11.12.2007 13:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Nokia, like Apple, will seek its slice of the revenue sharing pie

The argument of the iPhone being an industry "game changer" repeatedly suffers the same pitfall: people end up arguing about the device, not the deal. Fact is, the oh-so-secretive, revenue-sharing model which Apple struck with AT&T, O2, T-Mobile, and Orange as part of their non-subsidized, carrier exclusive has changed the rules of carrier / device maker dance. Now Nokia, as you'd expect with their 40% market share, is asking for their slice of the pie. "As far as mobile phones are concerned we are sticking with our old business model," said Nokia CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, "that is, we get paid for our devices. But for providing new services we are seriously considering a shared turnover model." Hear that carriers, Nokia just put you on notice. With this and

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