Alle JustMac-News vom 08.02.2009
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08.02.2009 23:00 Uhr
First probabilistic CPU 30x more power-efficient
Rice University today used the International Solid-State Circuits Conference to reveal that it has tested a real-world example of a processor founded on probability math. Called a PCMOS (probability-based complementary metal-oxide semiconductor), the chip abandons the either/or Boolean logic of all current processors in favor of calculations that rely on the most likely answer in most cases. By
08.02.2009 22:50 Uhr, MacNN,
Analyst makes bold iPhone predictions for 2009
According to Seeking Alpha, Canaccord Adams analyst Peter Misek thinks there is going to be a pretty big shakeup in the iPhone line this year.
Three new iPhones could be coming in 2009. The first is a 32G iPhone in multiple colours that is likely to arrive during the next six months. Next up is a lower-cost handset based on the 2.5G iPhone, which is targeted for China and India. Third is a smaller version – about one-third the size of the 3G iPhone – that costs 40% less and is also likely before year-end.
He quotes carriers who believe the smaller iPhone could have a $99 price point. But he doesn't believe there will be
08.02.2009 22:21 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Kommentar: Apple: Consumer-only
Nach 10 Jahren Mac mit viel Enthusiasmus und Herzblut sage ich vorerst mal tschüss!
Ich habe gerade mein aktuelles MacBook Pro Unibody wegen dem Bildschirm verkauft (und gegen ein Thinkpad T500 getauscht) und lebe somit in einem Mac-freien Haushalt. Ich möchte hier eigentlich auch keine grosse Diskussion vom Zaun brechen, sondern meine Gedanken nur in ein paar Stichworten zusammenfassen.
08.02.2009 22:20 Uhr, macprime,
08.02.2009 22:00 Uhr
Auch ein Core i7-950 mit 3,06 GHz kommt
Bereits vor einer Woche wurden ausführliche Informationen zum kommenden Flaggschiff der Core-i7-Familie bekannt, heute gibt es Nachschub. Demnach wird das aktuelle Modelle 940 in Form des Core i7-950 mit dann 3,06 GHz Verstärkung bekommen. Und der Preis bleibt gleich.
08.02.2009 21:50 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Falsche Windows-7-Preise im Umlauf
Bereits seit einigen Tagen gehen sie hier und da über den Ticker, doch die ursprüngliche Quelle der angeblichen Preise für die unterschiedlichen Versionen von Windows 7 hat diese Meldung längst revidiert. Die Preise beruhen nicht auf wahren Fakten, sondern vielmehr auf einer anonymen E-Mail.
08.02.2009 21:35 Uhr, ComputerBase,
This Mii is a criminal
The sketch artist at the Kanagawa, Japan police department must've been on vaca last week -- local authorities there decided to use this shady-looking Mii to try and catch a man suspected of a hit and run. Crude, yet effective -- although something tells us a man with no arms who can still swing a tennis racket might just stand out on his own. [Via Danny Choo; thanks Penny]Filed under: Gaming
08.02.2009 21:23 Uhr, Engadget,
08.02.2009 20:00 Uhr
Mobis launches aluminum Xtand pro for Mac
Mobis Technology has released the latest in its line of mobile stands, Just Mobile Xtand Pro for the Mac. The new mobile stand is created completely out of aluminum (to help match the metal finish of the MacBook) and is made to fit any sized Mac. Just Mobile Xtand Pro comes complete with an adjustable bar that provides height-customization capabilities to help bring the Mac screen up to eye level,
08.02.2009 19:50 Uhr, MacNN,
08.02.2009 19:00 Uhr
Meizu M8 on sale for $440: buy at your own risk
We don't have to caution those familiar with the name "Meizu" that this may not be what it seems, but we'll do it anyway for those new to the field. The outfit's long, long, long awaited M8 appears to be on sale now for anyone with $439.99 and a remote desire to own one. However, we have seen this thing "on sale" before, but outside of a few anomalous reviews, we haven't actually seen it sh
08.02.2009 18:51 Uhr, Engadget,
08.02.2009 18:00 Uhr
RIM's BlackBerry Storm shows its cheaper side on Amazon
Verizon's BlackBerry Storm is getting a little kick in its pricing courtesy of an Amazon rebate-free rebate. The deal here is that the infamous touchscreen BlackBerry is now $99.99 on a two-year stint, no rebate paperwork, no mailing things anywhere, just shell out cash, get phone, call people. Verizon has a buy one get one free thing going on right now, so if you're looking for two Storms for the price of one -- and that one is still $199 -- you can head on over to see them. Everybody happy now? [Via
08.02.2009 17:51 Uhr, Engadget,
Rückblick: OS/2 Warp - das bessere Windows 3.1
Als es darum ging, einen Nachfolger für MS DOS zu entwickeln, taten sich Mitte der 1980er Jahre die zwei Computer-Giganten IBM und Microsoft zusammen. Das Ergebnis hieß OS/2 und war seiner Zeit das fortschrittlichste Betriebssystem. Wir blicken zurück auf das Betriebssystem, das nie wirklich eine Chance hatte.
