Apple has updated its Retina MacBook Pro, making it thinner and lighter than its predecessor, and adding Apple's new Intel Haswell processors. Both the 13in and 15in Retina MacBook Pro models got an update during Apple's 22 October event, and will begin shipping today with OS X Mavericks. Both the 13in and 15in MacBook Pro with Retina display are just 0.71 inches thick. More to follow. Welcome to our new Retina MacBook Pro release date, rumours and leaked images article. Here, we'll bring you everything we know about the new Retina MacBook Pro release date so you'll know when the new Retina MacBook Pro is coming out. Plus, we'll bring you some of the juiciest spec rumours from around the web. We'll also share any new MacBook Pro leaked images that we find. Apple was previously expected to unveil new MacBook Pro with Retina display models at WWDC 2013 in June. H