19.03.2012 20:50 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

F.A.A. might review policy on iPads and other gadgets during takeoff, landing

Whenever I travel by air, I always make sure that I have a clean, untouched crossword puzzle in the in-flight magazine before takeoff. Why? Because of the idiotic regulation from the Federal Aviation Administration (F.A.A.) that says that I can't use portable electronic devices during takeoff and landing. According to a post on the New York Times site this morning, the F.A.A. may be taking a "fresh look" at use of electronics in the passenger cabin during the critical phases of flight. Blogger Nick Bilton called the F.A.A. last week and spoke with deputy assistant director for public affairs Laura J. Brown, who said the administration has decided it's high time that they take a look at the effects -- if any

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