Alle JustMac-News vom 25.03.2023
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25.03.2023 24:00 Uhr
Dozenten schreiben Arbeit mit KI – und zeigen Gefahren und einen großen Vorteil auf
ChatGPT hat das Potenzial, immer mehr aufregende Chancen für die Wissenschafts-Community zu schaffen – allerdings birgt es auch Risiken. Das behandelt ein Paper, das zum Teil mit dem Chatbot verfasst wurde.
Wissenschaftler:innen der Universität Plymouth und der Plymouth Marjon University haben ChatGPT verschiedene akademische Texte verfassen lassen. Die haben sie dann zu einem Paper zusammengefügt. Das Paper soll zeigen, in welchen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen ChatGPT hilfreich sein kann, wo es noch deutliche Schwächen aufweist und wo es ernste Risiken birgt. Das berichtet weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 23:00 Uhr, t3n,
25.03.2023 23:00 Uhr
Epic made a Rivian R1T demo to show off its latest Unreal Engine 5 tools
In 2020, Epic Games publicly demoed Unreal Engine 5 for the first time. Nearly three years later, gamers are still waiting for the tech to go mainstream. Outside of Fortnite and The Matrix Awakens, there aren’t any UE5 games you can play right now, and the first salvo probably won’t arrive until the end of the year at the earliest. None of that stopped Epic from showcasing the engine’s latest capabilities with a handful of new demos during its recent State of Unreal keynote at GDC 2023.Arguably the most impressive one saw Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 developer Ninja Theory show off Epic’s new MetaHuman Animator. The tool promises to make realistic facial capture accessible to indie developers by allowing them to use an iPhone, instead of dedicated equipment, to capture facial performances. As you can see from the two demos Epic shared, the tool makes it possible to quickly and accurately transform a closeup video of an actor into something a studio can use in-game. Epic said the ani
25.03.2023 22:45 Uhr, Engadget,
25.03.2023 21:00 Uhr
25.03.2023 20:00 Uhr
25.03.2023 19:00 Uhr
Jonsbo U6: Schubladen-Chassis zum Ausziehen als Schrauberhilfe
Jonsbo fügt die normalerweise fünfteilige Außenhaut des ATX-Towers U6 zu einem einzigen Element zusammen. Das Chassis kann deshalb an zwei Griffen wie eine Schublade herausgezogen werden, um die Montage von Komponenten zu erleichtern – im Grunde lassen sich Front, Seitenteile, Deckel und Boden gleichzeitig abnehmen.
25.03.2023 18:54 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Here’s how to watch March Madness 2023 on iPhone, Apple TV, and web [U: Elite 8]
Like last year, the 2023 NCAA tournament is being broadcast across multiple networks. Fortunately, you can stream all the games from one place with the NCAA’s app as well as a few other options. Follow along for how to watch March Madness 2023 on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, the web, plus the full schedule, and more.
Update: The Elite 8 kicks off tonight, March 25.
25.03.2023 18:27 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
25.03.2023 18:00 Uhr
Internet Archive violated publisher copyrights by lending ebooks, court rules
A federal judge has ruled against the Internet Archive in its high-profile case against a group of four US publishers led by Hachette Book Group. Per Reuters, Judge John G. Koeltl declared on Friday the nonprofit had infringed on the group’s copyrights by lending out digitally scanned copies of their books.The lawsuit originated from the Internet Archive’s decision to launch the “National Emergency Library” during the early days of the pandemic. The program saw the organization offer more than 1.4 million free ebooks, including copyrighted works, in response to libraries worldwide closing their doors due to coronavirus lockdown measures.Before March 2020, the Internet Archive’s Open Library program operated under what’s known as a “controlled digital lending” system, meaning there was often a waitlist to borrow a book from its collection. When the pandemic hit, the Internet Archive lifted those restrictions to make it easier for people to access reading material
25.03.2023 17:54 Uhr, Engadget,
Milliardenumsatz: Bei dieser Firma ist der CEO eine KI – und zwar mit Erfolg
Der chinesische Gaming-Konzern Netdragon Websoft, der einen Jahresumsatz von über zwei Milliarden US-Dollar hat, wird von einer KI gelenkt. Mit „Tang Yu“ an der Spitze performt das Unternehmen vor allem an der Börse überdurchschnittlich gut.
