Alle JustMac-News vom 22.09.2007
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22.09.2007 24:00 Uhr
First pic of an AT&T-branded 8925 / Tilt, 9/30 release date?
Filed under: Cellphones
For Windows Mobile users, the HTC Kaiser / TyTN II / MDA Vario III / AT&T 8925 ("Tilt") US release is equivalent in excitement to the launch of another handset widely anticipated by Apple fans, but unlike the iPhone, poor WinMo diehards have no definitive date at which to target their enthusiasm. We've heard numerous rumored release windows before -- and most recently, word of yet another possible delay -- with none having panned out so far, meaning you should take the following tidbit with the usual skepticism: e-tailer
22.09.2007 23:20 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 23:00 Uhr
Infinity and JBL's PS212W and CSS10W wireless subwoofers
Filed under: Home Entertainment
Although the humble subwoofer is probably the least likely to require placement inside a space that's beyond cable reach -- or concealment -- thanks to its non-directional sound frequencies, JBL and Infinity have teamed up to solve the problem anyway. The PS212W is a 12-inch $679 400W sub with an included 2.4GHz wireless transmitter / receiver bundled: yes, that's 2.4GHz, the same frequency nearly all your other wireless kit uses. JBL's Cinema Sound CSS10W also uses this overused frequency for its wireless, but it's only 10-inch and 300W, and will
22.09.2007 22:20 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 22:00 Uhr
22.09.2007 21:00 Uhr
Acer updates its Aspire and Ferrari series notebooks
Filed under: Laptops
Acer recently updated its notebook line, pushing out the Aspire 7720G and the 2920, and the Ferrari 1100. The top-end 7720G is a $3,000 desktop replacement with a 17-inch screen, ATI Mobility Radeon HD2300 graphics card, and running a 2.2GHz Santa Rosa chip. The Aspire 2920 is a 12.1-inch model, featuring Core 2 Duo CPUs, and Intel GMA X310 graphics -- yuck. Finally, there's the Ferrari 1100, featuring another 12.1-inch screen, a 2.3GHz Turion 64 X2 TL-66 processor, LED backlighting, and the usual Ferrari styling. [Via
22.09.2007 20:35 Uhr, Engadget,
How Come No One Noticed Their Was No Mention of DVD in the New MacBook?
So when we got the news from Cleve and his source about the new laptops, the first thing we asked ourselves was how is Apple going to squeeze all of the laptop internals into such a thin Package? Battery optimization? Couldn't hurt. Making the boot drive into NAND RAM? Possible but still very expensive. Motherboard optimization? Yeah sure but you can only save so much space doing that. Then it hit us: was the MacBook DVD going the way of the dodo?
When you consider the facts, it is a no brainer. What is the largest part of the internals of a laptop and at the same time (as trends go) is used less and less - not to mention its status as a powerhog. What could the average laptop certainly do without&
22.09.2007 20:21 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
How Come No One Noticed Their Was No Mention of DVD in the New MacBook?
So when we got the news from Cleve and his source about the new laptops, the first thing we asked ourselves was how is Apple going to squeeze all of the laptop internals into such a thin Package? Battery optimization? Couldn't hurt. Making the boot drive into NAND RAM? Possible but still very expensive. Motherboard optimization? Yeah sure but you can only save so much space doing that. Then it hit us: was the MacBook DVD going the way of the dodo?
When you consider the facts, it is a no brainer. What is the largest part of the internals of a laptop and at the same time (as trends go) is used less and less - not to mention its status as a powerhog. What could the average laptop certainly do without&
22.09.2007 20:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
T-Punkt-Umbau pünktlich zum iPhone-Start
Nachdem auf der Website von T-Mobile kein Weg am iPhone vorbei führt, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass auch die Läden der Telekom, die T-Punkte, umgebaut werden. Dabei nutzt der rosa Riese den Anlass offenbar auch gleich für eine Namensänderung und wird die Läden laut einem Bericht der WirtschaftsWoche in Telekom-Shop umbenennen. Junge Kunden sollen damit angesprochen werden. Man erwartet ab November durch den iPhone-Start zahlreiche Neukunden. Bis es soweit ist, werden die Mitarbeiter geschult, die Telekom möchte sich beim Service von ihrer besten Seite zeigen.
22.09.2007 20:05 Uhr, Maclife,
Vorratsdatenspeicherung rückt näher
Einem gemeinsamen Aufruf von Parteien, Gewerkschaften, Bürgerrechtlern und Computerspezialisten wie etwa dem Chaos Computer Club e.V. folgend, gingen am heutigen Nachmittag rund 3000 Menschen in Berlin gegen die Pläne der Bundesregierung auf die Straße: Der Protest richtete sich vor allem gegen den Gesetzentwurf zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung, mit dem eine entsprechende EG-Richtlinie umgesetzt werden soll.
22.09.2007 20:05 Uhr, Maclife,
22.09.2007 20:00 Uhr
Steve Jobs sehr, sehr reich
Wenn er diese Summe wirklich auf dem Konto und nicht zum großen Teil in Aktien hätte, könnte Apple-Chef Steve Jobs glatt ein Internet-Startup komplett aus seiner Privatschatulle aufkaufen: 5,7 Milliarden US-Dollar besitzt er und reiht sich damit in die Forbes-Liste der 400 reichsten US-Amerikaner auf Platz 56 ein. Auf Platz eins ist wie fast jedes Jahr William Gates der 3., besser bekannt als Bill Gates. Auf Platz zwei ist sein Freund Warren Buffett, der Abstand zu den nachfolgenden Milliardären ist dann etwas größer. 1 Milliarde Dollar reichen nicht mehr, um in die Liste zu kommen, jetzt müssen es mindestens 1,3 Milliarden Dollar sein. Wer also noch zu Lebzeiten dieser Liste beitreten möchte, sollte einen sehr guten Anlageberater haben - die zusätzlich nötige US-Staatsbürgerschaft sollte das geringste Problem sein.
