23.04.2012 16:20 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog
iBorg: I have become them
The other evening, I cracked open a nearly 600-page book by Scott Sigler. (Summary: it was pretty bad, cannot recommend it, but that has nothing to do with this post.) And as I began to read, I soon realized that while the traditional print novel has not changed much in the last few decades, I as a reader had.
For one thing, there was no built-in light source in the book. For another, I could not tap words to define them or adjust the font size presentation to my precise mood. In fact, the entire book for all its narrative value had about as much interactive GUI appeal as, forgive me, a large pile of dead wood.
Worse was the fact that I could not read the thing after switching off the bedroom lighs. It suddenly hit me that, although I brought b
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