07.01.2008 10:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

TomTom Home 2 Does Support Mac OSX

Hereafter is a report from one of our readers about a TomTom product I recently purchased a GPS map update for TomTom. After two days, TomTom Home was not able to locate my new maps, and as a consequence could not download them. Hereafter is the answer from TomTom Consumer Service following my request: Dear Mr. XXXXXXX, Thanks for contacting TomTom consumer Service To download your card you need TomTom HOME 2.1. You can obtained it from the following link: www.tomtom.com/7606 HOME2 is not currently available for Apple Macintosh, and we are working hard to release a solution in a near future. In the mean time, you can use a Windows-based computer to take advantage of our offer regarding map updates (Windows XP, 2000 or Vista including the last service packs). If, you have any question or need any further information; do not hesitate to contact us Sincer

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