22.09.2007 19:35 Uhr, Maclife,
Flickr-Fotos: 40 iPod nanos ausgelegt
Drei nette Fotos gibt es in Flickr-Set zu sehen: Ein glücklicher Mens hat 40 iPod nanos für einen Kunden gekauft und vor der Auslieferung schnell noch ein paar Bilder geschossen. Wie wäre es also mit einem neuen Bildschirmhintergrund für den Rechner? (via TUAW)
22.09.2007 19:20 Uhr,,
JVC's GR-DA30US sliding-LCD camcorder for $199 in October
Filed under: Digital CamerasRemember that funky looking JVC GR-DA20 we showed you a few weeks back? Well it turns out that its US variant -- the JVC GR-DA30US -- has a very low price too, at $199.99, shipping this October (on the 15th, if Amazon is to be believed.) The obvious stand-out feature is the sliding LCD mounted on the back of the camera, which is probably going to invoke polarized rants of "like it / love it." What's for sure is that you won't be able to do the video blogging thing and turn the LCD around on itself with this camcorder.[Thanks, Ty H.]
22.09.2007 19:06 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 19:00 Uhr
iPhone hat potentielle Sicherheitsprobleme
Ein Sicherheitsexperte hat am Freitag vor einer möglichen Sicherheitslücke, ohne überhaupt die Lücke genau zu spezifizieren. Marius van Oers von McAfees AVERT Lavs stellt zunächst einmal fest, dass durch die Abriegelung für Drittanwendungen das iPhone trotz fehlender Sicherheitssoftware relativ sicher ist.
22.09.2007 18:05 Uhr, Maclife,
Die 7 Weltwunder im 3D-Panorama
Auf der dänischen Fotowebseite können Sie sich das Kolosseum, die Chinesische Mauer, die Felsenstadt Petra, das Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, die Christus-Statue in Rio oder die Maya-Tempelanlage Chichen Itza als interaktive Panoramen ansehen.
22.09.2007 18:05 Uhr, CHIP,
22.09.2007 18:00 Uhr
Microsoft's TGS 2007 booth tour
Filed under: Features, Gaming
Despite the Xbox 360's lackluster sales in Japan, Microsoft's mammoth Tokyo Game Show booth still managed to turn out a huge crowd, especially on the appeal of forthcoming titles like Lost Odyssey. Of course, it's no surprise that Redmond dedicated a fair bit of kitted out demo space to Halo 3, what with all those limited edition consoles (like the one we got our hands on) being used to pound Covenant foot soldiers into submission. Check it on out in the gallery.Gallery:
22.09.2007 17:35 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 17:00 Uhr
Sony's TGS 2007 booth tour
Filed under: Features, Gaming
We're on Sony's home turf when visiting their enormous booth at Tokyo Game Show 2007. We won't mince words about how it might (and effectively did) house a small nation state of PlayStation booth attendants, just be sure to take a quick look at the elaborate setups on the Eye of Judgment tables, the Little Big Planet grotto, and the Gran Tourismo 5 Prologue raceway. Also appreciated by us nerdy Engadget editors: the PS3 firmware timeline Sony posted near the rest of its highlights of PS3 home networking.Gallery: Sony's TGS 2007 booth tour
22.09.2007 16:50 Uhr, Engadget,
iPhone besser heute als morgen, sagt Europas Norden
Wenn Mobilfunkanbieter öffentlich Interesse am iPhone bekunden, ist das schon etwas besonderes - aber vielleicht liegt es auch einfach daran, dass sie so oft danach gefragt werden. Gleich zwei skandinavische Anbieter sind an dem iPhone interessiert: TeliaSonera (Schweden/Finnland) und Telenor (Norwegen). Beide Anbieter konnten der Presse aufgrund laufender Verhandlungen keine Details verraten. Der Telenor-Sprecher Anders Krokan äußerte sich gegenüber der Presse, dass es ein großes Interesse am iPhone bei den eigenen Kunden gäbe, aber man es ihnen schon in diesem Jahr wohl nicht anbieten kann.
22.09.2007 16:35 Uhr, Maclife,
22.09.2007 16:00 Uhr
iPod touch review
Filed under: Features, Portable Audio, Portable Video
Yeah, we know we're a little late with this one, but we see the iPod touch as a pretty major turning point for Apple's iPod line; when it was announced, we finally thought we'd found an iPod we could really get behind. For years technology enthusiasts pondered the possibility of an Apple-made widescreen, WiFi-enabled portable media device, and they finally did just that -- even throwing
22.09.2007 15:50 Uhr, Engadget,
Test: Silex wiDock
Docks für den iPod gibt es im Zubehörhandel viele. Neben dem iPod Universal Dock des Mac-Herstellers buhlen gleich ein “Hand voll” Hersteller mit ihren Produkten um die Gunst der Käufer. So auch der Netzwerk-Spezialist silex technology. Mit dem wiDock verfolgt die Firma aus dem westfälischen Meerbusch grundsätzlich den selben Ansatz wie ihre Mitbewerber, spendiert dem
22.09.2007 15:05 Uhr, MACNOTES.DE,
Noch ein neuer Leopard-Build freigegeben
Nur wenige Tage nach dem letzten Entwickler-Build veröffentlicht Apple erneut eine Entwickler-Version von Leopard. Der Mac OS X Leopard Client Build 9A559 sowie Kernel Debug Kit Leopard Build 9A559 können nun von Entwicklern mit den entsprechenden ADC-Zugängen geladen werden. In der Seed Note macht
22.09.2007 15:05 Uhr, MacTechNews,
22.09.2007 15:00 Uhr
22.09.2007 14:00 Uhr
ATP's diminutive Petito USB flash drives help fight breast cancer
Filed under: Storage
As with most late-Septembers, we're beginning to see a few pinked gizmos roll out in support of the impending National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This go 'round, we've got a special edition of ATP's Petito USB flash drive that touts a "Pink Ribbon" motif and comes in 512MB, 1GB and 2GB flavors. Aside from being fairly tiny, each drive sold will help fund breast cancer research and support "education, screening and treatment projects" around the globe. The trio is available now at a variety of retailers starting at $19.99.
22.09.2007 13:50 Uhr, Engadget,
Termin für Crysis-Demo bekannt (Update)
Am 16. November wird Crysis in den Läden stehen, aber bereits knapp zwei Monate zuvor werden Spieler die Möglichkeit haben, den heiß erwarteten Titel anzuspielen: Eine Demo ist laut Cryteks Community-Manager Alexander Marschal für den 25. September vorgesehen.
22.09.2007 13:50 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Amazon Gives Away New iPod Pricing?
