24.10.2013 17:05 Uhr, Quelle: Macworld UK
First-look: Pages for Mac, iOS, and iCloud
If you were wondering when (or if) Apple had plans to update iWork for the Mac, Tuesday October 22 was an amazing day. Along with the expected release of new iWork apps for iOS, Apple released new versions of iWork for the Mac. Each of these apps is designed to offer easy access to and editing of your documents no matter what device you're using--and that includes PCs.After working with these updated versions of Pages for the Mac and for iOS, as well as the Pages in the iCloud beta, I'm happy to report that there's a lot to like about the latest editions of Apple's word-processing apps. Pages now offers collaborative document editing, seamless synchronization between platforms, and a single document format for all platforms. While I wasn't able to test these features in any depth, my initial impression is that the apps and their documents all play really well together.Pages f
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