Schon bevor die Fähigkeiten von ChatGPT einen KI-Hype auslösten, wollte Netdragon Websoft wissen, wie sich eine künstliche Intelligenz als CEO macht. Im August 2022 übernahm die KI Tang Yu die Führung weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 17:00 Uhr, t3n,
Corona-Warn-App geht in Sommerschlaf – was du ab Juni damit noch anfangen kannst
Seit der Einführung im Juni 2020 ist die Corona-Warn-App fast 50 Millionen Mal installiert worden. Nach drei Jahren soll sie jetzt in eine Art „Schlafmodus“ versetzt werden. Für bestimmte Funktionen lässt sie sich aber weiter verwenden.
Die Corona-Warn-App des Bundes hat viele Deutsche über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren durch die Pandemie begleitet. Mehr als 48 Millionen Installationen verzeichnete das Bundesgesundheitsministerium seit dem Start im Juni 2020.
Corona-Warn-App geht im Juni in den „Schlafmodus“
Am 31. Mai enden die Verträge mit SAP und T-Systems, die für Entwicklung und Wartung der App weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 17:00 Uhr, t3n,
Problem Mondstaub: Nasa sucht mit Uni-Wettbewerb nach Lösung für Mondmissionen
Einer permanenten Basis und sicheren Landungen auf dem Mond steht vor allem der gefährliche Mondstaub im Weg. Dieses Problem der Nasa soll nun ein Wettbewerb unter Student:innen lösen.
Mondmissionen sind spärlich gesät – seit über 50 Jahren hat kein Mensch mehr Fuß auf den Erdtrabanten gesetzt. Denn obwohl die Nasa im Rahmen ihres Artemis-Programms große Pläne für die Menschheit auf dem Mond hat, gibt es Hindernisse – allem voran Regolith, auch Mondstaub genannt.
Für dieses Problem sucht die Nasa weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 17:00 Uhr, t3n,
Esa: Künstlicher Winterschlaf in der Raumfahrt könnte schon in 10 Jahren getestet werden
Tiere verlieren im Winterschlaf nur wenig Muskelmasse. Das ist einer der Hauptgründe, warum ein künstlicher Winterschlaf auf langen Raumfahrtmissionen für Astronauten interessant ist.
Auf sehr langen Reisen durch das Weltall könnte es durchaus Sinn ergeben, die Astronauten in eine Art Winterschlaf zu versetzen. So müssen sie sich nicht über lange Zeiträume hinweg in einer kleinen Raumkapsel langweilen und verbrauchen weniger Vorräte.
Laut Jennifer Ngo-Anh, einer Forscherin der European Space Agency (weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 17:00 Uhr, t3n,
iOS 16.4 kommt nächste Woche: Diese Neuerungen stecken im iPhone-Update
Mit iOS 16.4 naht das nächste iPhone-Update. Die neue OS-Version bringt unter anderem zusätzliche Emojis mit sich, aber auch an anderen Stellen sind Neuerungen zu verzeichnen. Ein Überblick.
Anfang Januar hat Apple mit dem Update auf iOS 16.3 unter anderem mehr Sicherheitsfunktionen und Support für den neuen Homepod (Test) geliefert. Mit weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 17:00 Uhr, t3n,
25.03.2023 17:00 Uhr
25.03.2023 16:00 Uhr
AirTags: US-Agenten nutzen Tracker zur Verhaftung eines Rauschgifthändlers
Die US-amerikanische Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) hat im letzten Jahr einen AirTag von Apple verwendet, um illegale Utensilien zur Drogenherstellung zu verfolgen. Diese wurden aus China an einen Drogenhersteller in die USA geschickt. Die Aktion geht aus einem Durchsuchungsbefehl hervor, der dem Magazin Forbes vorliegt. Im Mai 2022 fingen Grenzbeamte zwei Pakete aus Shanghai in […]
25.03.2023 15:54 Uhr,,
Niederlage für Samsung: Größter Konkurrent zieht vorbei
Samsung ist die Nummer 1, danach kommt der Rest: Die Rangordnung auf dem Smartphone-Markt ist eigentlich klar. Doch zuletzt hat sich das Blatt gewendet und ausgerechnet Samsungs größter Konkurrent konnte vorbeiziehen: Apple. Der Sieg dürfte zwar nur zeitweilig sein, er sollte Samsung aber dennoch zu denken geben.