They've been known to do this before - and of course it could always be a glitch
But as you can see, Amazon is offering up an 80Gb iPod for $609. I wonder what sized screen you get with that?
Perhaps, this could also be some new pricing algorithm that kicks in when there is only one product left? We've found some other anomalies after the jump
(BTW - Thanks comments!)
The full page ad
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iTunes 8 Debuts on September 5th?
***Rampant speculation alert --- EDIT: yup only 7.4 - look for 8 to deliver HD movies soon ***
So as the disclaimer says, this is just "informed" speculation. However, with a release of iPods this big looming (They booked Moscone West?!), it would make sense that iTunes would get an upgrade. How big an upgrade? At least a point upgrade to cover the new hardwareso at the low end, we are looking at a bug-fix upgrade: 7.3.3. However this is a huge event right? So at least 7.4!
Why should we stop there? It has been a full year since the release of iTunes 7 And there have to be some big new features on the horizon, right? I mean iTunes is central to Apple. It is the one thing t
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Nokia's Fake iPhone Ripoff - Ironically Looks Exactly Like the iPodtouch
As a ripoff of the iPhone, this video from last week looks kind of cheesy. However, upon further inspection, we realized it has some characteristics of the iPodtouch Specifically the outer rim on the fake Nokia-iPhone looks exactly like Apple's new flagship iPod - from the front at least. Fake Nokia obviously has some spies within Apple too! That's all for now - go watch football and have a great weekend..
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
EditGrid for iPhone, Spreadsheets Go Mobile
EditGrid, a leader in online spreadsheets, today announced the launch of the iPhone Edition of its Web-based spreadsheets software. The news broke this morning at the Office. 2.0 Conference in San Francisco.
The iPhone Edition of EditGrid is a customized version of EditGrid which designed specifically for mobile usability. This version of the software features:
Three-Mode Access ó Due to the limitation of screen size and speed of iPhoneís Safari JavaScript engine, EditGrid was optimized for different usages in three modes:
Edit Mode: Allows users to do simple data crunching with better data formatting support. The data inputted are automatically saved to EditGridís server. Suitable for small spr
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Hey Dick Tracey, Your iPod Nano Video Watches are on the Way
With the new iPodnano coming in at a little over two inches and almost square, there are a lot more interesting tricks that can be done with them than previous iPods. As small as the gen-2 iPod was, the form factor of the new Nanos begs for more applications. One such use is the watch.
Now don't get us wrong, we don't expect Steve to roll up his sleeve to reveal the new Nano on his wrist the way he yanked the generation 1 Nano out of the change pocket in his jeans two years ago. As a matter of fact, we wouldn't even expect Apple to come out with a watch band for the device. This task will most likely be left to the third party iPod accessory makers.
Oh by the way, before you run to the comments and tell us our artwork sucks, let it be known that we are well aware of
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone Sales? Not too Shabby...
"The two models of the iPhone on the market sold more than Research in Motion's Blackberry series, the entire Palm portfolio and any individual smartphone model from Motorola, Nokia or Samsung."
Holy Quoting iSuppli, Reuters just broke out the iPhone sales report for July. I don't think Apple could have expected betterReuters continues
"While iSuppli has not collected historical information on this
topic, it's likely that the speed of the iPhone's rise to competitive
dominance in its segment is unprecedented in the history of the
mobile-handset market," iSuppli said.
"Apple achieved this in the face of numerous, well-entrenched competitors."
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple Event..No Surprises Really...Apple Rocks
Another Apple Event has come and gone. No big surprises really. Apple has released some solid but overdue products.
iPodtouch? Check (We're getting a 16Gb yesterday).
Video iPodnanos? Check. (Wife gets that one.)
The new shuffle colors? :/ No comment
The new iPod Classic? Reality distortion at its most profound? I guess the "We couldn't sell enough of these things before the new ones were ready iPod" didn't really have the Zing! 160GB is nice I guess but that screen is so..tiny
Cheaper iPhones? Really? We bet the early adopters are happy Apple snagged that $200 tax for 2 months of early adoption. $100/month. S
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
WishList – WiFi Speaker Arrays
With rumors of the Apple Hi-Fi’s demise looking not-so-exaggerated, I thought it would be a nice moment to share a vision of convergence and audio-porn with our dear readers.
Here is the fantasy: the Audio receiver must die.
Like many Airport Express owners, I use the device as a wireless hub in my home and as a way to stream audio through my stereo. AppleTV owners can do the same with video streams to their TVs. Cool, but the vision isn’t completely realized.
What about 5.1 audio? With a few hacks, it looks possible but that’s not the simple, elegant Apple way. And if I want to stream audio to various rooms in the house, I can buy multiple Airport Express units and multiple receivers, but
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPod Touch. So much more than just an iPod
EDIT: This article was picked up by Computerworld - go check it out there.
More Newton than iPod, more tablet than music player, the new Apple Inc. iPod touch unveiled this week by CEO Steve Jobs breaks into a new hardware category that should scare the ultra-mobile PC/Nokia Tablet world.
Apple's much-a
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
What Does $149 Get You These Days?
It turns out a whole helluva lot. Apple announced this week that their iPod Nanos were starting out at $149. If you think about it, the amazing thing is what $149 has been able to buy you over the last two and a half years.
In January of 2005, only 32 months ago, Apple unveiled the Gen 1 iPod Shuffle. They came in at the $99 for 512MB and $149 for One Gigabyte. The shuffles are screenless and small plastic items that could play music and hold a few files, that's it. Still they were a big sellers.
A little over a year and a half ago, Apple released the 1GB nano at $149. Again, huge success - big seller. Now
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
European iPhones Coming. Rocking the 16GB 3G Specs
MacBidouille, an excellent French-language Macintosh site, has posted what they say is a leaked advertisement for the Tmobile iPhone in Germany. Of note, the specs indicate 3G speeds and a 16GB capacity. These specs are in line with our reports from August from our Orange (France Telecom) sources. They also stated that the Germans and British would get the iPhones slightly before the F
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple Getting Set to Light Up the Movie Rental and Cable Industries
Apple, this week, let slip another clue in its ambitious plans to become the premiere delivery mechanism for digital content to the content-hungry world. iTunes Movie rental service, no longer a technical hurdle with the AppleTV sitting in store shelves consumer entertainment centers, is most likely being held up by lawyers, negotiators and studio executives who are undoubtedly wary of selling away the distribution part of the home entertainment value chain that they possess.
