03.03.2011 23:50 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Apple releases Xcode 4 GM. Again!

Apple has just posted another GM seed (number 2 if you're keeping count) of Xcode 4. Build 4A304a is ready for you to download, install, use and love. You need to be a paid member of either the iOS or the Mac dev programs to access this build. Now, if Apple would only get around to, you know, releasing Xcode 4 It would make life ever so much interesting. Be aware that if you are beta testing Lion, you will need to download and install the separate Lion-specific tools. Xcode 4 GM is built for Snow Leopard. A tip of the developer's cowboy hat to Morgan for telling us about the re-releaseApple releases Xcode 4 GM. Again

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