25.03.2023 15:27 Uhr, MacNews,
25.03.2023 15:00 Uhr
iPhone 15 Dynamic Island soll neuen integrierten Näherungssensor haben
Wie der zuverlässige Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo in einem Beitrag auf Twitter schrieb, werde ein neuer Näherungssensor im Dynamic Island Bereich des iPhone 15 integriert. Bisher befindet sich der Sensor unter dem Display. Integrierter Näherungssensor im iPhone 15 Dynamic Island Nach dem Tweet von Ming-Chi Kuo soll der Näherungssensor der iPhone 15 Modellreihe im Dynamic Island
25.03.2023 14:36 Uhr, apfelnews,
Ihr PC könnte schneller sein: Diese Komponenten sind schuld
Beim PC-Bau gibt es viele verschiedene Teile zur Auswahl, doch nicht alle arbeiten immer perfekt zusammen. Und wenn die Leistungsunterschiede zu groß werden, kann es dazu kommen, dass der PC von einer bestimmten Komponente gebremst wird. Wie Sie dies vermeiden können, erfahren Sie hier.
25.03.2023 14:09 Uhr, CHIP,
Hands-on: Mkeke’s new cases for iPhone 14 offer an alternative to Apple’s pricey counterparts
Mkeke has been specializing in designing iPhone cases since 2015. During that time they have been able to become a Top iPhone cases brand, generating well over 1,000,000 positive reviews! Now, Mkeke has revamped their new iPhone 14 lineup of cases to give us two amazing new offerings– including an all-new magnetic case– that will make you think twice about getting a case directly from Apple. Check out the video below for our hands-on look and for a limited time get 20% off on Amazon.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
The best Mac accessories: Thunderbolt 4 dock, MagicBridge, and more
As I’ve overhauled my setup throughout the Apple Silicon transition and in conjunction with the Mac Studio and MacBook Pro, I’ve used this as an opportunity to add some new accessories as well. This includes a new OWC Thunderbolt Dock, a nifty Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad accessory from Twelve South, and more. Head below for the details.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Mac mini with M2 Pro diary: flexible, affordable, and creator-focused [Video]
Back in the Intel days, the Mac mini’s small stature resulted in huge performance tradeoffs. In the past, you could have a small footprint, or you could have high performance, but you couldn’t have both. Apple Silicon has totally changed the game in that respect, and that’s further emphasized with the . Watch my hands-on experience with Apple’s diminutive beast, and be sure to subscribe to 9to5Mac on YouTube for more hands-on videos.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Microsoft planning to offer its own Xbox app store on iPhone as soon as next year
Microsoft is already hard at work preparing for a world in which Apple is forced to allow third-party app stores on iPhone. In an interview with the Financial Times, Microsoft Gaming head Phil Spencer said that the company wants to be “in a position to offer Xbox and content from both us and our third-party partners across any screen where somebody would want to play.”
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Deals: Official Apple iPhone 14 series cases from $31, black Magic Trackpad II $120, more
With Monday now ushering in the new work week, we’re checking in with the folks over at 9to5Toys to see what’s on tap for all of today’s best deals. The savings today kick off with Apple’s entire collection of official iPhone 14 cases starting at $31, delivering some of the best prices ever in the process thanks to Amazon. Then the discounts carry over to the macOS side of the lineup, with markdowns on Apple’s official black Magic Trackpad II and Touch ID Magic Keyboard. Not to mention, $199 off all-time lows on M1 iMac. Hit the jump for all that and more in the latest 9to5Toys Lunch Break.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Poll: Stage Manager is a major feature for iPadOS 16 – Do you use it on your iPad?
