17.02.2025 14:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Get a four-pack of Chipolo One Bluetooth trackers for 32 percent off

Tired of losing stuff? Chipolo is selling a four-pack of its One Bluetooth trackers for $67.50. This represents a discount of 32 percent. Just remember to pop in the code “ENGADGET10” at checkout. That brings the sale price of $75 down to $67.50. The discount applies to all colorways, and there are a bunch to choose from. There are also combo packs that include multiple colors. This gadget not only made our list of the best Bluetooth trackers, but it’s our very favorite release in the product category. The One is a near-perfect tracker. The battery lasts two full years, it works great with both Android and iOS devices and the ringer is incredibly loud. This is great news for those who tend to misplace items under mountains of linens or between couch cushions. There’s also no perceptible lag between pressing the Ring to Find button and hearing the trill. This isn’t true of many rival trackers. It even has a handy hole for attaching to keychains and the like. This may seem li

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