Apple has a shot at growing the Mac's share of all personal computers even as total shipments of desktops and notebooks continue to contract, an analyst argued today."The Mac is a growth story," said Ben Bajarin of Creative Strategies in an interview. "Mac has outgrown the total PC market in 29 of the last 30 quarters, and I see that continuing."Yesterday, Apple said it had sold 4.6 million Macs in the quarter that ended Sept. 30, a 7.1% dcline from the same period a year ago. According to estimates from researchers IDC and Gartner, global PC shipments fell 7.6% o 8.6%, espectively. The one quarter of the last 30 that Apple didn't beat the industry average was the final in 2012, when Mac sales contracted 22% -- while the PC business declined just 6% - after Apple uncharacteristically announced new iMacs but then didn't have any to sell for nearly two months.Even with the