14.02.2011 21:35 Uhr, Quelle: The Unofficial Apple Weblog
Aza Raskin shares Jef Raskin's 1981 memo on the genesis of the Macintosh
If you don't already know Jef Raskin's name, you should spend some time getting to know his work. His son, Aza Raskin, turned out to be a bit of a prodigy, eventually doing important and amazing work at Mozilla in the Labs department. Aza's latest endeavor is a company called Massive Health. His dad, Jef, was a true visionary in user experience and wrote a book called the Humane Interface, a must-read if you design interfaces for human beings. Oh, and Jef is largely credited with this whole "Macintosh" thing, often called the "father" of th
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