18.01.2008 11:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Greenpeace Comments Steve Jobs' Announcement

As we could expect it, Greenpeace officially reacted to Steve Jobs's announcement about Cupertino commitment for a Greener Apple. In an official press release Greenpeace acknowledges: As a mercury and arsenic free laptop [MacBook Air] exceeds European Standardsand raises the bar for the rest of the industry. The BFR and PVC free printed wiring on the motherboard is a big step forward, but not a first. Sony achieved that last November with the Vaio notebook. Unlike the previous press release targeting Apple, this time Greenpeace is strongly pushing Apple to become an example and the leader for the computer industry: The MacBook Air has less PVC and BFRs than other Mac computers, but it is not entirely free from those hazardous chemicals. Had it been it would have made Apple an ecological leader. With their product design on the right

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