It is really only a matter of time until one or two studios relent **cough Disney** and the other studios fall in line. It would be extremely surprising if the service doesn't launch before 2008 with the a
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
1 Million iPhones, 74 Days, 1/2 Billion in Revenue...My Oh My.
Apple today announced it had sold its one millionth iPhone since releasing the products on June 29th.
Apple Sells One Millionth iPhone
Yesterday, just 74 days after its introduction on June 29, Apple sold the one millionth iPhone. “One million iPhones in 74 days—it took almost two years to achieve this milestone with iPod,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We can’t wait to get this revolutionary product into the hands of even more customers this holiday season.” [Sep 10, 2007]
This is, of course, an amazing pace and in no doubt helped by the recent price drop to $399. We personally just bought a $299 4Gb model tohack to pieces play with an
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone Hacking Roundup
So with the steep price drop and the hacking community going nuts on the iPhone, we thought it'd be a good idea to start getting into it. Rather than risk our day to day 8Gb iPhone (which was paid for by the day job), we took advantage of the $200 price cut and snapped up a 4Gb iPhone for $300.
Since I work WAAAY outside AT&T's coverage range (Paris) and don't feel like being one of those $3000/month AT&T customers who receive 500 page bills, I've decided to get a bit pirate on our little 4Gb beauty.
I wanted to go from end to end without touching AT&T. I was hoping to not have to pay for iPhoneSimFree but worst case scenario I will settle - it looks like it is going for $50 right now from the Australian carrier. We've found a good roundup
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Hidden Feature Makes iPodtouch and iPhone Physical Storage Limitations (a bit) Obsolete
The iPodtouch's physical storage limitation of 16GB enraged a lot of people. Why? Most were worried that they wouldn't be able to store much of the video that they wanted to watch on their beautiful new 480x320 screens. However, Apple allows you to play movies over the net. Don't believe us? Point your iPhone/iPodtouch browser over to:
Yep. Links to Quicktime movies. Full 480x320. Full stereo sound and amazing video clarity. They also start up right away and play fully without having to catch up if you are on relatively speedy Wifi enabled Internet connection.
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone Liberation Day Has Arrived
True iPhone liberation has really arrived. Kudos to the people around the World who have used the internet to communicate and solve a problem that not one, or ten people alone could have.
The free version of the software unlock is finally out there. We aim to get a new, wrapped in cellophane, iPhone and document the whole process of activating it, unlocking it, and moving to a foreign carrier.
Further Reading (more after the jump):
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone GUI Unlock Released
When it rains it pours!
Not much else to say
but if you have to unlock your iPhone (like us tomorrow) you now have like 10 less steps to do - Amazing work at
It is in Beta still and the coders are off to bed for some much deserved sleep. Perhaps tomorrow it will be more stable - it looks good enough for us!
Download the application in its current state here.
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
British iPhone on O2 Announcement Next Week
It looks all but certain that Apple will announce its first European iPhone carrier next week. And some bad news for y'all across the pond (or Channel as it were), it is not going to be carried by Vodafone who is currently launching an iTunes competitor (and whose CTO recently publicly dissed the iPhone). It will most likely be carried by O2 only.
It remains to be seen what effect, if any, the recent iPhone hacking will have on the selection of iPhone carriers. Apple will probably have to secure its iPhone OS from these hacks if it expects to keep ex
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Europe Going iPhone...Soon.
With Apple set to announce it's European iPhone strategy later this week, a lot of questions still remain on the specifics of the deal. What we know:
The carriers will be O2 in the UK, Tmobile in Germany, and Orange in France. Spain's Telefonica might also pick up the device because of the O2 relationship.
Even with the rampant SIM hacking, the devices will be locked to the carriers initially. Different Laws in Europe REQUIRE that device manufacturers open up their devices after 6 months of use. This might not be a huge issue as the phones are likely to be sold with 2 year plans.
Apple's UK announcement will likely open the iPod Touch floodgates as the employees have been asked to stay late the day of the announcement.
What we'd like to know:
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Freely Hacking the iPhone
There are a lot of things that you can buy for $299. None could possibly be as exciting as a 4Gb iPhones that are being sold clearance from Apple’s website. Apple was even offering $50 discounts for refurbished products. Not bad for the world's best iPod and phone combination that were going for about double the price a few weeks ago.
Add to that the news that iPhone hackers have found a way to not only activate the iPhones without buying a two year plan from AT&T, but also allowing you to use a SIM card from any GSM provider in the US and abroad. Since this sounded too good to be true and I
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Note to Apple: Europeans Have Internet, Have Seen This Before
Wow! I'm not European, but I play one on TV. I cannot imagine that Europeans are going to be too impressed by the "Event" at the Regent Street Apple Store today. What was announced comes down to this:
Announced the exact same iPhone announced 9 months ago in the US and rolled out 3 months ago
Will be out in 2 MORE months
Significant extra cost (blame the weak dollar and 17.5% VAT?)
Limited EDGE Internet
Limited Unlimited Bandwidth
EDGE coverage is at 30% of UK
Acknowledged that there are fewer hotspot options in Europe
No 3G like 90% of the other smartphones because it is a "battery hog" EDGE will crawl. Rational
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Google Presentations at Last
Google today announced their Online presentation application. It isn't going to win any awards for beauty (baaad templates!) and it is next to useless in the Safari Browser - much better in Firefox - but it is a huge step in the right direction.
The chat and collaborative features in Google Docs and Spreadsheets are there which opens the possibility of online presentation building and "presenting." However, it has obvious downsides as well. It is certainly not as full featured as current presentation tools like Powerpoint and Keynote.
It doesn't do:
Animations of any kind
Advanced image manipulation
Advanced text formatting
Exporting PowerPoint files
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Carbon Copy Cloner 3 Released
Mike Bombich has been making OSX software and instruction guides since there was OSX. In the early days of Macintosh OSX administration, his software was a lifesaver to many a Macintosh administrator. As Apple started to catch up, his software releases started to slow down and (I think?) he got a much deserved job at Apple.
