Alle JustMac-News vom 01.02.2009
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01.02.2009 23:00 Uhr
Video: Stimulant's XRay mobile app brings SecondLight to any 'ol Surface
When Microsoft demonstrated Surface we were impressed. Then, when they later showed off SecondLight, we were even more impressed -- and then were sorry for anyone who had made the considerable investment in one of the earlier, singularly-lighted tables. We're feeling better now (thanks for asking) after seeing a video demonstration of XRay, a mobile app from Stimulant (who earlier blended a Wii Balance Board with a Surface) that provide
01.02.2009 22:51 Uhr, Engadget,
01.02.2009 22:00 Uhr
Fünf Twitter-Anwendungen für das iPhone
Jeden Sonntag stellt iPhone-Anwendungen einer speziellen Kategorie vor. Diesen Sonntag beschäftigen wir uns mit fünf Twitter-Clients für das iPhone, über die Sie im Internet "Zwitschern" können. Nebenbei sei erwähnt, dass ebenfalls unter dem Twitter-Account Mac_Life regelmäßig über News aus der Apple-Welt berichtet.
01.02.2009 21:51 Uhr, Maclife,
01.02.2009 21:00 Uhr
MP3 Mirror has potential, could be so much more
Given that we've seen mirror TVs and MP3 players designed to emit sound within one's shower, we'd say Antonio Lupi's MP3 Mirror is just one of the gang. In fairness, we do appreciate the sleek design and its reported ability to integrate into any steel frame mirror, but unless we're badly mistaken, the user is still responsible for adding speakers. Our suggestion? Hook up with Emo Labs and c
01.02.2009 20:51 Uhr, Engadget,
01.02.2009 20:00 Uhr
Is the iTunes store having its own credit cruch?
Credit crunch hits Apple? Not likely with that $28 billion in the bank. But there seems to have been some problems over at the iTunes store affecting people's credit.
According to Venture Beat and a few hundred Twitterers, there seems to have been a minor glitch at the Apple Store when purchasing videos or music. The error reads:
Due to a problem with the iTunes Store, your store credit balance is temporarily unavailable for use in purchasing music; you may continue purchasing using a different method of payment.
As of this writing the problem appears to be solved.
01.02.2009 19:21 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Crackulous breaks app store encyption, our hearts
Well, we guess it had to happen. There is now an app that breaks the encyption on App Store apps and allows people to (pirate) share them with others.
A project started by a coder named ‘SaladFork’, Crackulous was officially only available to a limited number of individuals, but it quickly gained notoriety as it makes the process of cracking software ridiculously easy. The successor to the more fiddly xCrack script, Crackulous is now being developed by ‘Angel’ and has a full GUI. All people have to do is buy an app from Apple and click a button, it’s that easy.
Although the software package w
01.02.2009 19:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
01.02.2009 19:00 Uhr
Verizon softens the blow, offers $200 rebates on VAIO P wireless broadband activations
It's a tight squeeze with all that money in his pocket!
Yeah, $900 for the netbook, and a hefty chunk of change for Verizon data -- you're not made of money, right? Verizon Wireless is making things a little easier on VAIO P buyers hesitant to activate 3G service, and offering $200 rebates, in the form of a debit card, if they sign up for a two-year data contract. Hopefully Sony's working up a similar rebate program to help with the uptick in eye care due to that impossibly high resolution s
01.02.2009 18:36 Uhr, Engadget,
01.02.2009 18:00 Uhr
01.02.2009 17:00 Uhr
AMEX Digital's SR-7 / SW-7 digiframes do more than show slideshows, induce naps
We've seen the future of the digiframe, and it's well, less boring than what we've been forced to deal with previously. AMEX Digital is acting rather proactively by outing two newcomers with lots of extra functionality bundled in. 'Course, it remains to be seen if you're even interested in those extra goodies, but you can appreciate the effort regardless. The SR-7 includes a 7-inch 800 x 480 display and doubles as a radio controlled clock (with dual alarms) and a digital indoor thermometer; as for the SW-7, it includes most of the same features but throws in weather forecasting t
01.02.2009 16:51 Uhr, Engadget,
Intel Core i7 bekommt neues Stepping
Ab dem 2. März 2009 werden die Core i7 von Intel nicht länger nur im ersten verfügbaren C0-Stepping daherkommen, sondern es wird eine neue Revision mit dem Stepping D0 geben. Als erstes Modell soll der Core i7-920 davon profitieren, teilte Intel in seinen neuesten Product Change Notification mit
01.02.2009 16:20 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Flash for iPhone is coming, along with a faster processor hopefully
Bloomberg reported this weekend that Adobe Engineers are working diligently on getting Flash down to an acceptable level of power usage and performance to work on the iPhone/iPod touch architecture. The bad news? Don't expect this technology to become available in the first half of 2009. According to Adobe's press release on the matter:
The joint technology optimization is targeted for the ARMv6 and ARMv7architectures used in the ARM11™ family and the Cortex™-A series of processors and is expected to be available in the second half of 2009.
