky tech -- the $780 towers feature Celeron processors, 512MB of RAM, Windows XP, and come with a CRT display. Not only that, but most Cubans won't even be allowed to have Internet access as only "trusted officials" and state journalists are allowed home net access. That's a pretty weak state of affairs, but it's not necessarily as dire as it seems: now
03.05.2008 23:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Betthupferl: Ab 18!
Heute macht unser Betthupferl seinem Namen alle Ehre, denn es geht im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes um Bettgeschichten - wenn auch nicht ganz jugendfrei.
03.05.2008 23:20 Uhr, MACNOTES.DE,
T-Mobile parent mulling Sprint takeover?
T-Mobile's parent company Deutsche Telekom is seriously considering merging with or taking over Sprint, claims the German national magazine Der Spiegel. A continued weakening of US currency values, combined with worsening results at Sprint, is reportedly leading the European company to investigate transactions that would help T-Mobile USA gain gro
03.05.2008 23:20 Uhr, MacNN,
03.05.2008 23:00 Uhr
03.05.2008 22:00 Uhr
ASUS Eee PC 900 display retrofitted into 701
Filed under: Displays, Laptops
We've already seen one engineering bloke stuff a touch panel into a Cloudbook, so we figured it was only a matter of time before that luscious 8.9-inch unit from the Eee PC 900 found its way into the pioneering 701. According to jkkmobile, all that was necessary in order to make the mod happen wa
03.05.2008 21:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Anwalt Tilp sieht neuen Mangel im Telekom-Prospekt
Im Telekom-Prozess vor dem Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt (OLG) hat Anwalt Andreas Tilp neue Vorwürfe erhoben. Wie das Nachrichtenmagazin Focus berichtet, hat der Vertreter des Musterklägers, der nach Kursverlusten 1,2 Millionen Euro Schadenersatz verlangt, "weitere eklatante Mängel" im Börsenprospekt vom 19. Juni 2000 ausgemacht. (Börse, Rechtsstreitigkeiten)
03.05.2008 21:35 Uhr, golem,
TomTom will Zuliefer-Geschäft für Automobilbranche ausbauen
Der niederländische Navigationsgeräte-Anbieter TomTom will das Geschäft mit der Automobilindustrie massiv ausbauen. "Wir entwickeln da eigene Lösungen", sagte TomTom-Chef Harold Goddjin der Wirtschaftszeitung Euro am Sonntag. Derzeit liefert TomTom bereits eine portable Navigationsausrüstung für den Toyota Yaris. (Navigationssystem, GPS)
03.05.2008 21:20 Uhr, golem,
03.05.2008 21:00 Uhr
Produktion von UMTS-iPhones könnte bald starten
Apple könnte noch im laufenden Quartal mit der Produktion eines UMTS-iPhones beginnen. Das berichtet das Magazin Wirtschaftswoche unter Berufung auf Informationen aus dem Umfeld des Chipherstellers Infineon. Die Zahlen für das zweite Geschäftsquartal, die Infineon Ende April 2008 vorgelegt hatte, würden bereits belegen, dass der Start des neuen iPhones unmittelbar bevorstehe. (iPhone, UMTS)
03.05.2008 20:35 Uhr, golem,
Telekom prüft Übernahme von US-Mobilfunkbetreiber Sprint
Die Deutsche Telekom erwägt eine Übernahme oder Beteiligung an Sprint Nextel, dem drittgrößten Mobilfunkanbieter in den USA. Wie das Hamburger Nachrichten-Magazin Der Spiegel berichtet, analysieren Telekom-Manager und ihre US-Kollegen derzeit diverse Optionen eines Kaufs oder eines Zusammenschlusses.
03.05.2008 20:35 Uhr, golem,
AT&T Disables Free iPhone Wi-Fi (For Now)
On Wednesday, we reported that AT&T had begun offering free Wi-Fi access to iPhone users any many of their national Wi-Fi hotspots, including Starbucks and Barnes & Noble locations.