If you haven't used his software, guides or fourms, you may want to familiarize yourself with them:
NetBoot Across Subnets
LoginWindow Manager
Apple Remote Desktop Database Access Manager (ADAM)
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
VNC for iPhone, Now it is Getting Interesting
A very interesting application just hit my iPhone's repository. VNSea, the port of the venerable VNC Client that is used in many remote desktop installations, including Apple's own Remote Desktop. Although the application doesn't appear to be working too well - we got just a flash of the desktop before the application crashed - the possibilities are endless for VNC client like this.
Controlling a home computer or server from the road would give access to unlimited amounts of applications and data. This is definitely something to look out for.
From the website:
VNSea is a graphical (duh) VNC client for the iPhone and presumably the iPod touch, based on
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone Announced in Germany, No Surprises
Apple today announced their alliance with German (former) state telco Tmobile for the German market. Tmobile will have EDGE on 100% of its network by the end of 2007 (oh and probably some 3G too?) and of course it has a bazillion Wifi hotspots around the World. No mention of whether or not the iPhone plan with Tmobile will include access at any of them like the UK's O2's offering.
The price is a respectable €399 which is about a 40% premium over the US model before taxes. We should hear the French model announced at this pricepoint on Orange shortly.
It is going to be hard to say Tmobile is the best network in Germany but not in the US or the UK where they got beat by other carriers - it looks like they've skirted the issue by not having a press conference and issuing the statement here and
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Navizon iPhone GPS: the Amazing Hacker Development Continues
I feel like it is Christmas every time I open my iPhone lately. Along with VNSea, NES and MobileChat, here comes another AMAZING developer-hacker application. I don't see Apple having 1/2 of this stuff by the time the next release is out. AS a matter of fact, I don't see a lot of hacked iPhones going legit any time soon.
Back to Navizon: Using both cellular triangulation and a DB of Wifi hotspots and ISP IP addresses, Navizon is able to provide a semi-accurate view of where you are at a much faster rate than most GPS systems. Granted the accuracy of the device depends on a lot of factors, and your results may, of course vary.
The also just throws your coordinates into the Maps application and puts a little pin where it thinks you are. So, so clever. In my informal tests, i
22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Slim Aluminum MacBooks Coming Soon from Apple
We have received some information about some upcoming Apple laptops - we think they are MacBooks but aren't 100 percent sure they aren't the fabled Pro slim line. What we know:
Black aluminum and silver aluminum (like MacBook Pros) have been seen
They are considerably slimmer than current MacBook and even a bit more than MacBook Pros
The screen reaches much closer to the edges than current MacBooks but is the same size as current MacBooks - indicating a somewhat smaller footprint
The keyboards resemble Apple's new Bluetooth Keyboard
There is something strange about the touchpad (more on this to come)
They are set to be priced extremely aggressively
While they are dense, overall they are lighter than the current MacBooks
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22.09.2007 13:06 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Hacker's project sends media-filled hard drives to troops
Filed under: Storage
A network engineer going by the hacker handle 'Deviant Ollam' has taken it upon himself to send care packages of a different sort to troops serving overseas, with him ditching the usual goods in favor of hard drives filled with movies, music and other content. That's the basis for his Traveling Terabyte Project, which is apparently still operating on a relatively small scale, although "Ollam" hopes it'll pick up once he gets a website up and running. The hard drives themselves are packed in an appropriately olive-drab Pelican case, which also includes all the necessary USB cables and international power adapters. As the name of the project suggests, the hard drives aren't intended to
22.09.2007 13:05 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 13:00 Uhr
Amazon Gives Away New iPod Pricing?
They've been known to do this before - and of course it could always be a glitch
But as you can see, Amazon is offering up an 80Gb iPod for $609. I wonder what sized screen you get with that?
Perhaps, this could also be some new pricing algorithm that kicks in when there is only one product left? We've found some other anomalies after the jump
(BTW - Thanks comments!)
The full page ad
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iTunes 8 Debuts on September 5th?
***Rampant speculation alert --- EDIT: yup only 7.4 - look for 8 to deliver HD movies soon ***
So as the disclaimer says, this is just "informed" speculation. However, with a release of iPods this big looming (They booked Moscone West?!), it would make sense that iTunes would get an upgrade. How big an upgrade? At least a point upgrade to cover the new hardwareso at the low end, we are looking at a bug-fix upgrade: 7.3.3. However this is a huge event right? So at least 7.4!
Why should we stop there? It has been a full year since the release of iTunes 7 And there have to be some big new features on the horizon, right? I mean iTunes is central to Apple. It is the one thing t
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Nokia's Fake iPhone Ripoff - Ironically Looks Exactly Like the iPodtouch
As a ripoff of the iPhone, this video from last week looks kind of cheesy. However, upon further inspection, we realized it has some characteristics of the iPodtouch Specifically the outer rim on the fake Nokia-iPhone looks exactly like Apple's new flagship iPod - from the front at least. Fake Nokia obviously has some spies within Apple too! That's all for now - go watch football and have a great weekend..
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
EditGrid for iPhone, Spreadsheets Go Mobile
EditGrid, a leader in online spreadsheets, today announced the launch of the iPhone Edition of its Web-based spreadsheets software. The news broke this morning at the Office. 2.0 Conference in San Francisco.
The iPhone Edition of EditGrid is a customized version of EditGrid which designed specifically for mobile usability. This version of the software features:
Three-Mode Access ó Due to the limitation of screen size and speed of iPhoneís Safari JavaScript engine, EditGrid was optimized for different usages in three modes:
Edit Mode: Allows users to do simple data crunching with better data formatting support. The data inputted are automatically saved to EditGridís server. Suitable for small spr
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Hey Dick Tracey, Your iPod Nano Video Watches are on the Way
With the new iPodnano coming in at a little over two inches and almost square, there are a lot more interesting tricks that can be done with them than previous iPods. As small as the gen-2 iPod was, the form factor of the new Nanos begs for more applications. One such use is the watch.
Now don't get us wrong, we don't expect Steve to roll up his sleeve to reveal the new Nano on his wrist the way he yanked the generation 1 Nano out of the change pocket in his jeans two years ago. As a matter of fact, we wouldn't even expect Apple to come out with a watch band for the device. This task will most likely be left to the third party iPod accessory makers.
Oh by the way, before you run to the comments and tell us our artwork sucks, let it be known that we are well aware of
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone Sales? Not too Shabby...
"The two models of the iPhone on the market sold more than Research in Motion's Blackberry series, the entire Palm portfolio and any individual smartphone model from Motorola, Nokia or Samsung."