01.02.2009 16:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
01.02.2009 16:00 Uhr
01.02.2009 15:00 Uhr
Review: Limit Point Software Mailings
When you need to contact groups of people with the same information, bulk email saves mail costs and is more environmentally friendly. While programs like Apple Mail or Entourage allow you to send the same email to multiple people, most email programs don't offer a mail merge feature where you send customized email to individuals from a list. Mailings, from Limit Point Software, bridges that gap a
01.02.2009 14:20 Uhr, MacNN,
Adobe und Apple: Gemeinsam stark für Flash auf dem iPhone
Was bislang unmöglich schien, geht nun offenbar doch: So will Adobe das leidige Thema "Flash auf dem iPhone" nun gemeinsam mit Apple in Angriff nehmen und endlich umsetzen. Bisher erwies sich die Technik als zu strom- und ressourcenfressend, um sie auf Apples Mobiltelefon zu integrieren. Doch die "große technische Herausforderung" hofft Adobe-Chef Shantanu Narayen "in Zusammenarbeit mit Apple" zu meistern, erklärte er in einem Interview mit Bloomberg.
01.02.2009 14:06 Uhr, Maclife,
Dell's Mini 12 netbook dissected for your viewing pleasure
It's taken quite awhile for someone to gather up the courage to do it, but at long last, Dell's cutesy Mini 12 has been stripped of its dignity and dissected for the world to see. Honestly, there isn't much in this netbook that you haven't already seen in similar alternatives, but those unable to resist the allure of undressed gadgets will still want to give the read link a visit. Or two, depending on your level of self-restraint.Filed under: Laptops
01.02.2009 14:06 Uhr, Engadget,
01.02.2009 14:00 Uhr
Kanadische Schulen durch Computer-Attacken lahm gelegt
Moderner Schulunterricht beinhaltet die Arbeit mit Computern - doch gefährlich wird es, wenn sowohl Lehrer als auch Schüler auf Technik vertrauen, die nicht ausreichend gegen Angriffe von außen abgeschirmt ist. So ist bereits seit drei Wochen ein ganzer Schulbezirk in Kanada lahmgelegt, nachdem sich der Wurm "Win32.Krap.b" auf den Schulrechnern verbreitet hat.
01.02.2009 13:51 Uhr, Maclife,
Nintendo muss Abstiegsängsten vorbeugen
Nintendo schwimmt auch in diesem Jahr weiterhin auf einer nicht enden wollenden Erfolgswelle. Die Entwicklung erwies sich bisher als derart perfekt, dass nun selbst kleine Änderungen im Absatz-Ausblick dafür sorgen können, dass das gesamte Konstrukt ins Wanken gerät.
01.02.2009 13:05 Uhr, ComputerBase,
01.02.2009 13:00 Uhr
Neue Phenom II, alte fallen weiter im Preis
Ein Blick in den Preisvergleich verrät, die Einführung weiterer Phenom-II-CPUs durch AMD steht kurz bevor. So haben erste Shops mit dem Phenom II X4 810 ein weiteres Vier-Kern-Modell und mit den Versionen Phenom II X3 710 und Phenom II X3 720 Black Edition zwei erste Drei-Kern-Varianten im Sortiment gelistet.
01.02.2009 12:20 Uhr, ComputerBase,
01.02.2009 12:00 Uhr
Neue Mac-Messe in Köln
Während die Geschichten vieler Apple-Messen schon traurige Enden gefunden haben, wollen es die deutschen Veranstalter um Daniel Pein noch einmal wissen: Unter dem neuen Namen mac2.009 soll sich die Mac-Gemeinde Ende Oktober in Köln versammeln, um die Rückkehr der Mac Expo nach Deutschland zu feiern.
