17.08.2010 04:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Verizon FiOS Simulcrypt rollout will break most CableCARD tuners

There comes a time in any electronic gadget's life when it becomes useless and although it's inevitable, the length of the useful lifespan can vary greatly. In recent years firmware updates have really helped extend the life of devices, but when the manufacturer has no financial incentive to support older products, it can mean a premature end (at least from the customer's perspective). Well after three years that time has apparently come for FiOS TV subscribers who own ATI Digital Cable Tuners (and many other CableCARD devices). Now before you get too up in arms about this, it isn't really Verizon's fault, you see said company wants to be able to use Cisco and Motorola devices in the same area and this means i

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