No official announcement had been made, however, a
03.05.2008 20:05 Uhr, Macrumors,
03.05.2008 20:00 Uhr
03.05.2008 19:00 Uhr
Deutsche Telekom looking to pick up Sprint?
Filed under: Cellphones
Over the years our pals at Deutsche Telekom haven't exactly played the most aggressive game in the States, but finally we have word about the first possible suitor for the ailing Sprint. Although the rumor originates from German paper Der Spiegel and doesn't cite sources, word has it Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile USA are making the possibility of snagging Sprint (and all its
03.05.2008 18:51 Uhr, Engadget,
Are BlackBerry services down (again)?
Filed under: CellphonesIt's hard for us to be sure about this stuff for sure in the early stages, but since last night we've gotten a flood of reports from readers that BlackBerry services are down on T-Mobile and possibly also Bell Mobility (if not other providers). What's the story, are you having any trouble? Shout it out in comments -- if you are, do us all a solid and leave your location and provider. Even if it's just an isolated outage, you know you desperately need to
03.05.2008 18:21 Uhr, Engadget,
Lenovo IdeaPad U110 unboxing and hands-on
Filed under: Laptops
Though our pals over at Switched managed to snag some hands-on video with a red pre-production unit, we figured we'd grab hold of the classic black edition of the IdeaPad U110 and give you a closer look. Made available for order just this week, Lenovo's latest ultraportable is high on style (and way high on gloss) and possesses the price tag to prove it. Meander on into the gallery below for a veritable plethora of unboxing and hands-on shots -- and rest assured, impressions are on the way.
03.05.2008 18:21 Uhr, Engadget,
03.05.2008 18:00 Uhr
German companies developing scented text messages
Filed under: CellphonesVirtually every smell-based tech that's come through the pipe has fizzled out in one way or another, but that checkered past isn't stopping Germany's ConVisual from partnering with the Institute of Sensory Analysis and Marketing on scent-delivery chips for cell phones. The partnership has been running for eight years and just received a patent on the tech, and the goal now is to start building the chips into phone within the next two years. The chip is initially supposed to have 100 different smells on it, and ConVisual says bad smells are a possibility as users will be able to reject certain messages. That's certainly intersting, but we've got to say, we're not a
03.05.2008 17:06 Uhr, Engadget,
03.05.2008 17:00 Uhr
Jailbreak-Tool ZiPhone auch für iPhone OS 2.0
Man könnte davon ausgehen, dass mit dem Erscheinen der iPhone-Firmware 2.0 eine zusätzliche Software zum Freischalten für Programme von Drittherstellern unnötig wird, weil Apple die Installation mit dem SDK sowieso erlaubt. Vielleicht gibt es dann aber auch Applikationen, die trotz Entwicklerumgebung nicht laufen.
03.05.2008 16:06 Uhr, Maclife,
03.05.2008 16:00 Uhr
Robotic squirrel used to study real-life squirrel behavior, steal nuts
Filed under: Robots
Most of the squirrels our college campus were massive, hyper-intelligent little beasts that were best dealt with by vigilant avoidance, but it looks like Hampshire College professor Sarah Partan is taking the opposite approach, using a robotic squirrel named "Rocky" to interact with the local rodents up close. Rocky is controlled wirelessly from a laptop, and can realistically move his tail and body to communicate with other squirrels, as well as play pre-recorded squirrel noises from built-in speakers. The goal is to study how animals communicate, and it looks like Rocky's doing a good job -- the
03.05.2008 15:21 Uhr, Engadget,
03.05.2008 15:00 Uhr
03.05.2008 14:00 Uhr
Sehr gute Noten für Apples technischen Support
Apple ist beim Auftreten von Problemen oft bemüht, diese schnell zu beheben. Dabei gibt es sicherlich auch einige Ausnahmen. In den meisten Fällen werden jedoch recht zügig Software-Updates nachgeschoben oder Geräte ausgetauscht. Der Kundenservice von Apple genießt nicht zuletzt deshalb ausgezeichnete Noten, wenn man ihn mit den von anderen Herstellern vergleicht, berichtet InformationWeek in Hinblick auf eine Studie der Juni-Ausgabe des Customer Report.
