Alle JustMac-News vom 14.11.2010
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14.11.2010 24:00 Uhr
Verizon happy to offer Windows 7 devices 'as soon as Microsoft has 'em ready'
It's not easy to tell whether Verizon is talking about Windows Phone 7 handsets or Windows 7 tablets given the ambiguous wording of this tweet. Still, the underlying message is clear: Ball's in your court, Microsoft. There are no CDMA-ready smartphones or tablets running Microsoft's latest operating systems (save the late-blooming HTC 7 Pro for Sprint) and Verizon doesn't intend to take any of the blame for that.
[Thanks, Daniel R.]
14.11.2010 23:50 Uhr, Engadget,
Luxury Apps helps you spend too much on iOS apps
Back in the early days of the App Store, a developer released a $999 app called "I am rich" that did nothing more than display an image of a jewel. That app would have been more aptly titled "I have more money than brains," but I digress. If you believe in the philosophy that only the best, or more accurately, the most expensive will do it for you, developer Paul Masson has come your rescue. Masson has created Luxury Apps and Luxury Apps HD f
14.11.2010 23:37 Uhr, The Unofficial Apple Weblog,
Ping jetzt auch für das iPad
Seit diesem Wochenende ist es auch auf dem iPad möglich, Apples Soziales Musiknetzwerk Ping zu nutzen. Ohne dass es dazu eines Software-Updates für iPad-Nutzer bedurfte, befinden sich die Ping-Buttons jetzt in der iTunes-App. Für Mac und iPhone gibt es Ping bereits seit einigen Wochen, Besitzer eines iPads mussten hingegen länger warten. An der Funktionalität des Dienstes hat sich nichts geändert; auch auf dem iPad kann nun interessante
14.11.2010 23:05 Uhr, MacTechNews,
14.11.2010 23:00 Uhr
PC World stops selling the Toshiba Folio 100, we go hands-on to find out why (video)
£999.99 ($1,612) for a Toshiba Folio 100?! Either its Tegra 2 chip's made out of gold (which would explain its rarity) or someone got super bored at that PC World store in the British Midlands. Soon after receiving this photo, we put on our detective hat and headed over to our local store in London, only to find that it had already stopped selling the offending Android tablet merely ten days after its European launch. We quizzed the staff about the aforementioned £999.99 pricing and then all was clear: apparently this is a standard practice to stop
14.11.2010 22:50 Uhr, Engadget,
Nokia E7 hits FCC with as much 3G support as you can handle
In our inevitable Utopian future (assuming we make it past this 2012 noise), we'll all use one frequency for our high-speed wireless broadband across the globe. Actually, we'll probably just beam information directly between our brains and brain-like supercomputers at speeds so fast they can't be measured, and we won't need smartphones at all because they'll be installed in our bodies at birth, complete with eyeballs capable of 1080p video capture. Until then, though, we've got companies like Nokia showing some hustle to put pentaband 3G radios on the market, and the trend continues with the upcoming
14.11.2010 22:05 Uhr, Engadget,
14.11.2010 22:00 Uhr
Wirecast 4 delivers live video switching, webcast streaming
The cost of doing live TV-style production has plummeted in the past decade. Not so long ago, doing a live multi-camera shoot would require a studio and switching equipment that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. Then along came the NewTek Tricaster, which delivered much of the functionality of a studio in a small form factor PC box for less than US$10,000. [The Stream Breeze drops that cost down to about $4,000 now. -Ed.]
Even 10 grand is a lot to spend if you're just getting started in the video broadcast arena. Thankfully, the folks at Telestream offer a more affordable option with the software-only Wirecast platform. The company has
14.11.2010 21:35 Uhr, The Unofficial Apple Weblog,
Supercomputer aus China führt die Top500 an
Die Liste der 500 schnellsten Supercomputer wird nun von einem in China beheimateten System angeführt. Der „Tianghe-1A“ des National Supercomputing Centers hat sich mit 2,56 PetaFLOPS Rechenleistung merklich vor den bisherigen Listenprimus „Jaguar“ mit dessen 1,72 PetaFLOPS gesetzt.
14.11.2010 21:05 Uhr, ComputerBase,
14.11.2010 21:00 Uhr
'The Gadget Blog' trailer
You know, our readers are really awesome. Super awesome. Not only are you guys really smart and funny, but you're wildly creative -- and there's no more compelling evidence for that argument than the video in this post. Based on nothing more than an Engadget Podcast rant, commenter (and podcast listener) Michael Jacob created an amazing parody trailer for the non-existent film The Gadget Blog. If you're not familiar with the source material, go back and take a listen to our most recent 'cast, but for the rest of you, enjoy the hilarity below.
14.11.2010 20:50 Uhr, Engadget,
Review: Logitech Speaker Lapdesk N550
The Logitech Speaker Lapdesk N550 is one of those rare accessories that actually solves several issues with a single device; it provides both desktop speaker sound for your notebook as well as a solution for preventing your legs from getting burnt. Our N550 review will see how well it achieves both goals and catch any design issues along the way.
14.11.2010 20:35 Uhr, MacNN,
Reviews: Logitech Speaker Lapdesk N550
Design and features
The N550 has a very durable feeling plastic construction and has rubberized contact points for the notebook to sit on. The bottom of the N550 is covered in an air-mesh fabric and some soft padding; the air-mesh fabric is very similar to the fabric used for athletic shorts and is meant to avoid trapping heat. There are also a set of bumpers at tha
14.11.2010 20:20 Uhr, MacNN,
Titanium Blue PS3 hits Japan on November 25th, long-awaited racing game in tow
November 3rd came and went without a Gran Turismo 5 game to play, so as you'd imagine this gorgeous Titanium Blue PS3 launch bundle also failed to see the light of day. However, now that we've got a totally plausible and twice-confirmed November 24th release date for the little uber-realistic racer that could, it's probably fair to take Sony Japan at its word that we'll see the commemorating console appear without further delay. Tell your Japanese importer to line up on November 25th if you want one with your name on it, and be s
14.11.2010 20:05 Uhr, Engadget,
14.11.2010 20:00 Uhr
Hitachi: Neue HDDs mit bis zu 3 TB und SATA 6 Gbit/s
Nach Seagate und Western Digital reiht sich nun auch Hitachi Global Storage in die Reihe der Hersteller mit internen 3-Terabyte-Festplatten ein. Die neuen 3,5"-HDD-Serien „7K3000“ und „5K3000“ mit schnellem SATA 6 Gbit/s wurden zwar noch nicht offiziell vorgestellt, sind aber bereits auf den Produktseiten von Hitachi zu finden.
