03.10.2024 23:45 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Tesla’s fifth Cybertruck recall is due to a rear-view camera glitch

Tesla issued another recall for more than 27,000 Cybertrucks. This is the fifth time the electric truck has been recalled in the last year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued the recall due to an image delay from the rear-view camera. The delayed rear-view camera failed to produce an image to the driver of what’s driving behind them within the legally required two seconds, “increasing the risk of a crash,” according to the official recall notice. Reuters reports that the camera display is caused by a software glitch in the Cybertruck’s system. Some vehicles failed to complete the shutdown process before booting up again, causing a noticeable delay in the rear-view camera of up to eight seconds. So far, no crashes or injuries have occurred as a result of the software issue. Tesla is issuing a software update to address the rear-camera display delays. This recall is just the latest in a string of notices and hiccups for the D-minus geometry project on wheel

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