03.05.2008 13:21 Uhr, Maclife,
03.05.2008 13:00 Uhr
MacBook Air: Einige Geräte überhitzen immer noch
Mit dem Anfang April veröffentlichten EFI-Update für das MacBook Air wollte Apple eigentlich einige anfängliche Probleme beseitigen. Die Realität sieht bei einigen Nutzern des dünnen Notebooks allerdings anders aus. Viele haben immer noch Probleme mit überhitzten Geräten.
03.05.2008 12:51 Uhr, Maclife,
Doch "nur" 6 Millionen Songs im iTunes Store?
Vor ein paar Tagen feierte der iTunes Store sein 5-jähriges Jubiläum. Wer dabei genau auf das Kleingedruckte in der iTunes-Rubrik zum Geburtstag schaut und dies mit den heutigen Worten vergleicht, wundert sich. Denn über die Anzahl der im iTunes Store befindlichen Musiktitel herrscht Uneinigkeit.
03.05.2008 12:36 Uhr, Maclife,
Filme zum DVD-Start: Ein Verlustgeschäft für Apple?
In den USA lassen sich über den iTunes Store nun Filme auch direkt zum DVD-Start kaufen. Vor allem für diejenigen, die ihre Filme lieber stationär archivieren und die direkte Abspielbarkeit schätzen, ist das interessant. 14,99 US-Dollar kosten die neuen Filme, mit denen Apple aber pro Titel rund einen 1 US-Dollar Verlust machen soll.
03.05.2008 12:06 Uhr, Maclife,
Veräppelt: Apple-Parodie in GTA IV gesichtet
Seit dem vergangenen Dienstag gibt es unter den Fans von Videospielen nur noch ein Thema: Grand Theft Auto IV. Das am 29.4. erschienene Actionspiel versteht es, die Menschen zu polarisieren. Häufig geht es in den Diskussionen um die Art der Darstellung von Gewalt und um Fragen der Moral. So etwa fordert die Organisation Mothers Against Drunk Driving, dass das Spiel nur noch an Erwachsene verkauft werden dürfe. Betrunken Auto zu fahren sei schließlich kein Kavaliersdelikt, auch wenn man sich nur "virtuell" sternhagelvoll hinters Steuer setzt.
03.05.2008 12:06 Uhr, Maclife,
DViCO launches PCIe-based FusionHDTV7 dual HDTV tuner card
Filed under: HDTV, Home Entertainment
Heads-up, OTA lovers. DViCO has just announced the formal launch of its FusionHDTV7 PCI-Express card, which claims to be the "world's first dual HD (digital or QAM) tuner PCIe card." The device is designed to pick up digital (ATSC) / analog (NTSC) terrestrial signals, and the twin silicon tuners also provide picture-in-picture support as well as the ability to watch and / or record two high-definition broadcasts simultaneously. And at just $140 (available now), we have a feeling this one's going to be a fan favorite.[Via
03.05.2008 12:06 Uhr, Engadget,
03.05.2008 12:00 Uhr
Intels DirectX-10-Treiber jetzt offiziell
Bereits Mitte April haben wir über den ersten Treiber von Intel berichtet, der die integrierte Grafik für den DirectX-10-Modus freischaltet. Kam jener Treiber damals noch von Asus, gibt es die finale Version jetzt auch direkt von Intel – sogar in einer verbesserten Version.
03.05.2008 11:35 Uhr, ComputerBase,
03.05.2008 11:00 Uhr
Mac Rewind - Ausgabe 117 erschienen
Ab sofort steht die inzwischen 117. Ausgabe unseres wöchentlich erscheinenden Magazines "Mac Rewind" zur Verfügung. Die aktuelle Ausgabe behandelt folgende Themen:
High End goes Networking
Ausführlicher Messebericht von der High End 2008 in München mit vielen Fotos
Plastic.Surf pr
03.05.2008 10:05 Uhr, MacTechNews,
03.05.2008 10:00 Uhr
Danger's Sidekick LX getting video support
Take your focus off of that forthcoming Tony Hawk hiptop a minute and key in on that image above -- looks like Danger's Sidekick LX may be getting video after all. After questioning whether this very device could indeed support video late last year, it looks like the answer could be just around the corner. Unfortunately, the shot above along with one other in the read link is about it for details; we're still waiting to hear whether YouTube / H.264 will be supported, and beyond that, when the update will be made available. Still worried sick over Mr. Hawk? Yeah, we reckoned not.
