24.10.2013 20:05 Uhr, Quelle: Macworld UK
9 out of 10 Macs are eligible for free Mavericks upgrade
OS X Mavericks, the Mac operating system Apple offered Tuesday as a free upgrade, could end up on more than 90% o Macs, according to statistics from a Web analytics company.Net Applications' latest data showed that 93% o current Macs run last year's Mountain Lion, 2011's Lion or 2009's Snow Leopard, all eligible for the free upgrade to Mavericks.The California metrics firm measures operating system user share by tallying unique visitors to the tens of thousands of websites run by its customers.But while some analysts have seen the free deal as a poke at rival Microsoft -- which has charged fees for its Windows upgrades, if not for interim updates like the recent Windows 8.1 -- Apple may have had other reasons in mind.By pushing Mavericks, Apple can hope that a larger percentage of its customer base will upgrade, reducing OS fragmentation. As in iOS, whose users typically upgrade in droves to make the newest
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