Holy Quoting iSuppli, Reuters just broke out the iPhone sales report for July. I don't think Apple could have expected betterReuters continues
"While iSuppli has not collected historical information on this
topic, it's likely that the speed of the iPhone's rise to competitive
dominance in its segment is unprecedented in the history of the
mobile-handset market," iSuppli said.
"Apple achieved this in the face of numerous, well-entrenched competitors."
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple Event..No Surprises Really...Apple Rocks
Another Apple Event has come and gone. No big surprises really. Apple has released some solid but overdue products.
iPodtouch? Check (We're getting a 16Gb yesterday).
Video iPodnanos? Check. (Wife gets that one.)
The new shuffle colors? :/ No comment
The new iPod Classic? Reality distortion at its most profound? I guess the "We couldn't sell enough of these things before the new ones were ready iPod" didn't really have the Zing! 160GB is nice I guess but that screen is so..tiny
Cheaper iPhones? Really? We bet the early adopters are happy Apple snagged that $200 tax for 2 months of early adoption. $100/month. S
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
WishList – WiFi Speaker Arrays
With rumors of the Apple Hi-Fi’s demise looking not-so-exaggerated, I thought it would be a nice moment to share a vision of convergence and audio-porn with our dear readers.
Here is the fantasy: the Audio receiver must die.
Like many Airport Express owners, I use the device as a wireless hub in my home and as a way to stream audio through my stereo. AppleTV owners can do the same with video streams to their TVs. Cool, but the vision isn’t completely realized.
What about 5.1 audio? With a few hacks, it looks possible but that’s not the simple, elegant Apple way. And if I want to stream audio to various rooms in the house, I can buy multiple Airport Express units and multiple receivers, but
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPod Touch. So much more than just an iPod
EDIT: This article was picked up by Computerworld - go check it out there.
More Newton than iPod, more tablet than music player, the new Apple Inc. iPod touch unveiled this week by CEO Steve Jobs breaks into a new hardware category that should scare the ultra-mobile PC/Nokia Tablet world.
Apple's much-a
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
What Does $149 Get You These Days?
It turns out a whole helluva lot. Apple announced this week that their iPod Nanos were starting out at $149. If you think about it, the amazing thing is what $149 has been able to buy you over the last two and a half years.
In January of 2005, only 32 months ago, Apple unveiled the Gen 1 iPod Shuffle. They came in at the $99 for 512MB and $149 for One Gigabyte. The shuffles are screenless and small plastic items that could play music and hold a few files, that's it. Still they were a big sellers.
A little over a year and a half ago, Apple released the 1GB nano at $149. Again, huge success - big seller. Now
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
European iPhones Coming. Rocking the 16GB 3G Specs
MacBidouille, an excellent French-language Macintosh site, has posted what they say is a leaked advertisement for the Tmobile iPhone in Germany. Of note, the specs indicate 3G speeds and a 16GB capacity. These specs are in line with our reports from August from our Orange (France Telecom) sources. They also stated that the Germans and British would get the iPhones slightly before the F
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Apple Getting Set to Light Up the Movie Rental and Cable Industries
Apple, this week, let slip another clue in its ambitious plans to become the premiere delivery mechanism for digital content to the content-hungry world. iTunes Movie rental service, no longer a technical hurdle with the AppleTV sitting in store shelves consumer entertainment centers, is most likely being held up by lawyers, negotiators and studio executives who are undoubtedly wary of selling away the distribution part of the home entertainment value chain that they possess.
It is really only a matter of time until one or two studios relent **cough Disney** and the other studios fall in line. It would be extremely surprising if the service doesn't launch before 2008 with the a
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
1 Million iPhones, 74 Days, 1/2 Billion in Revenue...My Oh My.
Apple today announced it had sold its one millionth iPhone since releasing the products on June 29th.
Apple Sells One Millionth iPhone
Yesterday, just 74 days after its introduction on June 29, Apple sold the one millionth iPhone. “One million iPhones in 74 days—it took almost two years to achieve this milestone with iPod,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We can’t wait to get this revolutionary product into the hands of even more customers this holiday season.” [Sep 10, 2007]
This is, of course, an amazing pace and in no doubt helped by the recent price drop to $399. We personally just bought a $299 4Gb model tohack to pieces play with an
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone Hacking Roundup
So with the steep price drop and the hacking community going nuts on the iPhone, we thought it'd be a good idea to start getting into it. Rather than risk our day to day 8Gb iPhone (which was paid for by the day job), we took advantage of the $200 price cut and snapped up a 4Gb iPhone for $300.
Since I work WAAAY outside AT&T's coverage range (Paris) and don't feel like being one of those $3000/month AT&T customers who receive 500 page bills, I've decided to get a bit pirate on our little 4Gb beauty.
I wanted to go from end to end without touching AT&T. I was hoping to not have to pay for iPhoneSimFree but worst case scenario I will settle - it looks like it is going for $50 right now from the Australian carrier. We've found a good roundup
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Hidden Feature Makes iPodtouch and iPhone Physical Storage Limitations (a bit) Obsolete
The iPodtouch's physical storage limitation of 16GB enraged a lot of people. Why? Most were worried that they wouldn't be able to store much of the video that they wanted to watch on their beautiful new 480x320 screens. However, Apple allows you to play movies over the net. Don't believe us? Point your iPhone/iPodtouch browser over to:
Yep. Links to Quicktime movies. Full 480x320. Full stereo sound and amazing video clarity. They also start up right away and play fully without having to catch up if you are on relatively speedy Wifi enabled Internet connection.
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone Liberation Day Has Arrived
True iPhone liberation has really arrived. Kudos to the people around the World who have used the internet to communicate and solve a problem that not one, or ten people alone could have.
The free version of the software unlock is finally out there. We aim to get a new, wrapped in cellophane, iPhone and document the whole process of activating it, unlocking it, and moving to a foreign carrier.
Further Reading (more after the jump):
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone GUI Unlock Released
When it rains it pours!
Not much else to say
but if you have to unlock your iPhone (like us tomorrow) you now have like 10 less steps to do - Amazing work at
It is in Beta still and the coders are off to bed for some much deserved sleep. Perhaps tomorrow it will be more stable - it looks good enough for us!
Download the application in its current state here.
