iOS 7 has many snazzy effects and cool new animations, but it's not for everyone: Some users have reported feeling dizzy from the operating system's motion effects, while others (my father included) are having issues reading the system's default text. But you don't have to deal with feeling ill every time you look at your iPhone--there's another way. Here's how to de-animate and re-boldify iOS 7.Reduce motion in iOS 7If the dynamic wallpaper movement on iOS 7 has you feeling seasick, don't panic: There's no need to throw your iPhone overboard. You can disable this animation and iOS 7's other more drastic shifts by going to Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion.After you flick this switch, your home screen wallpaper should once again be as still as it was in iOS 6.Make the text larger and bolderHaving trouble reading text in your apps? There are two solutions hidden away in Settings > General >