14.11.2010 19:35 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Chinese patent dispute may render Apple's Meizu case invalid
A Chinese dispute with Apple's iPhone patents may negate some of the company's legalaction against Meizu, the Beijing Times said Saturday. Local firm Herron Network Information has sued Apple arguing that a patent for the iPhone's design was invalid as it wasn't attached to the product name. Chinese law requires that any patent refer to a specific product, and it was only after the Patent Bureau volunteered to associate the patent with the iPhone on its own that the patent went through; relying on someone else was also against the law, Herron said.
14.11.2010 19:05 Uhr, MacNN,
14.11.2010 19:00 Uhr
Ping nun auch auf dem iPad
Apples soziales Netzwerk kann nun auch in der iTunes-App auf dem iPad aufgerufen werden: Per Server-Update fügte Apple diese Funktion hinzu. Sie ist also sowohl unter iOS 3.2 als auch 4.2 verfügbar, ein Betriebssystemupdate ist nicht notwendig.Die Bedienung entspricht auf dem iPad der vom Mac:
14.11.2010 18:20 Uhr, Maclife,
TiVo Premiere now free on contract for $20 monthly, as TiVo introduces (and enforces) tiered subsidies
Well, it seems we finally know why TiVo was waxing poetic about software in recent months -- it's the way the company primarily plans to charge for its DVR hardware from now on. Following a week-long experiment of free-on-contract DVRs conducted last month, TiVo's opening up subsidized and partially subsidized pricing tiers to the entire US for those willing to chain themselves to a pricier $20 monthly fee. You can now get a TiVo Premiere for $0 on a two-year contr
14.11.2010 18:05 Uhr, Engadget,
14.11.2010 18:00 Uhr
Zerstörung im Namen der Kunst: Apple Produkte in Gefahr
In den letzten Tagen mussten überdurchschnittlich viele Apple-Produkte ihr Leben lassen. Erst der Grill-Vergleich zwischen Android, Windows Phone 7 und dem iPhone 4, dann die publikumswirksame Hinrichtung eines MacBook Air durch die Freundin des Möchtegern-Komikers Mario Barth, der die letzten Jahrzehnte weiblicher Emanzipation zunichte macht. Doch es gibt auch ehrenhaftere Motive, Apple Hardware über den
14.11.2010 17:20 Uhr, apfelnews,
Apple geht gegen weiße Fake-iPhone 4 auf eBay vor
Wie das Apple-Blog berichtet, geht der kalifornische Hersteller aus Cupertino derzeit gegen Fake-iPhone 4 in der Farbe weiß auf eBay vor und lässt die entsprechenden Angebote entfernen. Die Geschichte rund um das iPhone 4 in der Farbe weiß hat sich in den letzten Monaten wohl eher zu einem nicht besonders rühmlichen Teil in Apples
14.11.2010 17:05 Uhr, apfelnews,
Keynote mit AirPlay-Unterstützung?
Apple CEO Steve Jobs soll wieder einmal eine E-Mail geschrieben haben, dieses Mal wurde er gefragt, ob sich mit dem Apple TV auch Keynote-Präsentationen betrachten lassen, die über iOS oder den Mac übertragen werden. Die Antwort von Jobs war eindeutig zweideutig."It's all coming soon. Stay tuned."
14.11.2010 17:05 Uhr, Maclife,
Xbox 360 wird seltener nur zum Spielen genutzt
Immer mehr Nutzer der Xbox 360 von Microsoft nutzen die Konsole in den USA zu anderen Zwecken, als zum Spielen selbst. Dazu hat sich jüngst Dennis Durkin, Chief Operating and Financial Officer für Microsofts (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltVZ NRW: Wirrwarr um Rückgabe von SIM-KartenApple iPhone 4 ist bei T-Mobile jetzt sofort lieferbarAbschaffung der Roaming-Gebühren bereits 2011?
14.11.2010 17:05 Uhr,,
14.11.2010 17:00 Uhr
Schadet das neue MacBook Air den iPad-Verkaufszahlen?
Das Netbook gehört neben dem Stylus und der Blu-ray-Disc zu den technischen Errungenschaften, die alles andere als den Segen von Steve Jobs erhalten haben und deswegen auch niemals Einzug in Apples Produktpalette halten werden. Der Stylus wurde als unnötig befunden, verfügt doch jeder gesunde Mensch über 10 Finger. Das Konzept der Blu-ray Disc konnte dem
14.11.2010 16:35 Uhr, apfelnews,
Angebliche Jobs-Mail deutet auf AirPlay-Unterstützung für Keynote
Auf die Frage eines Tuaw-Lesers, ob der neue Apple TV auch Keynote-Präsentationen von einem iOS-Gerät oder Mac entgegennähme, antwortete Steve Jobs (angeblich): "Das alles kommt bald". Sollte die Antwort tatsächlich von Jobs stammen, darf man auf eine AirPlay-Unterstützung von Keynote-Präsentationen hoffen - derzeit ist AirPlay auf Musik und Fotos limitiert, Videos sollten
14.11.2010 16:21 Uhr, fscklog,
EU fördert Cloud-Computing mit 15,7 Millionen Euro
Filed under: Forschung
Die EU schießt 15,7 Euro in eine Wolke namens Vision Cloud. Das Geld fliegt nun aber nicht irgendwo zwischen Cirrostratus und Altocumulus durch die Lüfte, sondern der klingende Name steht für ein Forschungsprojekt, welches von einem IBM-Team in Haifa, Israel, angeführt wird. Mit dabei sind ausserdem Siemens, SAP, das schwedische Institut für Computer-Wissenschaften (SICS) und die Universität Athen. Die Forschungsarbeit soll drei Jahre dauern und sich um diverse Themen mit Bezug zu Cloud-Storage drehen. Wer's genauer wissen will, klickt auf die beiden Quelle-Links.
