13.12.2024 19:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Skype phases out credits and phone numbers

Microsoft has cut two of Skype’s central premium features: credit and custom phone numbers. Instead of credits, the company is now pushing subscriptions — priced regionally and globally, depending on your needs. As for using a phone number other than your cell’s, there’s no longer an alternative on the platform. The first wind of the change came from a volunteer moderator replying in Microsoft’s Skype forums to a user who wanted to know why they couldn’t buy new credits. “We have just received new information from Microsoft,” said Skype moderator Ruwim. B, who rocked a sweet Yoda profile pic. “Skype has stopped purchase of Skype Credit for all users. The only option available now are monthly calling subscriptions.” When another user chimed in to ask for confirmation that this meant there was no way on the entire platform to send SMS messages once you’re out of credits, the moderator wrote, “Unless they decide to add an ongoing SMS texting

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