26.01.2008 11:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

320 Gb on a single platter

Source : DailytechThe war on data density is still going on in the HDD-market, everybody's trying to push as much data on a single platter as possible. Western Digital has just released a 3.5" disk that stores 320 Gb on a single platter! This has two consequences: - First, cheaper drives: because less parts are used, producing these drives is cheaper, and they'll probably cost around $100. - Second: drives with huge capacity, close to 1.3 Tb (using 4 platters and 8 heads). The fact that they're starting with the first option, proves that the market prefers a better capacity/price ratio rather than pure storage capacity, and they're serving mostly OEM-resellers (who tend to offer cheaper drives instead of top-of-the-line products). Another advantage of having less moving parts in a drive is its lower power usage, and consequently less heat inside the drive. [translation by

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