With the release of Stage Manager, iPad power users finally felt like we got a feature that was made to turn the iPad into a computer replacement instead of a computer supplement. But with the feature being delayed until iPadOS 16.2, the staggered iPad support, and the confusing implementation of it, I began to wonder: How many people actually use Stage Manager?
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
9to5Mac Daily: March 20, 2023 – iPhone 15 Pro buttons, more
Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our dedicated RSS feed for Overcast and other podcast players.
Sponsored by Mkeke: Since 2015 Mkeke has been a top iPhone case brand specializing in designing exquisite, diverse and comfortable iPhone cases. Get 20% off for a limited time.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple Pay appears to be live in South Korea ahead of iOS 16.4
Last month we discovered that Apple Pay support in South Korea was set to be enabled in iOS 16.4. With the public release coming soon, it was possible Apple was waiting for that launch. However, arriving sooner, it looks like support for Apple’s contactless payment is now live in the country.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Roundup: Here’s everything Apple has been working on for its lineup of smart home products
Apple entered the smart home accessories segment back in 2014 with iOS 8, which introduced the HomeKit API to integrate such products with Siri. But it wasn’t until 2017 that Apple announced HomePod, its first smart speaker and overall first smart home device.
The company now has two different models of HomePod, but according to rumors, Apple wants to further expand this lineup in the near future. Here’s everything we know about what Apple has been working on for its smart home product lineup.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple @ Work Podcast: Business banking made digital with American Express
Sponsored by Kolide Kolide’s method means fewer support tickets, less frustration, and most importantly: 100% fleet compliance. Visit to learn more or book a demo.
In this episode of Apple @ Work, I talk with Stewart Kendall and Catherine Lynn from American Express about “super apps” in finance and how business banking has evolved in recent years.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Anker’s new 15W MagSafe charger for iPhone 14 arrives with triangular 3-in-1 design [Deal]
Anker today is launching its second-ever 15W MagSafe charging stand. After the first one landed earlier in the year, the company is out with a refreshed take on the desktop charging system that ditches the cube design we last saw for another geometric form factor. The new Anker 737 MagGo Charger packs much of the same 3-in-1 design that we’ve come to expect and is now available for purchase with .
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Tuesday’s best deals: 12.9-inch M2 iPad Pro $200 off, M1 iPad Pro $699 off lows, more
All of Tuesday’s best discounts are now live thanks to the reporting over at 9to5Toys, with a pair of notable iPad offers leading the way. You can now save $200 on Apple’s latest 12.9-inch M2 iPad Pro at its second-best price yet. Or if you’re not sold on the latest from Apple Silicon, the previous-generation cellular 12.9-inch M1 iPad Pros should do the trick with up to $699 in savings attached. Then be sure to go check out OtterBox’s iPhone 14 power bank with MagSafe passthrough charging as it hits $41. Hit the jump for all that and more in the latest 9to5Toys Lunch Break.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
watchGPT skirts App Store review with ‘Petey’ rebrand, upgraded with GPT-4
An Apple Watch ChatGPT client originally called watchGPT jumped to the top of Apple’s App Store earlier this month, offering a slick AI experience right on your wrist. However, after Apple cracked down on “GPT” being in app names, the app had to pivot. Now ‘Petey’ the AI Assistant is available for Apple Watch with GPT-4 support, new quick prompts, and more.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
What’s new in iPadOS 16.4? Here are the full release notes
The “Release Candidate” version of iPadOS 16.4 is now available to developers and public beta testers. The update includes nearly all of the new features introduced with iOS 16.4, plus a few iPad-only improvements specifically for the Apple Pencil. Head below for the full release notes.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Exclusive: New ‘Beats Studio Buds+’ headphones coming, unreleased AirPods referenced [U]
Update: According to our sources, despite supporting features like Hey Siri, the new Beats Studio Buds+ will still use a custom Beats chip instead of Apple’s H1/H2. Original story below.
iOS 16.4 is coming soon with a bunch of new features, including new emoji, web app notifications, and more. But under the hood, today’s RC update adds support for an unreleased Beats Studio Buds+, as discovered by 9to5Mac. Read on as we detail what to expect from these new wireless earbuds from Beats.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
When will Apple release iOS 16.4 to everyone?