14.11.2010 16:05 Uhr, Engadget german,
14.11.2010 16:00 Uhr
Scientists put color on your bling with micro carvings, gangsters pacified
Remember that time when you sipped some herbal tea and thought, "I really want a pink gold ring?" Yeah, that was some good tea alright, but the brainiacs at the University of Southampton have actually found a way to achieve this potential fashion trendsetter. The idea is simple: rather than coating metals -- especially naturally colored ones like gold and copper -- with paint, these folks alter their color by using an ion beam to carve fine patterns that are smaller than visible light's wavelength. The resultant metamaterial dramatically boosts the metals' light absorption efficiency, thus reflecting a different color depending on the pattern's
14.11.2010 15:50 Uhr, Engadget,
Ex-iPhone-Manager Papermaster arbeitet jetzt für Cisco
Der ehemalige Chef der iPhone Hardware-Abteilung Mark Papermaster hat einen neuen Job gefunden und arbeitet ab sofort für das US-Unternehmen Cisco. Kurz nach Bekannt werden der iPhone-Antennenproblematik Anfang August meldete die New York Times, dass der iPhone-Hersteller Apple den Posten des “Chef der Hardware-Abteilung” von Papermaster auf Mansfield übertrug. Ob der Weggang Papermasters von Apple
14.11.2010 15:35 Uhr, apfelnews,
Apple verkauft in den USA Gift Cards für den iBookstore
Neben den bereits bekannten iTunes Geschenkkarten hat das Unternehmen aus dem kalifornischen Cupertino damit begonnen in den USA auch spezielle Gift Cards für den US-iBookstore anzubieten. Die Geschenkkarten sind derzeit im Wert von 25 bzw. 50 US-Dollar erhältlich. Mit den neuen im “iBooks-Style” erhältlichen Karten können ebenso wie mit den bisherigen Geschenkkarten auch Applikationen, Spiele,
14.11.2010 15:35 Uhr, apfelnews,
Windows Phone 7: Entwickler arbeiten an Jailbreak
Dem Entwickler namens Chris Walshie war es laut einem Bericht von 'iStartedSomething' möglich, auf einem handelsüblichen Microsoft-Smartphone Root-Rechte zu bekommen. Dies stellt eine Grundvoraussetzung für (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltCall of Duty: Black Ops - Patch behebt ProblemeNeue Vorabversion von Microsofts Gratis-AntivirusApple iTunes 10.1 - Multimedia-Suite für iPod & Co
14.11.2010 15:35 Uhr,,
Seikos E-Ink-Uhr "Active Matrix" jetzt mit imposantem Preisschild
Filed under: Lifestyle
Die "Active Matrix", eine E-Ink-Uhr von Seiko, läuft mit einem ähnlichen Display wie ein E-Reader und bietet damit einen 180-Grad-Sichtwinkel auf die Anzeige. Prima, und der Retrolook tut auch nicht weh. Der Blick aufs Preisschild allerdings umso mehr. In Amazon Japan berappt man für das Teil umgerechnet knapp 750 Euro, bei uns haben wir das teure Stück in einem Shop (siehe zweiter Quelle-Link) sogar für satte 990 Euro entdeckt. Ein weiteres Bild gibt's nach dem Break.
14.11.2010 15:20 Uhr, Engadget german,
Steve Jobs äußert sich bezüglich Keynote und AirPlay- Unterstützung
Mit dem kommenden und bereits gerade von den iPad Usern sehnlichst erwartete iOS 4.2 Update, wird bekanntlich auch AirPlay erstmals unterstützt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Erweiterung, die es den Anwendern ermöglicht, Musik drahtlos durch das ganze Haus streamen zu können. Interessant wäre dabei allerdings auch die Möglichkeit, beispielsweise Keynote Präsentationen auf dem Apple
14.11.2010 15:05 Uhr, apfelnews,
14.11.2010 15:00 Uhr
Wikileaks gründet "Sunshine Press Productions"
Die Betreiber von Wikileaks haben in Island ein Unternehmen namens Sunshine Press Productions gegründet, welches vom Gründer der Organisation Julian Assange und dem Journalisten Kristinn Hrafnsson geleitet (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltStreet View: Ermittlungen gegen Google in den USAOpposition fordert Stopp des E-PersonalausweisesSky Deutschland kann Verlust deutlich reduzieren
14.11.2010 14:50 Uhr,,
Foodfotografie-App: Kunst pfui, Kalorien hui!
Filed under: Smartphones
Klar, es funktioniert auch mit kunstvollen Foodfotos, nur ist die neueste Diät-Handykamera-App aus Japan dafür nicht gedacht. Sie soll beim Abnehmen helfen, woran wir keine Sekunde glauben. Wer gerne skurrile Fresswettbewerbe unter Freunden ausrichtet, dürfte an der App allerdings seine Freude haben: Ihr fotografiert den vor euch wartenden Schmackofatz mit dem Handy - und schwups berechnet die App seine Kalorienmenge. Das Schöne dabei: falls erwünscht, wird euer kulinarisches Social Network gleich mit informiert. Während sie sich mit japanischen Leckereien tapfer schlagen soll, ist die mit Daten zu etwa 100.000 Lebensmitteln gef
14.11.2010 14:20 Uhr, Engadget german,
14.11.2010 14:00 Uhr
Saudi Arabien: Zugriff auf Facebook wurde gesperrt
Da Facebook offenbar gegen die Wertvorstellungen von Saudi Arabien verstößt, hat man sich dazu entschlossen, den Zugriff auf die Plattform dort zu sperren. Dies teilte ein Sprecher der Behörde für (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltSarah Palin: E-Mail-Hacker zu Haftstrafe verurteiltE-Mail-Dienst von Facebook mit Outlook Web App?Lufthansa: Demnächst wieder Internet im Flieger
14.11.2010 13:35 Uhr,,
Lenovo LePad kommt nächstes Jahr in die USA
Filed under: Tablet PC
Lenovo-CEO Yang Yuanqing hat dem Wall Street Journal gegenüber bestätigt, dass ihr Android-Tablet LePad im nächsten Jahr auch in den USA auf den Markt kommen wird. Nach einer früheren Aussage Lenovos sollte das LePad erst dann in die USA ausgeliefert werden, wenn eine geeignete Android-Version bereitstehe. Nun scheint Lenovo zuversichtlich zu sein, dass Google eine solche liefern kann. Der China-Launch wird sich allerdings verzögern, auch dort soll das LePad nun erst 2011 in die Läden kommen.
14.11.2010 13:20 Uhr, Engadget german,
14.11.2010 13:00 Uhr
[App-Test] Spirits for iPad
Kaum ein Spiel hat in den 1990er Jahren Generationen-übergreifend so viele Menschen begeistert wie „Lemmings“. Nun haben die Entwickler von Spaces of Play das Lemmings-Spielprinzip in seinen Grundzügen aufgegriffen und die Lemminge gegen Waldgeister ausgetauscht. Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen
14.11.2010 12:35 Uhr, Maclife,
EU providing $21 million grant to IBM and others, funding research into cloud storage
Clouds are beautiful things that fill our skies with wonderment, and as it turns out they make awfully good places to store our precious data, too. In that way European Union wants to make them even better, providing a €15.7 million (that's $21.4 million US) research project called Vision Cloud. It's set to tackle a number of related storage issues, including the ability to run applications within cloud storage, proper auditing and access restriction, and mobility of said data, so that it can be accessed from anywhere. IBM's Haifa, Israel th
14.11.2010 12:35 Uhr, Engadget,
Briten wollen kein iPad!
