Alle JustMac-News vom 11.11.2023
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11.11.2023 24:00 Uhr
SpaceX workers face above-average injury rates as Musk prioritizes Mars over safety, report finds
A Reuters investigation into unsafe working conditions at SpaceX has uncovered more than 600 injuries going back to 2014 that have not been publicly reported until now. Current and former employees cited in the report blame CEO Elon Musk’s aggressive deadlines and hatred of bureaucracy, alleging his goal of getting humans to Mars “as fast as possible” has led the company to cut corners and eschew proper protocols.
Injury rates at some SpaceX facilities are much higher than the industry average of .8 injuries or illnesses per 100 workers, Reuters found. At its Brownsville, Texas location, the 2022 injury rate was 4.8 per 100 workers. At the Hawthorne, California manufacturing facility, it was 1.8. In McGregor, Texas, where the company conducts rocket tests, the injury rate was 2.7.
Employees have suffered broken bones, lacerations, crushed fingers, burns, electric shocks and serious head wounds — including one that blinded Brownsville worker Florentino Rios in 2021 and another that left
11.11.2023 23:45 Uhr, Engadget,
11.11.2023 22:00 Uhr
SAG-AFTRA deal includes a $40 million streaming bonus and AI protections
SAG-AFTRA has released more information about its tentative deal with Hollywood studio executives ahead of ratification votes starting on Tuesday. The actors’ union announced the agreement on November 8, bringing to an end a nearly four-month-long strike.
Under the deal, actors would get three wage increases between the time of ratification and July 2025: a 7 percent bump right away, followed by a 4 percent increase in July 2024 and 3.5% in July 2025. For background actors, there will be a wage increase of 11 percent as of November 12, followed by 4 percent and 3.5% increases in July 2024 and July 2025, respectively.
It also secures a bonus for some members whose work has landed on streaming platforms, albeit it much smaller than the union demands initially called for. According to Variety, there will be a bonus fund amounting to $40 million a year for the deal’s three-year term to be paid out to actors on top of their normal streaming residuals. But to be eligible, the show or movie in question m
11.11.2023 21:54 Uhr, Engadget,
11.11.2023 21:00 Uhr
Lofree Block Wireless Mechanical Keyboard review: Retro, with modern elements sprinkled throughout
The Lofree Block Wireless Mech Keyboard has upgraded internal specs but a traditional exterior, unlike modern keyboards with colorful keycaps and patterns.Lofree Block Wireless Mechanical KeyboardMechanical keyboards are becoming increasingly popular, and this trend is leading to a wider range of customization options. Although the basic structure of these keyboards remains largely the same, companies are competing by adding unique features to their products. Read more
11.11.2023 20:27 Uhr, AppleInsider,
11.11.2023 20:00 Uhr
11.11.2023 19:00 Uhr
11.11.2023 18:00 Uhr
11.11.2023 17:00 Uhr
11.11.2023 16:00 Uhr
Ausreichend Wasser trinken: Diese Tricks helfen dabei
Wer täglich ausreichend Wasser trinkt, tut seinem Körper etwas Gutes. Allerdings fällt es vielen Menschen schwer, die empfohlene Menge von mindestens zwei Litern am Tag zu erreichen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir einige Tipps zusammengetragen, die Ihnen dabei helfen sollen, genug Flüssigkeit zu sich zu nehmen. Außerdem zeigen wir Ihnen im Video einen Test, mit dem Sie erkennen, ob Sie genug trinken.
11.11.2023 15:09 Uhr, CHIP,
Abkehr von MIUI? Xiaomi kündigt HyperOS an
Xiaomi hat offiziell das Ende von MIUI eingeläutet und den Nachfolger HyperOS angekündigt. Die neue Plattform soll ab 2024 weltweit auf Xiaomi-Smartphones verfügbar sein und mit verbesserten Leistungsfunktionen und einer neuen Art der Gerätekonnektivität überzeugen.
11.11.2023 15:09 Uhr, CHIP,
11.11.2023 15:00 Uhr
Umweltziele: Apple verspricht die Produktpreise nicht zu verteuern
Im Jahr 2030 möchte Apple vollständig klimaneutral werden und sicherstellen, dass die Kunden keinen Aufschlag für neue Geräte zahlen müssen. Apple will die Preise nicht erhöhen, um die Kosten seiner CO2-Reduktionsziele auszugleichen. Keine Preiserhöhung geplant Wie Lisa Jackson, die Vizepräsidentin für Umwelt, Politik und soziale Initiativen bei Apple, auf der Reuters NEXT-Konferenz in dieser Woche
11.11.2023 14:09 Uhr, apfelnews,
Apple @ Work: SAP achieves 83% adoption rate for macOS Sonoma in 25 days
Apple @ Work is brought to you by Mosyle, the only Apple Unified Platform. Mosyle is the only solution that fully integrates five different applications on a single Apple-only platform, allowing businesses to easily and automatically deploy, manage, & protect all their Apple devices. Over 38,000 organizations leverage Mosyle solutions to automate the deployment, management, and security of millions of Apple devices daily. Request a FREE account today and discover how you can put your Apple fleet on auto-pilot at a price point that is hard to believe.
