03.05.2012 14:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Daily iPhone App: Junk Jack builds something special

I have flown over 6,000 miles in the last two days -- on Monday, I left Prague to fly back to London, and then yesterday, I jumped on a plane to come back home to Los Angeles. And through it all, Junk Jack was there for me. The game has been out for a while now, and you might have passed over it previously as a 2D Minecraft or Terraria clone (which it basically is). But especially with the recent update, Junk Jack has carved out a major niche of its own, and it now stands as the best sandbox game I've ever played on a mobile device. You may know how these games work by now. You start in a wild, untamed world with nothing, and then start digging down to see what kinds of resources you can find

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