01.02.2009 11:51 Uhr, Maclife,
01.02.2009 11:00 Uhr
App Store-Tipps zum Wochenende
Zum Sonntag mal wieder ein kurzer Blick auf iPod touch- bzw. iPhone-kompatible Neuheiten und Sonderangebote im App Store. Fangen wir mit den Sonderangeboten an:
Sim City gibt es weiterhin zum von 7,99 auf 5,99 Euro reduzierten Preis, also 25% billiger. (Danke Rico)
Flick Fishing von Freeverse ist heute noch für 79 Cent erhältlich, das Angelspiel bietet mehr Spaß als man aufs erste meinen mag, nicht nur die Leine muss gekurbelt, sondern auch die Angel im richtigen Moment angezogen werde.
01.02.2009 10:35 Uhr,,
DISH Network's DTVPal DVR unboxed and previewed
For the longest while, we couldn't figure out who let the standalone HD DVR die. To this day, we're still scrambling to find an answer, but thankfully DISH Network has stepped in to revive the niche while the search continues. The outfit's DTVPal DVR has been circulating for almost a century now (okay, just a year and change, but there's hardly a difference in the grand scheme of things), and Mr. Dave Zatz has done us the honors of unboxing one and setting it up. The unit actually doubles as a DTV converte
01.02.2009 10:21 Uhr, Engadget,
AMD to release DDR3-capable processors
DDR3-capable chips will allow information from the memory to be communicated to a CPU fasterAdvanced Micro Devices will soon introduce processors that are capable of supporting DDR3 memory, earlier than the company had anticipated.
01.02.2009 10:05 Uhr, Macworld UK,
01.02.2009 10:00 Uhr
01.02.2009 7:00 Uhr
Takeoka Jidosha Kogei's electric minicar gets slightly more macro, even more cute
Japanese minicar manufacturer Takeoka Jidosha Kogei's Milieu R is the perfect car for anti-social folks, featuring only one seat and a range of 50km that's just enough to make your commute while being limited enough to get you out of going to the bar afterward. Thus far those who socialize only with (very) small animals have been left out of the company's offerings, but that all changes with this new prototype, the T10. It's ever so slightly larger, gaining 90mm in length and 40mm in width, making room for a shelf to the left of the driver's seat intended for some sort of pet (we're guessing hamster, possibly a petite guinea pig). The other specs, including that 50 km range and top speed of 55
01.02.2009 06:36 Uhr, Engadget,
01.02.2009 5:00 Uhr
Adobe and Apple Working on Flash for iPhone
Bloomberg reports that Adobe's Chief Executive Officer Shantanu Narayen has revealed that Adobe with Apple on bringing Flash support to the iPhone:Its a hard technical challenge, and thats part of the reason Apple and Adobe are co
01.02.2009 04:20 Uhr, Macrumors,
01.02.2009 4:00 Uhr
Apple teams up with Adobe for iPhone Flash at long last
With Android getting all Flash-ey, Apple's "Goldilocks" position on Flash -- the full Flash player is too hefty, Flash Lite is too weak -- seemed pretty untenable. Now Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen has revealed that Apple and Adobe are "collaborating" on making Flash a reality on the iPhone, citing the technical challenge it presents. What's clear is that with all this work to do, it doesn't seem they're going the watered-down Flash Lite route, but we're trying not to hold our breath for a full-on,
01.02.2009 03:51 Uhr, Engadget,
01.02.2009 2:00 Uhr
Switched On: With Pre, Palm breaks from the Storm
Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology.
In a recent interview with Elevation Partners' Roger McNamee, the Palm investor explained that Palm knew it had to step up its game after RIM launched the BlackBerry Pearl, which he described as "the first real consumer electronics product in the smartphone category." The Pearl launch served as the coming out party for the BlackBerry brand among consumers as RIM began stepping up its advertising, and the product's narrower hardware design was a noticeable break with the staid stylings of previous BlackBerry devices.Indeed, back in November of 2006 as Palm rolled out the somewhat consumer-focused Treo 680, I wrote a
01.02.2009 01:36 Uhr, Engadget,
01.02.2009 1:00 Uhr