29.07.2008 09:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Dell Released Firmware Updates for NVidia-based Notebooks

It is no clear that NVidia does not plan to make public the real impact of its manufacturing problem affecting GeForce 8400M- and 8600M-based GS, GT and other Quadro FX models and leading to the death of the GPU due to an inappropriate heat management (see our previous news about it). To reduce the rate of dead in notebooks, NVidia is working with manufacturers to modify the settings of the GPU cooling system to launch fan at lower temperature. Dell is the first one to have released online new bios for its notebook while providing details on both symptoms of a dying GPU as well as the list of affected graphic chips: The issue is a weak die/packaging material set, which may fail with GPU temperature fluctuations. If your GPU fails, you may see intermittent sympt

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