13.01.2025 17:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sonos CEO Patrick Spence falls on his sword after horrible app launch

Sonos CEO Patrick Spence is stepping down from the company after eight years on the job, according to reporting by Bloomberg. This follows last year’s disastrous app launch, in which a redesign was missing core features and was broken in nearly every major way. The company has tasked Tom Conrad to steer the ship as interim CEO. Conrad is a current member of the Sonos board, but was a co-founder of Pandora, VP at Snap and product chief at, wait for it, the short-lived video streaming platform Quibi. He also reportedly has a Sonos tattoo. The board has hired a firm to find a new long-term leader. “I think we’ll all agree that this year we’ve let far too many‬ people down,” Conrad wrote employees in a letter. “Getting back to basics is necessary, but clearly not enough to‬‭ unlock the future we all envision for Sonos.” He also suggested that he wants the company to expand “well beyond” home speakers and related gear. As for Spence, he’

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