03.05.2008 09:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Mac Life 06.2008 schon heute lesen
Die Mac Life 06.2008 ist seit dem 7. Mai im Handel erhältlich. Sie haben hier die Möglichkeit, alle Artikel sofort online in unserem PDF-Shop zu erwerben. Natürlich können Sie auch das komplette Heft zu einem Preis von 3,99 Euro kaufen. Einfach die entsprechenden Links anklicken und die gewünschten Artikel laden.
03.05.2008 09:06 Uhr, Maclife,
03.05.2008 9:00 Uhr
Das Die wichtigsten Themen der Woche
Wie oft haben wir uns schon gewünscht, dass Ostern und Weihnachten auf einen Tag fallen? Und dann das: Der Mai beginnt mit einem Feiertags-Double-Feature. Zum Abschluss dieser etwas verkürzten Arbeitswoche laden wir Sie wieder ein, die Nachrichten der vergangenen Tage Revue passieren zu lassen. Mit acht Fragen testen wir Ihr aktuelles Mac-Wissen
03.05.2008 08:20 Uhr, MacNews,
03.05.2008 8:00 Uhr
Sony dumping off old SIXAXIS controllers in MGS4 "Welcome Box" PS3 bundles
Filed under: Gaming
Now that the Dual Shock 3 is finally here, it looks like Sony's finding creative way to dump off old SIXAXIS stock -- like tossing 'em in MGS4 PS3 bundles. Japanese PS3 buyers will be able to choose from three "Welcome Box" MGS4 bundles in Satin Silver, Ceramic White, and Clear Black, and in addition to Snake's latest adventure and a Dual Shock 3, they'll find a SIXAXIS inside. The bundles will cost ¥49,800 ($470), compared to
03.05.2008 07:21 Uhr, Engadget,
03.05.2008 6:00 Uhr
Digital Foci ships Image Moments 8 digiframe: for mom (or mom's mom)
Filed under: Digital Cameras, Displays
Call it a hunch, but we wouldn't be surprised one iota if you received some form of digital photo frame for Mother's Day. If you're a mother, that is. Digital Foci is sure doing its best to sway your kid's purchasing decision by shipping its Image Moments 8 just in time. If you'll recall, this one packs a respectable 450MB of internal memory, an 8-inc
03.05.2008 05:06 Uhr, Engadget,
03.05.2008 5:00 Uhr
Image Moments 8 digital photo frame ships
Digital Foci is now shipping the new "Image Moments 8" 8-inch screen digital photo frame. The device features LED Backlight Technology, 450MB of internal memory, and built-in memory card slots to let you display and share photos on its high-resolution digital LCD screen. It also features an Auto-Start feature, that will automatically start a photo
03.05.2008 04:20 Uhr, MacNN,
Briefly: Boynq Sound2Go review
In brief: We have a review of Boynq Sound2Go, FileExaminer is on sale, Belkin is offering pink-ribbon cases to combat breast cancer, and Peachpit is now on Adobe TV We have posted a review of the Boynq Sound2Go, a compact portable speaker system for your iPod or any MP3 player that measures 8.5 x 6.5 x 4.75 inches in height. Its one-pound weigh
03.05.2008 04:05 Uhr, MacNN,
03.05.2008 4:00 Uhr
Movie Gadget Friday: The Road Warrior
Filed under: Misc. GadgetsAriel Waldman contributes Movie Gadget Friday, where she highlights the lovable and lame gadgets from the world of cinema.Previously on Movie Gadget Friday, we went thirteen years into the future of failed technology with Johnny Mnemonic. Gearing down from cyberpunk grunge to the post-apocalyptic Australian outback, this week we dust off the many dune gadgets and gas-guzzlers in The Road Warrior to take a closer look at the details. Known as the sequel to Mad Max, this leather-lust film takes the fight for survival by way of modded-out motors seriously (down to the skull hood ornaments). While electronics are scarce in this 1981 film, the ever-present tinkering and modification of hardware
03.05.2008 03:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Apps: Sound Studio, iMedia Browser
