20.02.2025 17:27 Uhr, Quelle: AppleInsider

Pegasus infections on iPhones more common than previously believed

Pegasus may have been more widely used than first believed, after an iPhone app used to detect infestations uncovered multiple undiscovered instances of the spyware.An iPhone with a thematic binary wallpaper.Pegasus, created by NSO Group, is known to be spyware used by governments and security agencies around the world. While the spyware has previously been discovered on devices owned and used by prominent political figures, people of interest to governments, and journalists, it was probably more widely used than anyone expected.In May 2024, iVerify released a $1 app for people to scan their iPhones for any signs of compromise. On Wednesday, iVerify said that, of the approximately 3,000 people who downloaded and used the app, there were seven verifiable detections of Pegasus. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

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