Laut einer Umfrage des Marktforschungsinstituts Broadbandgenie unter 1300 britischen Computernutzern will sich die Mehrheit aufgrund des vergleichsweise hohen Preises von 400 Pfund keinen Tablet-PC von Apple zulegen. Obwohl die Briten von der Idee eines Tablet-Computer begeistert sind, werden 60 Prozent der befragten auf den Kauf eines iPad verzichten und sich lieber einen E-Reader, ein Netbook
14.11.2010 12:05 Uhr, apfelnews,
Wissenschaftler entschlüsseln mit High-Speed-Videos wie Katzen trinken
Filed under: Forschung
Katzen schlabbern nicht wie Hunde, ihre Trinktechnik ist ausgefuchster. Die Vermutung, dass Wasser an der rauen Katzenzunge haftet, wurde nun von einer Gruppe Wissenschaftler des MIT, des Virginia Polytechnic Institute und der Uni Princeton widerlegt. Ihre Videos zeigen, dass Katze "Cutta Cutta" die Flüssigkeit nur mit der Zungenspitze berührt, das allerdings unglaubliche drei bis vier Mal pro Sekunde. Sie zieht jeweils eine Wassersäule mit hoch in den Mund, ein subtiler Mechanismus, bei welchem Schwerkraft und Trägheit ausbalanciert werden. Bei großen Katzen funkti
14.11.2010 12:05 Uhr, Engadget german,
14.11.2010 12:00 Uhr
Ping schleicht sich aufs iPad
Filed under: iPad
iOS 4.2 ist es leider nicht, aber trotzdem ein interessantes kleines Update: Apple hat mäuschenstill sein auf Musik fokussiertes Social Network Ping in der iTunes-App auf dem iPad integriert. Und vor einigen Tagen wurde Twitter eine Ping-Intergration beschert, so dass ihr nun eure vielfältigen Ping-Aktivitäten auch in den Twitter-Feed einbetten könnt.Read |
14.11.2010 11:05 Uhr, Engadget german,
Abschaffung der Roaming-Gebühren bereits 2011?
Die EU-Abgeordnete Silvana Koch-Mehrin hat es sich laut einem Artikel der 'Financial Times' zum Ziel gesetzt, 2011 eine Abschaffung der Roaming-Gebühren für Handy-Telefonate in der Europäischen Union zu (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltGoogle TV: Auch deutsche TV-Sender sorgen sichVZ NRW: Wirrwarr um Rückgabe von SIM-KartenApple iPhone 4 ist bei T-Mobile jetzt sofort lieferbar
14.11.2010 11:05 Uhr,,
14.11.2010 11:00 Uhr
Frau von Mario Barth überfährt das geliebte MacBook Air
Gestern Abend zur sogenannten Prime Time, verfolgten viele der deutschen Zuschauer einmal wieder den Meister der Comedy, Mario Barth. Einleitend beginnt dieser, wie sollte es auch anders sein, von seiner Frau zu erzählen. Den ersten Lacher bescherte Barth dem Publikum bereits mit der Aussage, dass seine Frau ja jährlich mindestens ein Auto kaputt fährt. Dieses
14.11.2010 10:20 Uhr, apfelnews,
Dell Streak: Android 2.2-Update wird zuerst in Großbritannien ausgeliefert
Filed under: Android
Vermutlich wird nicht nur Japan vor Jahresende Froyo auf einem 5-Zoll-Tabletphone sehen. Dells offizieller Facebook-Account bestätigt, dass die Auslieferung von Android 2.2 für das Dell Streak in Großbritannien noch diesen Monat beginnen wird. Das Update - es kommt zusammen mit dem neuen Stage UI - wird in den verschiedenen Regionen zeitlich gestaffelt erscheinen, ein Termin für Deutschland wird nicht verraten. Gestern leitete Dell ausserdem einige Streak-Besitzer a
14.11.2010 10:05 Uhr, Engadget german,
14.11.2010 10:00 Uhr
Push-App Boxcar in neuem Outfit!
Das bei vielen Usern beliebte Push-Notification-Tool Boxcar wurde in der Nacht zum Samstag in der neuen Version 4.0 veröffentlicht. Am auffälligsten dürfte neben dem überarbeiteten Icon auch die komplett neu gestaltete Benutzer-Oberfläche der App sein. Das bislang eher hässliche Logo wurde von den Entwicklern durch ein grafisch ansprechendes Design ersetzt. Neben den optischen Veränderungen hat
14.11.2010 09:50 Uhr, apfelnews,
Apple iTunes 10.1 - Multimedia-Suite für iPod & Co
Apple iTunes ist eine Multimedia-Suite, die der Synchronisierung eines iPods bzw. iPhones mit der Medienbibliothek des Computers dient. Die Software umfasst wichtige Wiedergabefunktionen sowie einen (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltNeue Vorabversion von Microsofts Gratis-AntivirusChristie's will 240.000 $ für betagten Apple-RechnerApple iPhone 4 ist bei T-Mobile jetzt sofort lieferbar
14.11.2010 09:35 Uhr,,
Xbox 360 wird nur zu 60 Prozent zum Spielen genutzt
Microsofts Spielkonsole Xbox 360 wird offenbar immer seltener zum Spielen genutzt. Rund 40 Prozent der Xbox Live-Kunden in den USA schauen Online-Videos, hören Musik oder greifen auf Social Networks wie Facebook und Twitter zu. Das hat Dennis Durkin, Chief Operating and Financial Officer für Microsofts Interactive Entertainment Business, bei einer Konferenz in New York bekannt gegeben.
14.11.2010 09:20 Uhr, ZDNet Deutschland,
Lufthansa: Demnächst wieder Internet im Flieger
Auf Langstreckenflügen will die Lufthansa demnächst den Passagieren wieder einen Zugang zum Internet anbieten. Möglicherweise wird der Service schon zum Jahresende, spätestens aber Anfang 2011 starten. Den (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltNotrufnummern: Google ergänzt SuchmaschineSarah Palin: E-Mail-Hacker zu Haftstrafe verurteiltE-Mail-Dienst von Facebook mit Outlook Web App?