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
British iPhone on O2 Announcement Next Week
It looks all but certain that Apple will announce its first European iPhone carrier next week. And some bad news for y'all across the pond (or Channel as it were), it is not going to be carried by Vodafone who is currently launching an iTunes competitor (and whose CTO recently publicly dissed the iPhone). It will most likely be carried by O2 only.
It remains to be seen what effect, if any, the recent iPhone hacking will have on the selection of iPhone carriers. Apple will probably have to secure its iPhone OS from these hacks if it expects to keep ex
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Europe Going iPhone...Soon.
With Apple set to announce it's European iPhone strategy later this week, a lot of questions still remain on the specifics of the deal. What we know:
The carriers will be O2 in the UK, Tmobile in Germany, and Orange in France. Spain's Telefonica might also pick up the device because of the O2 relationship.
Even with the rampant SIM hacking, the devices will be locked to the carriers initially. Different Laws in Europe REQUIRE that device manufacturers open up their devices after 6 months of use. This might not be a huge issue as the phones are likely to be sold with 2 year plans.
Apple's UK announcement will likely open the iPod Touch floodgates as the employees have been asked to stay late the day of the announcement.
What we'd like to know:
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Freely Hacking the iPhone
There are a lot of things that you can buy for $299. None could possibly be as exciting as a 4Gb iPhones that are being sold clearance from Apple’s website. Apple was even offering $50 discounts for refurbished products. Not bad for the world's best iPod and phone combination that were going for about double the price a few weeks ago.
Add to that the news that iPhone hackers have found a way to not only activate the iPhones without buying a two year plan from AT&T, but also allowing you to use a SIM card from any GSM provider in the US and abroad. Since this sounded too good to be true and I
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Note to Apple: Europeans Have Internet, Have Seen This Before
Wow! I'm not European, but I play one on TV. I cannot imagine that Europeans are going to be too impressed by the "Event" at the Regent Street Apple Store today. What was announced comes down to this:
Announced the exact same iPhone announced 9 months ago in the US and rolled out 3 months ago
Will be out in 2 MORE months
Significant extra cost (blame the weak dollar and 17.5% VAT?)
Limited EDGE Internet
Limited Unlimited Bandwidth
EDGE coverage is at 30% of UK
Acknowledged that there are fewer hotspot options in Europe
No 3G like 90% of the other smartphones because it is a "battery hog" EDGE will crawl. Rational
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Google Presentations at Last
Google today announced their Online presentation application. It isn't going to win any awards for beauty (baaad templates!) and it is next to useless in the Safari Browser - much better in Firefox - but it is a huge step in the right direction.
The chat and collaborative features in Google Docs and Spreadsheets are there which opens the possibility of online presentation building and "presenting." However, it has obvious downsides as well. It is certainly not as full featured as current presentation tools like Powerpoint and Keynote.
It doesn't do:
Animations of any kind
Advanced image manipulation
Advanced text formatting
Exporting PowerPoint files
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Carbon Copy Cloner 3 Released
Mike Bombich has been making OSX software and instruction guides since there was OSX. In the early days of Macintosh OSX administration, his software was a lifesaver to many a Macintosh administrator. As Apple started to catch up, his software releases started to slow down and (I think?) he got a much deserved job at Apple.
If you haven't used his software, guides or fourms, you may want to familiarize yourself with them:
NetBoot Across Subnets
LoginWindow Manager
Apple Remote Desktop Database Access Manager (ADAM)
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
VNC for iPhone, Now it is Getting Interesting
A very interesting application just hit my iPhone's repository. VNSea, the port of the venerable VNC Client that is used in many remote desktop installations, including Apple's own Remote Desktop. Although the application doesn't appear to be working too well - we got just a flash of the desktop before the application crashed - the possibilities are endless for VNC client like this.
Controlling a home computer or server from the road would give access to unlimited amounts of applications and data. This is definitely something to look out for.
From the website:
VNSea is a graphical (duh) VNC client for the iPhone and presumably the iPod touch, based on
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
iPhone Announced in Germany, No Surprises
Apple today announced their alliance with German (former) state telco Tmobile for the German market. Tmobile will have EDGE on 100% of its network by the end of 2007 (oh and probably some 3G too?) and of course it has a bazillion Wifi hotspots around the World. No mention of whether or not the iPhone plan with Tmobile will include access at any of them like the UK's O2's offering.
The price is a respectable €399 which is about a 40% premium over the US model before taxes. We should hear the French model announced at this pricepoint on Orange shortly.
It is going to be hard to say Tmobile is the best network in Germany but not in the US or the UK where they got beat by other carriers - it looks like they've skirted the issue by not having a press conference and issuing the statement here and
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Navizon iPhone GPS: the Amazing Hacker Development Continues
I feel like it is Christmas every time I open my iPhone lately. Along with VNSea, NES and MobileChat, here comes another AMAZING developer-hacker application. I don't see Apple having 1/2 of this stuff by the time the next release is out. AS a matter of fact, I don't see a lot of hacked iPhones going legit any time soon.
Back to Navizon: Using both cellular triangulation and a DB of Wifi hotspots and ISP IP addresses, Navizon is able to provide a semi-accurate view of where you are at a much faster rate than most GPS systems. Granted the accuracy of the device depends on a lot of factors, and your results may, of course vary.
The also just throws your coordinates into the Maps application and puts a little pin where it thinks you are. So, so clever. In my informal tests, i
22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Slim Aluminum MacBooks Coming Soon from Apple
We have received some information about some upcoming Apple laptops - we think they are MacBooks but aren't 100 percent sure they aren't the fabled Pro slim line. What we know:
Black aluminum and silver aluminum (like MacBook Pros) have been seen
They are considerably slimmer than current MacBook and even a bit more than MacBook Pros
The screen reaches much closer to the edges than current MacBooks but is the same size as current MacBooks - indicating a somewhat smaller footprint
The keyboards resemble Apple's new Bluetooth Keyboard
There is something strange about the touchpad (more on this to come)
They are set to be priced extremely aggressively
While they are dense, overall they are lighter than the current MacBooks
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22.09.2007 12:51 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
Neue Beta-Firmware für ReadyNAS
Für Netgears ReadyNAS getaufte Netzwerkspeicher ist eine neue Beta-Firmware erschienen, die vor allem Fehler beseitigt. Bevor die Firmware 4.0 fertig ist, werden laut den Entwicklern voraussichtlich noch ein bis zwei weitere Beta-Versionen erscheinen, abhängig davon ob noch größere Fehler auftreten. (Speichermedien, Netzwerk)
22.09.2007 12:05 Uhr, golem,
22.09.2007 12:00 Uhr
400.000 mehr verkaufte Macs dieses Quartal?
