24.04.2009 19:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
Engadget Podcast 143 - 04.24.2009
In case you aren't hip to the Twittersphere, Josh, Nilay, Paul and Engadget's own Twitter bot put out their feelers for listener questions this week, and got a lot of great material for discussion. Inquisitive minds wanted to know which wild conjectures these fine men believe about the Zune HD, how particularly evil Time Warner Cable is, and other matters related to Chinese phone manufacturers and The End Times. If you failed to seize upon this opportunity to ask, or found your own question heartlessly ignored, make sure to take advantage of the various avenues of contact listed below and ask away! Hosts: Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel, Paul Miller Producer: Trent Wolbe S
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