14.11.2010 09:05 Uhr,,
14.11.2010 8:00 Uhr
FH Aachen: Forscher zeigen WLAN-Isolationswand
Forschern der 'FH Aachen' war es möglich, eine WLAN-Isolationswand zu entwickeln. Ihren Angaben zufolge lassen sich damit Gebäude vor äußeren funktechnischen Einflüssen schützen. Die Daten könne mit dieser (Weiter lesen)Verwandter InhaltForscher stellen stark verrauschte Fotos wieder herLaptops können männliche Fruchtbarkeit schmälernForscher: Malware wird zukünftig CPUs angreifen
14.11.2010 07:37 Uhr,,
14.11.2010 7:00 Uhr
Hybrid batteries tease big energy capacity while charging in seconds
Ioxus Inc. is an up and comer in the energy storage industry that has plans this Monday to announce a new hybrid storage device that it hopes will radically alter batteries used in the auto, medical, and consumer electronics industries. The teased product is said to be roughly the size of a typical C-cell battery and combines the fast charge / discharge benefits of ultracapacitors with the impressive energy-to-weight ratio of a lithium-ion electrode. As a result, Ioxus says the hybrid devices can store more than double the energy of traditional ultracapacitors and charge in a matter of seconds. The catch is that the hybrids have shorter life spans of 20,000 cycles compared to millions of cycles for typical ultracapacitors. We're also ta
14.11.2010 06:35 Uhr, Engadget,
14.11.2010 6:00 Uhr
Ping now available on iPad
iPad users may have to wait a little longer than they'd like for features like multitasking and folder support, but at least one new feature is available right now: the iPad now supports Ping, Apple's stab at a social media component to the iTunes Store. Via an update to the iTunes Store's servers, Ping functionality is now available in the iTunes app on the iPad.
You'll find all the usual Ping features in a tab on the iPad's iTunes app: who you're following, who follows you, and so forth. Just like when Ping came to the iPhone in early September, there's nothing you need to do or download in order to get Ping
14.11.2010 05:35 Uhr, The Unofficial Apple Weblog,
14.11.2010 5:00 Uhr
Elgato EyeTV Netstream Sat brings satellite TV streaming to your iPad
Folks on this side of the pond will unfortunately miss out on this one, but our friends in the UK will soon be able to get their hands on Elgato's new EyeTV Netstream Sat box and make everyone else a bit envious. It will not only let you stream Freesat satellite TV to any computer on your home network, but straight to your iPad as well with Elgato's EyeTV app (though not your iPhone or iPod touch, it seems). That sort of streaming has been possible before but, as Pocket-lint notes, you previously had to keep your computer on to stream satellite video to your iOS device. Look for the device to start shipping on November 22nd for £189.95 (o
14.11.2010 04:35 Uhr, Engadget,
14.11.2010 4:00 Uhr
Reviews: Samsung Smiley
Hardware and design
The Smiley weighs in at a fairly average four ounces, and there is nothing especially striking about its design other than the (increasingly common) vertical portrait slider form factor. Exterior volume and camera buttons are right where youíd expect them along with a micro USB port and a microSD card slot. The Smiley regrettably doesn't have a s
14.11.2010 03:50 Uhr, MacNN,
Nexus S may see Best Buy Nov. 14, fight iPhone for space
More Google Nexus S details emerged today as a blogger found that Best Buy planned to have an endcap, or aisle end promo space, as soon as November 14. The space would eventually get a live demo unit, according to Best Buy's internal system, but didn't have a fixed date for when this would happen.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Skyfire browser pulls in $1 million during first weekend
Despite day-one troubles with overloaded servers resulting in temporary removal from the App Store, the Skyfire iPhone app reportedly generated about $1 million in its first weekend. The browser lets users view Flash video on iOS devices through remote transcoding. A company-estimated 300,000-plus downloads were sold over the weekend, putting sales at about $1 million before Apple's take, worth roughly $300,000.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Aaxa ships tiny XGA projector with 110 lumens brightness
Aaxa has just released what it's calling the most powerful micro projector, the M2. It outputs at a 1024x768 image and a relatively stong 110 lumens of LED brightness, along with a 2,000:1 contrast ratio. The M2 can create images up to 100 inches in size under ideal conditions.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
DevonTechnologies updates freeware offerings
DevonTechnologies -- developers of the DevonThink information organizing software -- have updated their entire line of freeware apps and Services today, optimizing them for a minimum of Mac OS X 10.5 and making the Services compatible with 10.6. In addition, some new features have been added and bugs fixed.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
AT&T "encouraged" by WP7 sales, but numbers small
A quick survey of Windows Phone 7 device sales at AT&T stores has revealed modest numbers. In the first four days, 15 carrier-owned stores in Chicago, Miami and New York City typically said they had sold less than ten. Only two were very positive in calls with BGR, while an equal number said they had only just just sold one unit.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
NVIDIA: Google a 'little bit behind' Apple on tablets
NVIDIA chief Jen-Hsun Huang in a conference call tonight to discuss fiscal results was ready to note that Google had slipped back in tablet development compared to Apple. He thought that the work Google had done on optimizing Android for tablets and future smartphones was "really amazing" but mentioned twice that the company was a "little bit behind" in bringing it up to par with the iPad. The finished work, which would often focus on NVIDIA's dual-core Tegra chips, would help Google, NVIDIA and their partners catch up.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Safe Eyes for Mac v3.6 adds selective YouTube filtering
Trying to keep kids away from suggestive or vulgar videos on the net is an increasing challenge both for parents and the "filtering" software they often rely on for their child's computers. Like other filter makers, Safe Eyes has recently updated its self-titled software for Mac to version 3.6 to address the issue, albeit with a twist -- along with the option of just blocking all YouTube videos, Safe Eyes also offers selective filtering, offering tighter controls than YouTube's own voluntary flagging system but leaving "safe" videos both on the site and linked to othe
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Kinect hacked to work with Mac
Developer Theo Watson has adapted an existing open-source library to the Mac, allowing Microsoft's Kinect motion-detector IR and webcam add-on for the XBox to work with OS X. His Vimeo-hosted video shows the project to be very much a "work in progress," but opens interesting possibilities for future Mac software and games that could leverage the Kinect connectivity.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Automatic Duck's Pro Export FCP solves Avid import issues
Importing Final Cut Pro projects into Avid Media Composer was made simpler when v5 of AMC was announced with its featured "Avid Media Access" ability, but now plug-in maker Automatic Duck has updated its Pro Export FCP plug-in to v4.05 to make the import and re-linking of media files considerably easier. In addition, the company posted bug-fix updates to two other plug-ins, Pro Import FCP (now at v2.09) and Media Copy (now at v3.01).
