24.01.2008 19:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
Wii Fit shipping Stateside Q2 2008, says Nintendo
Filed under: Gaming, Peripherals
Alright America, you've got yourself some prep work to do: Nintendo's about to foist this whole nefarious "exercise" paradigm on you, in the form of the Wii Fit, and we know how you fell for that whole "Wii" fad a year or so back. The thing has a 300 pound weight limit at the moment, though it's unclear if Nintendo is going to "upgrade" that for American users, but you'll just have to risk it. We figure a few dozen Twinkies a day, on top of a couple potlucks a week, and a few barrels of Pocky to keep it cultural, and you should have yours
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