25.01.2008 14:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Jailbreak for the iPhone with 1.1.3 firmware

Source : FrenchiPhoneSince this morning, a solution to install Jailbreak on iPhones running 1.1.3 firmware exists. However we suggest that you wait until the technique is further developed before you try it yourself. At the moment Jailbreak runs on a hybrid version of firmware 1.1.3 that uses the modem firmware from the previous version. This seems to block access to the Edge network and especially blocks the geo-localisation, and this is the most interesting piece of the new firmware version. Additionally, there are a number of applications that are not compatible with firmware 1.1.3. We will keep you informed as things advance, and let you know of a good moment to upgrade once these principle difficulties have been eliminated. [translation by crispin]

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