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Apricorn unveils Mac Pro SSD RAID array
Apricorn today debuted its SSD-based Mac Array, a turnkey virtual memory expansion kit that uses a single PCIe X4 slot and a total of 512GB of SATA SSD drives to dramatically outscore traditional 7200rpm SATA disk drives, and even more remarkable increases in video or graphic rendering times. The array takes moments to install and is preconfigured for Mac and RAID 0 (striping), including a custom SATA PCIe host card on board.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Microsoft resurrecting Kin as feature phone
Microsoft's ill-fated Kin One and Kin Two are returning to Verizon, a leaked fall roadmap revealed tonight. Despite having sold just 8,810 phones, the phone designer is bringing the two devices back as the OneM and TwoM. PPCGeeks' copy of the roadmap would have both sold as basic feature phones and consequently dodging the $30 smartphone plan requirement widely credited for killing the popularity of the devices in their brief six-week initial run.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Samsung previews Orion ARM Cortex-A9 chip
Samsung has previewed a new chip, named Orion, based on ARM's Cortex-A9 architecture. The technology is based on the 45nm process, which is said to offer an improvement in power efficiency compared to A8-based chips. The previewed hardware, shown in an ARMdevices video, was paired with a quad-core Mali-400 GPU.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
RunRev polishes LiveCode, debuts pre-release iOS plug-in
RunTime Revolution has updated LiveCode, their "HyperCard-descended" development platform formerly known as Revolution. The update, v4.5.1, enhances keyboard layout handling, improves security protocols, enhances MySQL database access and XML namespaces, makes iimprovements to embedded Web browser objects and includes over 60 other minor fixes or tweaks to the program.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
iAd boosts overall interest in mobile advertising
Apple's iAd efforts may be helping the company's rivals in the mobile advertising arena, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Executives from competing companies suggest Apple's entry to the mobile advertising realm has resulted in an overall boost for the entire market, as many marketers began to increase spending across a broader range of channels.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Accessories: Tangle-free Zipbuds, Budcase keychain case
Tired of earbud tangling, Digital Group Audio (DGA) has brought its Zipbuds to market, an alternative headset for iPods and other devices that uses a zipper-integrated braided nylon cabling resist tangles and create a custom fit. Meanwhile, Extended Access has unveiled the BudCase, a keychain case to keep earbuds (or USB drives) handy when not in use and featuring a magnetic fastener.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
CD Baby's Sivers: Jobs dissed me in 2003
In what could turn out to be a remarkable case of tempting fate, CD Baby founder and former president Derek Sivers has revealed in a blog post the story of miscommunication, mistrust and misunderstanding that hobbled his company's entry into iTunes and resulted in public rebuke by Steve Jobs. While relations were eventually repaired, the tale gives rare insight into the secrecy behind Apple's early plans for the iTunes Store and the struggle a small company (as CD Baby was at the time) had in dealing with Apple's mercurial CEO.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
iOS 4.2 delayed: iPad Wi-Fi bug found in Gold Master?
According to a ìreliableî Macstories source, iOS 4.2 has been delayed due to a Wi-Fi bug that has only just recently been discovered. A number of iPad users testing the Gold Master build have reported connection drop out issues as shown in the video included below. Several discussion threads on the MacRumors forum, Twitter, and the official Apple discussion boards have both developers and other users discussing the problem.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Facebook event on Monday may bring e-mail
Facebook's planned special event for November 15 may add e-mail if a leak proves accurate. The gathering at the St. Regis Yerba Buena Terrace in downtown San Francisco is expected to bring Project Titan, a full web-based e-mail client that would give users their own addresses. The initial form may be rough, TechCrunch claimed, but it may also explain a fight between Google and Facebook that has since seen Facebook implement a 'hack' to get Google contacts even after a ban; a new mail client could undermine Gmail.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Lenovo to bring LePad tablet to US shores in 2011
Lenovo's LePad tablet will have a US launch sometime in 2011, CEO Yuan Yangqing said on Friday. The company leader didn't provide a price or a ship date to the WSJ, but he also delayed the Android device's release in China, where it would now ship early in 2011 instead of the originally planned December. As much as $15.1 million was already being invested in mobile app developers to foster a custom app store that would launch with the LePad.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Microsoft ad shows Mac envious of Windows 7's Blu-ray
Microsoft last night posted a video (below) taking a mild jab at Apple for the lack of Blu-ray on Macs. The roughly minute-long spot personifies a MacBook and a Windows 7 notebook on a flight and has the Windows system play a Blu-ray copy of Avatar that the both of them enjoy. The Mac isn't criticized but is clearly envious, saying that the movie is "so cool."
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
iOS 4.2 now due on November 16th?
The iOS 4.2 update will actually reach the public on Tuesday, November 16th instead of today, a Greek news site says. Though only citing a "reliable source," iPhoneHellas is thought to have a good track record with iOS release dates. Providing some backing evidence is a German site, which claims that references to November 12th were removed from carrier bundles.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Apple, Oracle team on open Java project for Mac OS X
Apple and Oracle today set out plans for a new version of OpenJDK to keep bringing Java to Macs. The deal will see Apple give the tools and resources needed to bring Java SE 7 to Mac OS X, such as class libraries, networking, a visual client and both 32- and 64-bit HotSpot-based virtual machines. The Oracle project will make the technology ready to be used by open-source developers that could add to or improve Java on the Mac.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
News Corp: iPad apps cannibalizing newspaper sales
The switch to iPad apps and other mobile reading apps has taken away from News Corp's newspaper sales, Rupert Murdoch's son and Asian/European operations lead James Murdoch observed today at the Monaco Media Forum. He explained that they were "much more directly cannibalistic" than the web since subscribers often read and treated them like the traditional format rather where web users read differently. The executive wouldn't give sales numbers, but these included both the Wall Street Journal app as well as News of the World and the Times of London.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
iPhone 3G absent from iOS 4.2 AirPlay support
AirPlay support is missing on iPhone 3Gs running the iOS 4.2 gold master, a report notes. The option is supposed to appear in playback menus on iPhones, iPods and iPads, and let users push audio or video content to another compatible device, namely the Apple TV. Apple's own website states that the technology should work with "all iOS 4 devices," including the iPhone 3G.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
AMD pushes Radeon HD 6900 series to week of December 13
AMD today pushed back the launch of its Radeon HD 6900 series by three weeks. Originally due as soon as the last week of November, the top-end graphics cards will ship sometime during the week of December 13. No explanation was given beyond existing models were still in demand, and the dual-chip Radeon HD 5970 still had the lead over NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 580.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
iPad owners more likely to sever TV ties, says survey
Roughly a third of iPad owners, 33.9 percent, are considering canceling pay TV during the next six months, a Diffusion Group survey claims. Only about 12.9 percent said they were "highly likely" to cancel service, but the figure is still higher amongst iPad owners than the 6.4 percent amongst people simply planning to buy an iPad. Across all broadband users, just 4.3 percent said they were extremely likely to cancel TV.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Intel adds mainstream 120GB SSD, lowers prices
Intel's X25-M solid-state drives dropped in price today, including through a new model. The fresh 120GB SSD comes in at $249 and is considered a balance for those who want more than 80GB but don't want to make the major leap in price for the 160GB version. It can still hit peak read speeds of 250MB per second and matches the 160GB SSD's 100MB write speeds.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
MacBook Air actually eating into iPad sales?
