11.02.2025 20:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Microsoft wants to hand off much of its Army HoloLens program to Palmer Luckey’s Anduril

Microsoft’s six-year-old program to make HoloLens headsets for the US Army could be getting some extra help. If the Department of Defense approves the deal, the company will expand its existing partnership with Anduril Industries, Palmer Luckey’s defense startup, for the next stages of the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS) program. Microsoft, which spearheaded the program, would transition into supplying AI and cloud infrastructure. Meanwhile, Anduril would do pretty much everything else, including “oversight of production, future development of hardware and software and delivery timelines.” Anduril makes a wide array of defense tech, including drone interceptors, sentry towers, comms jammers, drones and even an autonomous submarine. But given Luckey’s background as the primary inventor of the Oculus Rift — and, by extension, the modern consumer XR industry — the IVAS program could perhaps be the defense tech startup’s most natural fit. US Army / Micr

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