08.02.2009 17:35 Uhr, CHIP,
08.02.2009 17:00 Uhr
Analyst makes bold iPhone predictions for 2009
According to Seeking Alpha, Canaccord Adams analyst Peter Misek thinks there is going to be a pretty big shakeup in the iPhone line this year.
Three new iPhones could be coming in 2009. The first is a 32G iPhone in multiple colours that is likely to arrive during the next six months. Next up is a lower-cost handset based on the 2.5G iPhone, which is targeted for China and India. Third is a smaller version – about one-third the size of the 3G iPhone – that costs 40% less and is also likely before year-end.
He quotes carriers who believe the smaller iPhone could have a $99 price point. But doesn't believe there will be a voice only version. We're not sure where he came
08.02.2009 16:21 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
LG Arena (KM900) pops official, brings along 3D S-Class UI
Rather than waiting for the KM900 to get lost amongst hundreds of other handsets set to vie for attention at Mobile World Congress, LG has decided it best to go ahead and make its newest touchscreen handset official a few days early. The so-called Arena, which will take the crown as LG's "flagship phone for 2009," is hoping to wow onlookers with its dynamic 3D S-Class user interface. According to Dr. Skott Ahn, president and CEO of LG Mobile: "The direct, intuitive and dynamic S-Class UI will be unlike anything that has appeared on a mobile phone before." We're not quite sure we believe all that just yet, but there's little doubt this bugger will be keen on multimedia.
08.02.2009 16:21 Uhr, Engadget,
08.02.2009 16:00 Uhr
08.02.2009 15:00 Uhr
AppStore-Schnäppchen am Valentinstag
Software-Entwickler lieben den AppStore, und ebenso ihre Kunden, die fleißig Programme laden und damit die Kassen klingeln lassen. Für einen echten Liebesbeweis ist der kommende Samstag genau der richtige, denn am Valentinstag werden rund 30 Entwickler ihre Apps um bis zu 80 Prozent reduziert anbieten.
08.02.2009 14:21 Uhr, Maclife,
Acer Aspire One D150 with N270 previewed, now available for US pre-order
streets Taipei for around 400 euros 1gb ram 160GB, 10.1-inch display, and n270 atom. huge 6 cell batter. glossy display isn't gonna let you keep your head down when outdoors not digging the small trackpad and or keyboard, separated by universes with nc10 but hey, this just one man's opinion. a more in-depth review -- battery, benchmarking, etc. -- is forthcoming, but for now, check him out after the break Acer Aspire One D150 gets handContinue reading Acer Aspire One D150 with N270 previewed, now available for US pre-orderFiled under: LaptopsAcer Aspire One D150 with N270 previe
08.02.2009 14:21 Uhr, Engadget,
Tupper-Parties sollen die Xbox an die Frau bringen
Was tun zehn Freundinnen Mitte Fünfzig in einem Wohnzimmer mit fünf Litern Prosecco und einem Häppchen-Buffet? Ganz klar, sie veranstalten eine "Tupper-Party"! Das altbewährte Marketingkonzept hat schon so manches Vorratsdosen-Set in die Küchenschränke vieler Haushalte gebracht und soll nun selbiges mit der Spielekonsole Xbox 360 schaffen. Denn Microsoft hat die "Tupper-Party" für sich entdeckt, um mit der beliebten Konsole auch das unterrepräsentierte weibliche Publikum anzusprechen.
08.02.2009 14:06 Uhr, Maclife,
08.02.2009 14:00 Uhr
Sprachen lernen auf dem iPhone
Viele Sprachen zu sprechen ist in einer globalisierten Welt wie dieser nicht nur ein praktischer Helfer auf der Karriereleiter. Auch auf Reisen ist es schön, wenigstens ein paar Brocken der Landessprache zu sprechen. Wer auf den letzten Drücker oder sogar mit etwas Zeit eine neue Sprache lernen will, für den könnte die neue iPhone App "Pocket Italian" genau das richtige sein. Denn neben Italienisch bringt das kleine Programm seinen Schülern auch noch Arabisch, Französisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch und Russisch bei.
08.02.2009 13:36 Uhr, Maclife,
Die neue CHIP: PC absichern in 10 Minuten
Die Internet-Mafia wartet nicht! Handeln Sie deshalb sofort und schützen Sie Ihren Rechner gegen die neuen Angriffe aus dem Web. Unsere Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zeigt, wie Sie systematisch vorgehen und wirklich alle Schlupflöcher schließen.
08.02.2009 13:20 Uhr, CHIP,
08.02.2009 13:00 Uhr
Retro-Rechner: Computer in den Sechzigern
Larry Luckham war Manager eines Datencenters Ende der sechziger Jahre. Das Besondere: Er hielt sein Arbeitsumfeld mit seiner Kamera in Fotos fest. CHIP Online zeigt Ihnen die besten Bilder aus diesem Abschnitt der IT-Geschichte.
