14.03.2012 20:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Engadget Show returns Friday, March 16th with Douglas Rushkoff, Sony, iRobot, MWC and air combat

We're back in familiar surroundings for the 31st episode of the Engadget Show, and boy do we have a lot planned for this month. Some might say it's too much. To those people we shake our heads disapprovingly. We're pushing the limits this time out, testing the latest GoPro and Contour rugged camcorders in the deserts of Nevada and the skies above them. We'll be taking a trip to Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and swinging by iRobot's Massachusetts headquarters. And we'll talk to media theorist Douglas Ruskoff about his book Program or be Programmed and Sony Electronics president Phil Molyneux. We've also got some sweet giveaways and, as always, we'll be taking

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