Apple is currently beta testing iOS 16.4, and it includes a number of new features and changes for iPhone users. Head below as we recap all of those new features, and speculate on when iOS 16.4 will be released to everyone…
Update March 21, 2023: The iOS 16.4 “Release Candidate” is now available to developers and public beta users. This lines up with our expectation of a release to everyone next week, likely on March 28. More details below.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Instagram finds space for more ads: search results and ‘reminder ads’
Believe it or not, Meta has found the space for more ads in Instagram. The company has announced that it is now allowing Instagram advertisers to place ads in search results for the first time. “Ads will show up in the feed that people can scroll when they tap into a post from search results,” the company says.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
MLB Friday Night Baseball returns April 7, Apple TV+ subscription now required
The Apple-Major League Baseball partnership continues. A weekly doubleheader lineup of baseball games will air on Fridays on Apple TV+, beginning April 7 with a matchup between the Texas Rangers and Chicago Cubs.
Last season, Apple made Friday Night Baseball available to all users for free — it was watchable by anyone with an Apple ID and access to the Apple TV app. That “limited time offer” has now gone away. For 2023, an Apple TV+ subscription is required to tune in to see the games.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Opera browser gets ChatGPT with ‘AI Prompts’ and new sidebar on Mac
Opera is the latest browser to build in OpenAI’s generative artificial intelligence – with an early access offering. Following companies like Microsoft’s lead, the new Opera on desktop has “AI Prompts” that make it super quick to use plus the browser’s sidebar includes access to ChatGPT and ChatSonic.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Deals: Apple Studio Display $249 off, 11-inch iPad Pro Magic Keyboard at $239, AirTags from $22, more
All of today’s best deals are now up for the taking, delivering some notable savings now that we’re halfway through the work week. Provided by our pals at 9to5Toys, Wednesday is now seeing the second-best price yet land on Apple’s Studio Display at $249 off. The lowest price of the year has also arrived on Apple’s latest Magic Keyboard for 11-inch M2 iPad Pro at $239, which is joined by the first chances in 2023 to save on AirTags from $22. Hit the jump for all that and more in the latest 9to5Toys Lunch Break.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Download the new yellow iPhone 14 wallpaper right here
Apple unveiled a new yellow model for the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus earlier this year, following its trend of introducing new colors for the current generation iPhone every spring. While the yellow iPhone 14 has exactly the same hardware as the other color options, it comes with a new yellow wallpaper to match its color. And you can download this new wallpaper for your devices right here.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple again rumored to bid for English Premier League football streaming rights
Following initial rumored interest, Apple is again rumored to be looking at bidding for English Premier League football streaming. This morning, Bloomberg reports that Apple is considering rights to stream Premier League and lower league matches in the UK.
This follows the debut of MLS Season Pass this past February, MLB Friday Night Baseball, and many rumors of other Apple sports streaming initiatives in development including negotiations with the Pac-12.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
HomeKit Weekly: Aqara brings HomeKit Secure Video to a battery-powered doorbell for the first time
Smart doorbells have become a popular option for homeowners who want to keep an eye on their front door while also triggering some HomeKit automation as well. Battery-powered doorbells are easy to install and offer a range of features that make them an excellent alternative to traditional wired doorbells. In this week’s HomeKit Weekly, we’ll look at the benefits of battery-powered doorbells and review the , a wireless smart doorbell that offers a range of features and benefits for folks looking for an easy-to-install HomeKit doorbell.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple to spend $1 billion annually on movies, aiming for major theatrical releases
Apple TV+ became the first streaming service to win the prestigious Oscars Best Picture award last year, for Sundance acquisition CODA, but its overall film slate has been somewhat underwhelming so far.
Via Bloomberg, that may be set to change as Apple is significantly expanding its original films division to focus on blockbuster titles that will debut widely in theatres first, before arriving on the streaming service. Apple will purportedly spend $1 billion annually on its movie slate.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
FTC proposes new ‘Click to Cancel’ requirements for managing subscriptions
The Federal Trade Commission in the United States has proposed a handful of changes that it says will make it easier for consumers to cancel recurring subscriptions and memberships. The FTC believes that its “Click to Cancel” provisions “would go a long way to rescuing consumers from seemingly never-ending struggles to cancel unwanted subscription payment plans.”
