21.01.2025 20:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Polyend stuffed a fully programmable drum machine in a stompbox

This year’s NAMM trade show has opened up its doors, so that means there will be a wealth of new musical doodads to lust over. Case in point? Polyend just dropped a hybrid device that combines the functionality of a standard guitar pedal with a drum machine. The Polyend Step is a “fully-featured, programmable drum machine in stompbox format.” This should be an absolute boon for those who want some accompaniment while playing guitar, or any other instrument. That alone makes it the perfect practice tool, however it looks like it could also be a great resource for anyone doing the whole “one person band” thing. Drum stompboxes are nothing new, but the Step kicks things up several notches. It comes with over 200 drum kits to peruse, along with 350 preset rhythm patterns. These patterns consist of 16 steps, but can be combined to build full songs. To that end, the pedal can store more than 1,000 songs. Drum patterns can also be made from scratch via the built-in step sequence

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