12.12.2007 23:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
Greener Gadgets conference in New York, February 2008
Filed under: Announcements
Our gadgets may be getting slowly greener, but consumer technology is still one of the world's dirtier, more pollutant industries, and it's about time we all rounded up some electronics heavyweights and had a chit chat. Thankfully, Jill Fehrenbacher of Inhabitat (disclaimer: as many of you know, Jill is wife to Engadget co-founder and editor-at-large Peter Rojas) and Marc Alt of Marc Alt and Partners have stepped up to the plate, and are launching the Greener Gadgets conference. We'll be there participating in the discussion, as well as execs and environmental technologists from OLPC, HP, Nokia, and Sony. It all goes down on February 1st in New
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