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Hands-on: Fitness Stats 2 adds custom averages, comparisons, and more to lifetime activity totals
Fitness Stats originally launched in 2020 as a simple and handy way to see your lifetime activity details across 12 categories including exercise time, calories, steps, cycling, running, walking, and swimming workouts (now that’s over 20). Today the app has received a major update with a new way to compare your activity based on custom time periods, see averages across days, weeks, months, and years, additional stats, custom sharing, and more.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple Pencil 2 hits $90 in Thursday’s best deals, Apple Watch Link Bracelets from $236, more
All of Thursday’s best deals are now up for grabs courtesy of 9to5Toys, with a series of Apple price cuts on tap. Leading the way to join all of the iPad discounts earlier in the week is the Apple Pencil 2 at $90. It is complemented by the OG Apple Pencil with USB-C adapter at $80. Not to mention, rare discounts on official Apple Watch Link Bracelets from $236 and the best price of the year on AirPods 2 at $90. Hit the jump for all that and more in the latest 9to5Toys Lunch Break.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
9to5Mac Happy Hour 426: iOS 16.4 features, SiriGPT, Apple TV+ theatrical ambitions
Benjamin and Zac discuss all the cool features coming in iOS 16.4, and what old macOS habits they’ve carried across to the modern day. Zac gives his thoughts on the Kindle Scribe, and Apple dips its toe into the neural network language model hype train with a new Siri framework hidden in the tvOS beta. Plus, Apple TV+ wants to make a big splash in cinemas with plans for wide theatrical distribution of its original films going forward.
Sponsored by Mkeke (Em-Key Key): Since 2015 Mkeke has been a top iPhone case brand specializing in designing exquisite, diverse and comfortable iPhone cases.
Sponsored by Zocdoc: Go to and download the Zocdoc app to sign-up for free and book a top-rated doctor. Many are available as soon as today.
Sponsored by Wildgrain: Get $30 off your first box plus free croissants in every box when you go to to start your subscription.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
An AirTag allegedly helped the DEA pull off a drug bust, but is that supposed to work?
Apple’s AirTag item trackers have apparently caught the attention of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. According to a new report from Forbes, the DEA recently used an AirTag to track the movements of a pill press machine, after it was intercepted by border agents.
According to the report, which is based on a search warrant obtained by Forbes, the pill press machine was inside one of two packages from Shanghai, China that border agents intercepted last May. Those border agents called in the DEA, believing the packages were “destined for an illegal narcotics manufacturer.”
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Here’s how to watch March Madness 2023 on iPhone, Apple TV, and web [U: Sweet 16]
Like last year, the 2023 NCAA tournament is being broadcast across multiple networks. Fortunately, you can stream all the games from one place with the NCAA’s app as well as a few other options. Follow along for how to watch March Madness 2023 on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, the web, plus the full schedule, and more.
Update: The Sweet 16 kicks off tonight, March 23.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple TV+ shows and movies: Everything to watch on Apple TV Plus
Apple TV+ offers exclusive Apple original TV shows and movies in 4K HDR quality. You can watch across all of your screens and pick up where you left off on any device. Apple TV+ costs $6.99 per month. Here’s every Apple original television show and movie available now on Apple TV+, as well as the latest trailers …
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone 15 to integrate proximity sensor into the Dynamic Island, could lead to improved Face ID
With the iPhone 15 launch this fall, Apple is expected to bring the Dynamic Island to the entire lineup for the first time. In conjunction with this, the company is also reportedly planning to move the iPhone’s proximity sensor inside the Dynamic Island.