The new MacBook Air may actually cannibalizing Apple's iPad sales, according to Rodman & Renshaw's Ashok Kumar. The analyst cites only "anecdotal evidence," but argues that for some people the leap in cost may be worth it. "A fully functional notebook in a very attractive form factor may be resonating more with consumers than a content consumption only device," Kumar writes in an investor memo.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Briefly: DH_Counter updated to 2.0, personal iPad portfolio
An update for DH_Counter, an onscreen counter plugin for Final Cut, has been released by Digital Heaven. DH_Counter 2.0 allows editors to quickly create animated counting displays that can be placed on top of any video footage. The new release has been completely rewritten, and includes a number of new features, such as the ability to set a custom start or end time. A watermarked trial version of the software can be downloaded from the company's website, while a full license runs for $29. The company has also added two new plugins, DH_Fade and DH_FieldTrans, to its
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Apple posts iTunes 10.1 ahead of iOS 4.2
Apple today posted iTunes 10.1 (84MB). The release for Macs and Windows is a prep for the launch of iOS 4.2 and is needed to properly sync with devices using the new OS. It also adds AirPlay support to push videos, not just music, to an Apple TV.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Wirecast 4 improves interface, video
Telestream has launched a new version of its webcasting software, Wirecast 4. The live webcasting software has gained a new interface, with an enhanced shot editor, user-definable layers and a source-settings editor. It has integrated support for Blackmagic video cards, and offers improved Main Concept H.264 and On2 VP6 Flash video formats. A new professional version adds more graphics content, such as 3D virtual sets and scoreboards. Pro also has input support for IP and HDV cameras, and Telestream's Pipeline video capture system.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Galaxy Tab teardown: mimicking Apple outside, unique inside
Samsung's Galaxy Tab was given an American teardown today by iFixit that contrasted the similarity to Apple on the outside with the difference inside. The design is "definitely mimicking Apple" in its shell and has a proprietary dock connector that's virtually identical to the 30-pin layout. Samsung has also unintentionally duplicated Apple's sealed-in design since users need two separate tools to pry open the plastic frame, although it doesn't have retaining clips that could be broken.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
AT&T settles lawsuit over alleged mobile data taxes
Regarding a class action lawsuit that dates back to the start of the year, AT&T today sent text messages to subscribers letting them know they may have the option of claiming a portion of the settlement in the case. AT&T was accused of illegally charging mobile data taxes and thus violating the federal Internet Tax Freedom Act and other laws. A settlement agreement was reached in July.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Apple posts second gold master of iOS 4.2
Apple is now distributing a second gold master of iOS 4.2 for developers. Few details have emerged on what the seed includes, except for presence of a new iPad build, 8C134b. The firmware should fix a Wi-Fi issue from the last build, in which an iPad would drop a Wi-Fi connection after just a few minutes.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Monsoon revamps Vulkano media streamer lineup
Monsoon has rebranded its lineup of Vulkano placeshifting multimedia streaming devices and added a new, barebones model. The Vulkano and Vulkano Pro introduced this past summer now become the Vulkano Deluxe and Vulkano Deluxe Pro, respectively, while a third model, the Vulkano Platinum, has been added. The device doesn't support web apps or DLNA/uPnP and removes DVR functionality but, at $130, is less than half the price of the $280 Vulkano Deluxe and almost a third of the $380 Deluxe Pro.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Gorillaz lead making new album with iPad despite Microsoft
Gorillaz frontman Damon Albarn revealed in a new interview that he's creating a new album for the group on an iPad. The tablet design spurred him to make a quick follow up to Plastic Beach while on tour. The Blur founder didn't say how much of the creation involved Apple's tablet, but he was eager to mention that the effect on his music.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Lenovo IdeaPad U260 gets full launch, sub-MacBook price
Lenovo today confirmed the launch details for its inadvertent MacBook Air competitor, the IdeaPad U260. The 12.5-inch ultralight still has its 3.04 pound weight and is 0.71 inches thick at most, but its design both borrows from and improves on some Apple traits. It has a MacBook-like magnesium-alloy unibody outer shell that should be stiffer than usual and keeps relatively cool using both a "breathable" keyboard and the same airflow techniques behind the Portege R700.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Cisco picks up ousted Apple VP Mark Papermaster
Cisco has signed on former Apple Senior VP Mark Papermaster, the firm said this evening. The network giant has hired the recently departed executive to help engineer "chips for switches" and likely other equipment like routers. Terms of the deal haven't been made public.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Accessories: Joby, XShot offer iPhone4 cases with tripods
Two different companies have spotted the same need and created products to fill it: with the iPhone 4 capable of capturing high-quality photos and video, everyone wants to be in the picture, so owners need a way to have the iPhone stand on its own to capture the action. Joby, who make the Gorillapod line of tripods, and XShot, who make both extenders and tripods, have each put out a custom design for the iPhone 4, each a bit different.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
BoxCar v4 brings overhaul to push notifications
Boxcar, an iOS app that has gained a solid reputation for handling multiple push notifications from various social networks, RSS feeds and email in a more logical manner than the default system Apple uses, is to relaunch very soon with a major overhaul to v4, bringing all-new organizing and filtering of messages, support for even more Twitter clients, the option to reply right from within the app or launch the associated application with that service, added support for Google Voice, Google Buzz, GitHub and other social hubs and more. The new version even supports Gro
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Filemaker debuts free Bento 3 Event Planner
Filemaker, the Apple subsidiary that publishes the popular database program of the same name, has unveiled a free set of templates called Event Planner, designed to work with their consumer-oriented "personal database," Bento v3. The six new templates are centered around event planning from personal retreats to multi-vendor fundraisers, and use six new customizable templates for handling every aspect from task lists and expense reports to vendor contact sheets and scheduling.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Best Buy Black Friday: $125 gift cards with Macs, $100 Nook
