27.08.2008 13:28 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Nikon's new D90 in full, gory detail

Filed under: Digital Cameras So, Nikon finally fessed up to its new D90 prosumer DSLR, which means all that's left for us is to do is to pick through the spec sheets, drool on the product shots and imagine ourselves taking the film industry by storm with that D90-shot indie flick we're plotting.INT. SUBURBAN HOME - DAYBLOGGER sits at his computer typing. He looks inspired, witty, unkempt. The camera's short depth of field captures the writer in his element.Oh, right, the tech specs: New 12.3 megapixel Nikon DX-format CMOS image sensor with Integrated Dust Reduction System. Low-noise from ISO 200 to 3200, ISO 6400 ava

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