The primary purpose of the proximity sensor is to shut off the screen when a user holds their phone up to their ear. It also plays a role in optimizing the Always-On Display of the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Friday’s best deals: HomePod mini hits $67, M2 MacBook Air $150 off, Magic Keyboard Folio $229, more
All of today’s best discounts are now up for grabs as the weekend begins to unfold. All brought to us by 9to5Toys, everything kicks off with a rare chance to save on HomePod mini, which comes in all five colors at $67. The second-best price to date has also arrived on Apple’s M2 MacBook Air, now landing at $150 off. Plus, you can outfit Apple’s new 10th Gen iPad with a Magic Keyboard Folio for its best price of $229. Hit the jump for all that and more in the latest 9to5Toys Lunch Break.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Best USB-C and Thunderbolt displays for Mac [New for March]
USB-C/Thunderbolt display options have really expanded over the last couple of years. While Apple’s Pro Display XDR isn’t the best fit for most Mac users at $5,000+, it also offers the more affordable Studio Display. And there are also lots of solid choices from LG, Samsung, BenQ, and more. Let’s look at the best USB-C/Thunderbolt displays available in the $400-$1,600 range.
Update 3/24/23: BenQ has launched a trio of new 4K USB-C displays at affordable prices.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
PSA: Don’t steal AirPods, they’re basically AirTags
Apple’s AirTag has become known for helping people find their lost items, but there are other Apple products that also work with the Find My network – including AirPods. This time, a woman who lost her wireless earbuds on a plane tracked them to the home of an airline employee.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
WhatsApp working on short video messages for iPhone users
The popular messaging platform WhatsApp currently offers multiple ways to communicate beyond text, such as pictures, videos, and even calls. However, WhatsApp is now working on a new feature that will let iPhone users send short video messages to other people.
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple @ Work: Pigs sometimes fly or Apple allowed IdP integration for faster and more scalable deployments
Apple @ Work is brought to you by Mosyle, the only Apple Unified Platform. Mosyle is the only solution that fully integrates 5 different applications on a single Apple-only platform, allowing Businesses to easily and automatically deploy, manage & protect all their Apple devices. Over 38,000 organizations leverage Mosyle solutions to automate the deployment, management, and security of millions of Apple devices daily. Request a FREE account today and discover how you can put your Apple fleet on auto-pilot at a price point that is hard to believe.
As more and more businesses adopt Mac devices for their employees, the integration of identity providers (IdP) has become increasingly important for the enterprise. But what exactly is an IdP and why is it so crucial for Mac integration in the enterprise?
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
25.03.2023 14:00 Uhr
25.03.2023 13:00 Uhr
25.03.2023 12:00 Uhr
Überhöhte Nutzerzahlen und mehr: Jack Dorseys Zahlungsdienstleister Block wird Betrug vorgeworfen
Hat das Aufblasen von Nutzerzahlen Methode im Hause Jack Dorsey? Nach den Vorwürfen Elon Musks gegen Twitter, legt nun ein Beratungsunternehmen gegen Block, Ex-Square, Dorseys zweites Unternehmen nach.
Am Donnerstag hat das Börsen-Beratungsunternehmen Hindenburg Research einen Bericht veröffentlicht, in dem es dem Zahlungsunternehmen Block, das bis zu Dorseys Rückzug von Twitter unter dem Namen Square bekannt war, massiven Betrug vorwirft. weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 11:00 Uhr, t3n,
Würdest du diese Lippen küssen? Startup aus China erfindet Kuss-Device fürs Smartphone
Seit dem Launch von „Mua“ wurden bereits mehrere Tausend Stück verkauft. Die Resonanz ist gemischt. Nutzer:innen fehlt vor allem eine entscheidende Sache.
Das Gerät, das Küsse simulieren soll, heißt „Mua“, benannt nach dem schmatzenden Geräusch eines echten Kusses. Erfunden wurde Mua von dem chinesischen Startup Siweifushe.
Mua ist ein Aufsatz aus Silikon fürs Smartphone mit farblosen, geschürzten Lippen, die aus der Vorderseite herausragen. Die Plastiklippen sind mit Bewegungssensoren ausgestattet, mit denen Kussdaten der weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 11:00 Uhr, t3n,
Ebay Kleinanzeigen: Das steckt hinter dem Angriff auf Immoscout und Co.
Ebay Kleinanzeigen wandelt sich – und versucht, sich beim Immobiliengeschäft stärker aufzustellen. Das könnte insbesondere die etablierten Anbieter wie Immobilienscout Marktanteile und Umsatz kosten.