Best Buy's Black Friday sale in two weeks will be marked by key sales on Macs, e-readers and smartphones, a copy of the flyer shows. The big-box chain hopes to head off likely Apple sales by offering a $125 gift card for buying either a 13-inch MacBook Pro or a 21.5-inch iMac. The deal isn't the steepest for the computers Best Buy should have on November 26, as BFAds notes it will also take $150 off of any Samsung notebook and take $200 off of a Pentium dual-core equipped Sony VAIO EB to bring it down to $400.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Apple releases XCode 4 Preview 5 to developers
Apple today posted Build 4A225 of its forthcoming XCode 4, now shaping up as a significant upgrade for developers. This fifth preview version brings a number of new features, including independent and assistant editor panes with their own histories, independent and "tearable" tabs, new configurable alerts and more. The new preview build also enhances tab behavior, general preferences and editor views, among other changes.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Chronos upgrades Soho Labels to v5
Chronos has today released a major upgrade to Soho Labels, its design kit for letterhead, envelopes and labels -- featuring over 300 "next generation" smart templates, the addition of Cover Flow for previewing kits, font previews, a new Trim to Label command that acts like a quick preview, named placeholders, combo placeholders that can hold text and images, and 23 new iScrapKits offering over 1,300 new graphics.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Rockstar Games brings Grand Theft Auto Trilogy to Mac
Rockstar Games has announced that it is brought Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to the Mac. The addition of the series, which is one of the most popular in gaming history, is expected boost the profile of gaming on the Mac platform. All three games bring all the deep gameplay the series is known for, including high production values coupled with witty dialogue and complex plotlines.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Apple refurbs: Macs starting at $849, iPods at $99
Apple's online store today features a wide variety of refurbished Macs and iPods at discounted prices, like the refurb. MacBook Air with a 1.86GHz processor, 2GB of RAM and a 120GB hard drive, it was $999, but is now $849 after a $150 price break. Also priced at $849 is the refurb. Mac mini with Snow Leopard Server, a 2.66GHz processor, 4GB of RAM and dual 500GB hard drives. Or for just a little bit more upgrade to the 21.5-inch iMac with 3.06GHz processor, 4GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive, now just $929 after a 22% discount.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Netflix: Android DRM too fragmented to reach all devices
Netflix has had problems bringing its service to Android because of the inherent fragmentation of the platform, content development staffer Greg Peters said in an update late Friday. Both iPhone and Windows Phone 7 versions were finished quickly, but Android doesn't have the "generic and complete" copy protection needed to protect against stream ripping and keep deals with studios that wouldn't allow it otherwise. Without it, Netflix has to develop support for devices one at a time and has had to delay its Android launch well past other platforms.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Steve Jobs hints Keynote '11 may push slides to Apple TV
iWork '11 and possibly the mobile suite may have a way of sending Keynote presentations out to the Apple TV, an e-mail message reputedly from Steve Jobs said this weekend. A fan asking if he could send Keynote presentations to the media hub from an iOS device or a Mac was told that it could all be released in the near future. "It's all coming soon," Jobs said in the message obtained by TUAW. "Stay tuned."
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
HP Slate sees surprise demand, new orders delayed into 2011
HP's Slate 500 has seen an unexpected level of interest that has pushed new orders back into the new year, early buyers have noted this week. Existing customers at HardOCP and elsewhere have had orders pushed back anywhere from two weeks to "indefinitely." Those visiting the order page are now being told that the "extraordinary demand" has pushed the system back six weeks, or enough for them to reach into 2011.
14.11.2010 03:05 Uhr, MacNN,
14.11.2010 3:00 Uhr
Mark Papermaster returns to chip business courtesy of Cisco, Apple silently watches
We don't blame you if you fail to recognize this good looking fella. Just a quick recap: this is Mark Papermaster, the ex-IBM chip designer who stirred up a storm while transitioning to Apple, only to quietly depart the company 16 months later for reasons that we'll never truly know. Fear not though, folks, as word has it that the boy is back in town: Papermaster is now hanging out with
14.11.2010 02:50 Uhr, Engadget,
14.11.2010 2:00 Uhr
HP Slate 500 sees 'extraordinary demand,' experiences six-week shipping delay
Yes, the HP Slate 500 is officially backordered, less than a month after its enterprising debut, and Hewlett-Packard claims it's because of "extraordinary demand," a phrase that's presently not quantifiable. The long and short of it, though, is that you're not getting one by Yuletide if you purchase the pricey portable today, as you'll have to wait six weeks until they're ready to ship out. Still, if your budding business bought in on day one, there
14.11.2010 01:35 Uhr, Engadget,
[App-Test] Robokill
So weit ist es schon gekommen, dass Entwickler für ihre Spiele mit „kein Facebook-Spam, kein Twitter-Spam” werben. Dabei ist Robokill kein Freemium-Titel sondern einfach nur ein weiterer Dual-Stick-Shooter für das iPad mit über 450 Levels.450 Levels? Tatsächlich zählen die Entwickler etwas anders
14.11.2010 01:05 Uhr, Maclife,
14.11.2010 1:00 Uhr
Engadget Podcast 219 - 11.13.2010
The Engadget Podcast: It's like a movie, but without the pictures. Well, actually, it has pictures, but they are small, and they don't move. So it's more like a CD than a movie, a Karaoke CD+G disc. Actually, it's EXACTLY like an MP3, an Enhanced AAC File, or an OGG file. That is exactly what it is. It also recently became the Howard Stern Show of Technology Podcasts, and that's all the info you need to know right now so quit bothering us about it and click the link.
Hosts: Joshua Topolsky, Paul Miller, Nilay Patel
Producer: Trent Wolbe
Music: Zombie
00:03:25 -
14.11.2010 00:35 Uhr, Engadget,
App Review: Reiner Knizia's Ra
Reiner Knizia's classic Egyptian-themed auction and tile-collecting game Ra is not an easy one to figure out. When playing around a table, you need to collect the right tiles, look over to see what other people are collecting, keep an eye on the status of the sun/bid tiles and, in general, process a lot of changing information. If you enjoy this gameplay but don't like setting up the game or dealing with scorekeeping, the new universal Ra app is sure to please, especially at US$4.99 (it debuted at $6.99, but quickly came down).
Ra for iOS was designed by Sa
14.11.2010 00:24 Uhr, The Unofficial Apple Weblog,