08.02.2009 12:20 Uhr, CHIP,
08.02.2009 12:00 Uhr
Panasonic's HDC-HS300 HD camcorder reviewed, thoroughly enjoyed
Panasonic's HDC-HS300 was unleashed amidst a flurry of other camcorders at CES this year, but according to Trusted Reviews, it won't be hiding under the shadows of everyone else for long. Rather than bogging you down with details, we'll just get right to the punch -- critics didn't hesitate to suggest that this "could well be the best [consumer] camcorder released all year." The most important aspect (yes, we're talking about image quality) was said to be "nothing short of stunning in virtually all conditions," and low light performance was deemed "particularly amazing." There were plenty of outputs, a swank touchscreen LCD and a ver
08.02.2009 11:51 Uhr, Engadget,
08.02.2009 11:00 Uhr
Gerüchte um neue Produkte von AMD
Zum Wochenende hat die bekannte Gerüchteküche Fudzilla diverse Meldungen präsentiert, die allesamt beinhalten, dass AMD ab April richtig loslegen wird. Sie schließen neue Prozessoren aber angeblich auch Chipsätze und Probleme mit dem DDR3-Speicher ein. Wir werfen einen Blick darauf und versuchen zu klären, was wirklich stimmen könnte, oder was eher aus dem Reich der Sagen und Mythen kommt.
08.02.2009 10:35 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Test: Videokurs zu Flash CS4
Innovative Webseiten, die mit Adobe Flash erstellt wurden, sorgen dank ihrer Interaktivität und Kreativität häufig für Staunen und Anerkennung.
08.02.2009 10:05 Uhr, CHIP,
08.02.2009 10:00 Uhr
Vocalia 1.4 for iPhone adds German voice recognition
Creaceed has launched a new update to its voice recognition iPhone app, Vocalia 1.4, adding support for German language recognition and a German interface. Vocalia searches Address Book contacts via speech recognition, using the Julius engine for multi-locutor, speech recognition, supporting up to 5000 contacts. It recognizes a spoken name and brings up a list of possible matches, allowing the use
08.02.2009 09:05 Uhr, MacNN,
Pocket Italian leads off nine iPhone language apps
Innovative Language Learning has released Pocket Italian and language learning apps in eight other languages. The apps are also available for Arabic, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Russian and will be available for English, German, and Spanish. They will be offered at four different levels of aptitude and will all be made available for purchase on iTunes during the month of February. The a
08.02.2009 09:05 Uhr, MacNN,
08.02.2009 9:00 Uhr
Keepin' it real fake, part CLXXXI: Sumsang Omnia can't fool anyone
Oh, the horror! You know, Samsung's Omnia isn't terribly unique, but we never thought we'd see it knocked off and disrespected like this. Clearly created for use on China Mobile (and by fools who don't actually inspect the devices they buy), the Sumsang Omnia is a GSM smartphone that sports a 2.4-inch 320 x 240 resolution display, an MP3 player, a 13 megapixel camera (right), USB connectivity, a couple of games, a microSD card slot and a sure-to-be-counterfeit version of Windows Mobile running the show. Of course, this abomination will only set you back a buck twenty, and hey -- at least this version comes with dual SIM slots![Thanks, Derek]Filed under:
08.02.2009 08:51 Uhr, Engadget,
08.02.2009 6:00 Uhr
Nokia launching a Symbian app store at MWC?
Because you're not cool unless you've got an app store, Nokia is reportedly set to join the ranks of Apple, Palm, BlackBerry, Samsung, and pretty much everyone in opening a software portal for its Symbian OS. According to Mobile-Review edit
08.02.2009 05:36 Uhr, Engadget,
08.02.2009 3:00 Uhr
Dell Promise Pink laptops fight breast cancer
It slipped under the radar this past week, but Dell and Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced a partnership that'll see Dell donate $5 to the foundation for every new Promise Pink laptop it sells. Most of Dell's line is available in the new hue, including the various Inspiron Studios and Minis, the XPS m1330 and m1530 -- hell, even the Latitude E4200 for all you trendster suits out there. Dell's committed to raising at least $250,000 through the program, so it apparently thinks these are going to be quite popular -- we'll know for sure if this dude trades up to Promise from Flamingo.[Via
08.02.2009 02:36 Uhr, Engadget,
08.02.2009 2:00 Uhr
08.02.2009 1:00 Uhr
Dell XT2 specs and availability leaked, launching on Weds?
It's been a long, long time since the first information about Dell's update to the venerable XT convertible tablet snuck out of Texas, and while we got some choice morsels of information last month, we were still missing any semblance of a release date (that original November 2008 target proved to be a bit optimistic). Now we have what could be the official spec sheet for the series and a date to boot, confirming much of what we'd heard before, like your choice of 1.2GHz SU9300 or 1.4GHz SU9400 Intel
08.02.2009 00:36 Uhr, Engadget,