27.08.2008 13:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com
iPhone Pushes AT&T to Intro Roaming Options
Source : TGdailyOnce you have been used to get your emails updated on your iPhone while being on the move, it becomes difficult to disable this option, or for some to stop using it. However, when traveling in other countries this feature can become quite expensive. AT&T was charging 20 USD per MB of data for oversea usage, so in other words 20,000 UGD for 1 GB!
In order to please iPhone owners who are traveling to different location outside USA, the carrier now offers new option, kind of Roaming Options for 100 or 200 MB of data, costing respectively 120 USD and 200 USD. If it remains expensive, it might become acceptable for professional usage. It would be nice to see other carriers to follow on this idea.
[translation by Linathael]
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