27.01.2008 13:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

iPhone, only 70 000 subscriptions in Germany

Source : MacgenerationT-Mobile has revealed the figures. Only 70 000 iPhone contracts were subscribed during the first 11 weeks that the iPhone was on the market in Germany. Maybe these numbers confirm the lack of passion of the iPhone in Europe compared to the United States, however one can find at least an explanation in Germany. In this country, and it was the only one, the marketing was accompanied by a legal battle concerning the contract of exclusivity. Vodaphone had succeeded with a temporary court order to oblige T-Mobile to sell it without subscription (999 €) and also to unlock the phones already sold. This legal intrigue caused a blur which interrupted two weeks of sales and disturbed the well oiled marketing machine of Apple. However this should not be used to conceal other factors that have also sl

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