30.03.2012 21:05 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

How 3rd Party apps might integrate with Siri

Third-party integration into Siri remains at the top of many of our TUAW wish lists. Imagine being able to say "Play something from Queen on Spotify" or even "I want to hear a local police scanner." And Siri replying, "OK, you have two apps that have local police scanners. Do you want ScannerPro or Wunder Radio?" So why doesn't Siri do that? Well, first of all, there are no third party APIs. Second, it's a challenging problem to implement. And third, it could open Siri to a lot of potential exploitation (think of an app that opens every time you say "Wake me up tomorrow at 7:00 AM" instead of deferring to the built-in timer). That's why we sat down and brainstormed how Apple might accomplish all of this safely using technologies already in-use. What follows is our thought experiment of ho

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