Es war eigentlich nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis Ebay Kleinanzeigen – demnächst auch markenmäßig nicht mehr Ebay zugehörig – das spannende und lukrative Geschäft mit Immobilien intensiver für sich entdecken würde. Zwar hat das Portal, das im kommenden Jahr Ebay aus seinem Namen streichen wird und schon heute zur auf weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 11:00 Uhr, t3n,
Ratenzahlung und Buy-Now-Pay-Later: Vor diesen Krediten warnen Verbraucherschützer
Wenn das Leben teurer wird, steigt vielleicht die Versuchung „auf Pump“ einzukaufen. Doch bei Ratenkrediten, BNPL-Angeboten und bestimmten Kreditkarten lauern Kosten- und Schuldenfallen.
Die Inflation treibt die Preise für Lebensmittel, Miete und Energie an – große Anschaffungen sind da für viele Menschen meist nicht mehr drin. Geht das Auto kaputt oder müssen neue Möbel angeschafft werden, greifen viele daher auf Ratenzahlung und Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) zurück.
weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 11:00 Uhr, t3n,
Bahn-Chaos am Montag: Darf ich aufgrund des Streiks zu Hause bleiben?
Am Montag fallen durch den Streik nicht nur S-Bahnen, sondern auch Regional- und Fernzüge aus. Bedeutet das, dass Berufstätige zu Hause bleiben dürfen?
Am Montag wird gestreikt und erwartet wird ein Verkehrschaos. Der Grund liegt darin, dass die Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft Verdi und die Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsgewerkschaft EVG sich zu gemeinsamen Warnstreiks zusammengeschlossen haben, der nicht nur viele Verkehrsmittel, sondern so gut wie alle Teile in Deutschland trifft. Was bedeutet das für Arbeitnehmer? Wir haben die drei wichtigsten weiterlesen auf
25.03.2023 11:00 Uhr, t3n,
25.03.2023 11:00 Uhr
(g+) New Space: Raketenwissenschaft aus Deutschland
Raumfahrt ist längst nicht mehr nur Sache der großen staatlichen Behörden. Uni-Initiativen und Start-ups entwickeln Satelliten und sogar Raketen. Ein Überblick, in welchen Bereichen sich deutsche New-Space-Unternehmen tummeln. Ein Bericht von Werner Pluta (Raumfahrt, DLR)
25.03.2023 10:09 Uhr, golem,
25.03.2023 10:00 Uhr
Hey Apple, das war wohl nix: Bruchlandung für heiß erwartete Serie
Von Netflix sind wir ja aufgrund der unüberschaubaren Masse schon viel Durchschnittliches und auch viel schlechtes gewöhnt. Anders hingegen die Sachlage bei Apple TV+. Der aufstrebende Streaming-Dienst konnte bisher mit hoher Qualität überzeugen und legt jetzt doch mit einer heiß erwarteten Serie eine regelrechte Bruchlandung hin.
25.03.2023 09:27 Uhr, MacNews,
Apple-Knaller: iPhone 14 mit 40-GB-Tarif zum Sparpreis
Seid ihr auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Deal, um das brandneue iPhone 14 zu ergattern? Dann hat Curved genau das richtige Angebot für euch parat. Aktuell habt ihr die Möglichkeit, das neueste Apple-Smartphone zusammen mit einem 40-GB-Tarif im o2-Netz zum absoluten Schnäppchenpreis zu erwerben. Wir haben das Angebot durchgerechnet und zeigen euch, warum es sich um einen sehr guten Deal handelt.
25.03.2023 09:18 Uhr, MacNews,
25.03.2023 9:00 Uhr
25.03.2023 8:00 Uhr
Endlich wieder Sonne: Mit dieser Karte meiden Sie Schattenplätze
Der Frühling und die ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen sind da. Doch noch sind die Tage eher kurz und die Sonne bereits am frühen Abend wieder verschwunden. Mit einer kostenlosen Karte können Sie genau vorhersehen, wann und wo Sonnenstrahlen zu finden sind und wie Sie die kühlen Schattenplätze im Straßencafé vermeiden.
25.03.2023 07:18 Uhr, CHIP,
25.03.2023 7:00 Uhr