13.09.2013 21:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog
The iPhone 5c is cheap for Apple, not for you
Shares of Apple took a mighty plunge this week following Apple's new iPhone announcement. Apparently investors weren't thrilled with the pricing on the iPhone 5c, a device which was, without any evidence whatsoever, pre-emptively touted as a low cost iPhone.
In truth, the iPhone 5c, while mildly cheaper than the iPhone 5s, is nowhere close to being cheap. On Apple's website, an unsubsidized 16 GB iPhone 5c retails for US$549 while the 32 GB model goes for $649.
So what gives? Why did Apple go through the trouble of developing the iPhone 5c if not to make it cheaper for the masses?
Simple. Apple doesn't view amassing marketshare for bragging rights as a worthy pursuit. Apple is not, nor has it ever been, in the business of flooding the market w
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