09.11.2007 10:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

First Tests of the Santa Rosa Graphic Chipset

Our friend Rob Art from Barefeats published the first results of a preliminary test aiming to evaluate the performance of the Santa Rosa integrated graphic chipset found in the new MacBook, with the GMA950 from the previous MacBook generation, and the 8600M from a MacBook Pro 2.2GHz. If the X3100 is definitely faster than the GMA950, it is still far from being a true graphic card. When tested with Quake 4 1280x800 in high quality settings, the X1300 displays 7FPS, instead of 4fps for the GMA950, while the 8600M in the MBP scores 41fps. Similar results were obtained with Doom3. One will have to wait for the test to be completed to make a final judgment, but if the X1300 is better than the GMA950, it is far from being a revolution in integrated graphic chipset. [translation by Linathael]

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