28.01.2008 09:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
CybertronPC CM900, Eee's long-lost twin?
Filed under: Laptops
Sure, it looks like the Eee, it sports the same CPU as the Eee, heck, it even appears to use the Eee's OS -- but it's actually the CM900! What does that mean? Well for starters, you'll pay more money for less computer ($349.99 for a 2GB system, the same price for a 4GB ASUS) but of course you'll have that CybertronPC name to fall back on. Honestly, we'd say this was a rebrand if it weren't for the minor differences in specs, and who knows -- maybe it is. If not, however, this is the knock-offingest knock-off we've seen in a good long while. Far be it from us to condemn the CybertronPC gang for trying to get in while the gettin's goo
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