20.02.2025 00:18 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Apple No Longer Sells Any Small iPhones

With the discontinuation of the iPhone SE today, Apple no longer sells any "small screen" smartphones. The smallest iPhone Apple now sells is 6.1-inches, with the iPhone 15, iPhone 16e, and iPhone 16 all coming in this display size. The iPhone 16 Pro has a 6.3-inch display, the ‌iPhone 15‌ Plus and ‌iPhone 16‌ Plus are available with 6.7-inch displays, and the ‌iPhone 16 Pro‌ Max features a 6.9-inch display. All of the discontinued ‌iPhone‌ display sizes with the device that introduced them are listed below: 3.5-inches: ‌iPhone‌ (first-generation, 2007) 4-inches: ‌iPhone‌ 5 (2012) 4.7-inches: ‌iPhone‌ 6 (2014) 5.5-inches: ‌iPhone‌ 6 Plus (2014) 5.8-inches: ‌iPhone‌ X (2017) 5.4-inches: iPhone 12 mini (2020) With no iPhones left on sale with a display smaller than 6-inches and no rumors about any smaller devices in the pipeline, Apple seems to have abandoned the small-screen smartphone market entirely

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