08.01.2008 13:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Winner: Vii meets the PS3 and a new legacy is born

Filed under: Gaming An eager tipster sent in a pic and some info on what appears to be some sort of PS3 clone called "Winner" - think Vii meets PS3. While the Vii concentrated on mimicking (horribly, but still) the Wii's feature set, the Winner is all about mimicking the PS3's myriad media functionalities. That means a photo player, karaoke functions, SDHC for media storage. But it's all about the (really crappy) games, right? Winner is going to be packing 2D and 3D graphics with online and motion sensing features (note the totally not-a-Wiimote controller). How much would you expect to pay for the privi

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