Sound Studio 3.5.6 ($80) sound recording and editing tool. This new version provides enhanced marker support, localization updates and bug fixes, and is a free upgrade for existing owners of Sound Studio 3. The new release also includes Unicode marker name support in AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, and Sound Designer 2 formats and updated Japanese localization
03.05.2008 03:35 Uhr, MacNN,
T-Mobile 3G goes live, with data (kind of)
Filed under: Cellphones, WirelessT-Mobile's 3G network started going live today, and it looks like that early word from a company memo may not hold true for all users. Some markets may in fact have a silent soft-launch of faster data rates, we've heard from several tipsters who've said that they're already getting faster data service, and now the company itself getting the word out that it's launching data as well. But company peeps were indeed instructed to make sure customers don't count on that faster data being present; bottom line is you may have
03.05.2008 03:07 Uhr, Engadget,
03.05.2008 3:00 Uhr
Segway i2 now available in Metallic Sage, still not inviting
Filed under: Transportation
We appreciate the effort, we really do, but we can't see a new hue as being the adjustment that coaxes the world to stop laughing at the Segway i2. Nevertheless, those who have convinced themselves that they just have to have a two-wheeled transporter can now snatch one up in Metallic Sage. Of course, it's not like anyone outside of the i2 owners circle will even notice the difference, but hey, we've heard that some seriously great relationships have co
03.05.2008 02:06 Uhr, Engadget,
03.05.2008 2:00 Uhr
Starbucks rolling out free Wi-Fi for iPhones, slowly
Some iPhone users have reported that the newly launched AT&T hotspots are offering free Wi-Fi access to all iPhone users, as long as you have a valid iPhone phone number with the provider. Unfortunately, the situation is not quite as straightforward as one might hope.
03.05.2008 01:20 Uhr, Macworld,
03.05.2008 1:00 Uhr
How would you change HP's 2133 Mini-Note PC?
Filed under: Laptops
Sure, ASUS' Eee PC may have done quite a bit to spark the subnote revolution, but HP's 2133 Mini-Note PC has received an incredible amount of fanfare on its own. As soon as HP's order page went live, however, we began to hear grumblings like "Where's my option for XP?," and "I'm stuck with a VIA?" Nevertheless, reviewers found an awful lot to love about HP's first foray into the land o
03.05.2008 00:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Lenovo mocks MacBook Air ad with X300
Lenovo is taking a jab at Apple's MacBook Air with a commercial for the company's new ThinkPad X300 ultraportable. The ad, posted on YouTube, shows the MacBook Air sliding out of its infamous document envelope, while the anonymous hands fumble with connecting a USB hub, several accessories ñ including the USB Superdrive ñ before cramming the comput
03.05.2008 00:20 Uhr, MacNN,
AVG Anti-Virus Free 8.0
The free (for noncommercial home use) AVG Anti-Virus Free 8.0 keeps your system safe from spyware and from Web sites that host malicious exploits.
03.05.2008 00:05 Uhr, PCMagazine,
Apple Leopard Server
Apple's new Leopard Server operating system will not only make Tiger Server users happy, it will finally give the Apple market a viable alternative to Windows Small Business Server.
03.05.2008 00:05 Uhr, PCMagazine,
ATP Photo Finder
The ATP Photo Finder automatically geotags your photos, but the device's poor screen makes it somewhat difficult to use.
03.05.2008 00:05 Uhr, PCMagazine,
HP ProCurve 1700-24
With the HP ProCurve 1700-24, small and medium-size businesses seeking a low-end network switch can get the basic features they needthough not much elseat a terrific price.
03.05.2008 00:05 Uhr, PCMagazine,
03.05.2008 15:00 Uhr
03.05.2008 19:00 Uhr