One of the major shifts we’ve witnessed in recent years is the move from holding major OS releases internally as long as possible to celebrating the rapid adoption. SAP recently announced they had achieved an 83% adoption rate for Apple’s new version of macOS within an outstanding 25 days.
11.11.2023 14:09 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
11.11.2023 14:00 Uhr
Apple to challenge European Union’s crackdown on Big Tech companies
Apple will challenge the European Union’s fresh crackdown on Big Tech’s dominance in the first of what is expected to be several appeals against the Digital Markets Act, reports Bloomberg. The tech giant will dispute the EU regulator’s decision to put all of the App Store into the bloc’s new digital antitrust list, the article […]
11.11.2023 13:27 Uhr, MacMinute,
Apple still hasn’t broken ground on its US$1 billion North Carolina campus
Apple still hasn’t broken ground on its US$1 billion North Carolina campus, reports The News Observer. The Wake County, North Carolina campus was announced in 2018. Since then, progress has been slower than anticipated. “It’s really slow rolling on the applicant side,” a Wake County official told The News & Observer. “I thought it would […]
11.11.2023 13:27 Uhr, MacMinute,
Top Apple-related stories this week (November 6-10)
Here are the top Apple-related articles at Apple World Today for the week of October 23-27. ° Here is my review of the new M3-equipped iMac. ° Apple has updated Logic Pro, its music creation software, with new features available across the Mac and iPad. ° Apple has announced updates to Final Cut Pro across Mac and […]
11.11.2023 13:27 Uhr, MacMinute,
Veterans Day: thank a vet for your freedom
Today is Veterans Day, and we thank our vets for all the freedoms we have in this country. Veterans Day is always on November 11, originally commemorating the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I “on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month” of 1918. It is now a […]
11.11.2023 13:27 Uhr, MacMinute,
11.11.2023 13:00 Uhr
11.11.2023 12:00 Uhr
MediaTek fordert Qualcomm heraus: Dimensity 9300 vorgestellt
MediaTek hat den Dimensity 9300 SoC vorgestellt, der speziell für High-End-Smartphones entwickelt wurde. Mit seinen leistungsstarken CPU- und GPU-Kernen sowie KI-Beschleunigern bietet der SoC eine beeindruckende Leistung. Der Dimensity 9300 soll Ende dieses Jahres verfügbar sein.
11.11.2023 11:54 Uhr, CHIP,
11.11.2023 11:00 Uhr
Nuki Smart Lock: Neues Türschloss kommt nächste Woche
Falls ihr die Anschaffung eines Nuki Smart Locks plant, dann solltet ihr euch noch ein paar Tage gedulden. Der Hersteller aus Österreich hat am Freitag angekündigt, dass am 14. November die neue Generation vorgestellt werden soll. Optisch scheint sich dabei auf den ersten Blick nicht viel zu ändern: Auf dem Teaser-Bild sind zwei Smart Locks […]
11.11.2023 10:36 Uhr,,
11.11.2023 10:00 Uhr
11.11.2023 9:00 Uhr
Haarentfernung günstig: IPL-Gerät bei Aldi
Haarentfernungsmethoden sind entweder schmerzhaft oder teuer – oder beides. Mit einem IPL-Gerät, wie es Aldi aktuell im Angebot hat, müssen Sie wenigstens nicht so oft ran. Allerdings sollten Sie hier ein paar Punkte beachten, bevor Sie loslegen. Wir checken den Deal. Im Video: So funktionieren IPL-Geräte.
11.11.2023 08:27 Uhr, CHIP,
11.11.2023 8:00 Uhr
11.11.2023 7:00 Uhr
Der große Linux-Gaming-Guide
Still und leise hat sich Linux zur praxisreifen Gaming-Plattform gemausert. Unzählige Indie- und AAA-Games laufen einwandfrei ohne Frickelei, wir erklären wie.
11.11.2023 06:45 Uhr, Heise,
11.11.2023 1:00 Uhr