Gerade in der heutigen Zeit ist Flexibilität zweifelsohne eine Tugend: Erst kürzlich schickte das US-Finanzportal die Apple-Aktie auf Talfahrt, als man aus zusammengeklaubten Gerüchten ein düsteres Bild puzzlete und damit Anleger in aller Welt verschreckte. Nun jedoch verkehrt sich der weise TheStreet-Blick-auf-die-Finanzwelt ins Gegenteil: AAPL heißt der Gewinner der Stunde, frei nach dem Motto "buy on rumors" sollen nun fleißig Wertpapiere gehortet werden.
22.09.2007 11:22 Uhr, Maclife,
IDF: Notebooks überholen Desktops 2009
Auf dem IDF hat Intel für den Januar 2008 eine überarbeitete Variante der aktuellen Centrino-Plattform „Santa Rosa“ angekündigt, welche die Unterstützung von sparsameren 45-nm-Prozessoren bereits vor dem Start der kommenden „Montevina“-Generation bietet, die erst Mitte 2008 kommen wird.
22.09.2007 11:22 Uhr, ComputerBase,
IDF: Kompressorkühlung für Notebooks
Ein Trend der sicherlich kaum noch zu übersehen ist und der Hardwarebranche derzeit ordentliche Wachstumszahlen beschert sind Notebooks. Auch hier steigt Performance weiter und das ein oder andere Gaming-Notebook kommt seinen großen Kollegen gefährlich nahe. Bleibt nur die Frage: Wohin mit der ganzen Abwärme?
22.09.2007 11:22 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Spyker switches gears, brands its own electronics
Filed under: Cellphones, Portable Audio, Portable Video, TransportationSpyker certainly won't go down as the first auto maker to dabble in consumer electronics, but it is making the leap in a big way. Rolling out, er, branding no fewer than three mobiles, five PMPs, and two USB flash drives, Spyker owners /
22.09.2007 11:05 Uhr, Engadget,
IDF: Notebooks überholen Desktops 2009
Auf dem IDF hat Intel für den Januar 2008 eine überarbeitete Variante der aktuellen Centrino-Plattform „Santa Rosa“ angekündigt, welche die Unterstützung von sparsameren 45-nm-Prozessoren bereits vor dem Start der kommenden „Montevina“-Generation bietet, die erst Mitte 2008 kommen wird.
22.09.2007 11:05 Uhr, ComputerBase,
22.09.2007 11:00 Uhr
ElGato: Preisnachlässe zum Oktoberfest
Das Oktoberfest ist ein alljährliches Ereignis, an dem die zu jener Zeit traditionell kontaktfreudigen Münchener gerne die ganze Welt teilhaben lassen - ob sie will oder nicht: Anders ist nicht zu erklären, dass es Berichte über das erste geöffnete Bierfass regelmäßig selbst in die Tagesnachrichten schaffen. Diesen Trend will sich auch der in Bayerns Hauptstadt ansässige Zubehörproduzent ElGato zu nutze machen und verspricht Kunden zur Feier der "Wiesn" Preisnachlässe im Online Store.
22.09.2007 10:50 Uhr, Maclife,
iPod touch wird an Frühbesteller verschickt
Endlich ist der iPod touch auch in Deutschland unterwegs zu einigen Frühbestellern. Offensichtlich wurden gestern die ersten Exemplare verschickt, man darf also wie von Apple angekündigt mit einer pünktlichen Lieferung bis spätestens Ende nächster Woche rechnen.
Wir haben nach dem iPod classic nun auch ein neues Forum für den iPod touch eingerichtet, dort gibt es aus gut informierten Community-Kreisen auch weitere Infos zum Lieferstatus.
22.09.2007 10:50 Uhr,,
Radiohead begründet iTunes-Verweigerung
Wie schon die Beatles, verweigert sich auch die Rockband Radiohead weiterhin dem iTunes Store: Auch wenn die neuesten Alben des britischen Rock-Ensambles nun in digitaler Form beim Anbieter 7digital erhältlich sind, ist im iTunes Store weiterhin keine Spur der beliebten Rockgruppe zu finden. Grund dafür ist, wie nun ein Sprecher des Band-Labels EMI mitteilte, das Beharren Apples auf dem Verkauf einzelner Stücke:
22.09.2007 10:05 Uhr, Maclife,
Mac Rewind - Ausgabe 85 erschienen
Ab sofort steht die 85. Ausgabe unseres Wochenrückblicks "Mac Rewind" zum Download bereit. In dieser Ausgabe werden folgende Themen behandelt:
Canon Media Storage Viewer M30
Praxistest des mobilen Fotoarchivs und A/V-Players
Tools, Utilities und Stuff
Nützliches rund um Mac, iPod und Co.
22.09.2007 10:05 Uhr, MacTechNews,
22.09.2007 10:00 Uhr
Neues Urheberrecht tritt vorauss. zum 1.1.2008 in Kraft
Nachdem die neueste Urheberrechtsnovelle schon am 5. Juli vom Bundestag beschlossen wurde, hat sie nun die Länderkammer passiert. Wie das Bundesjustizministerium am gestrigen Tage mitteilte, kann das Gesetz damit im Bundesgesetzblatt verkündet werden und am 1. Januar 2008 in Kraft treten - ein Datum, das sich vor allem Tauschbörsennutzer rot im Kalender markieren sollten.
22.09.2007 09:50 Uhr, Maclife,
Einfach zugreifen: Die besten Handys vom Wühltisch
Handys wie das Sony Ericsson K750i oder das Motorola RAZR V3 waren bei ihrer Premiere mächtig angesagt und dementsprechend teuer. Heute fristen die Handy-Stars der Vergangenheit ein tristes Dasein auf dem Wühltisch. Völlig zu Unrecht.
22.09.2007 09:35 Uhr, CHIP,
iPhone mag keine Hörgeräte
Das iPhone kann viel, aber nicht alles. So verträgt es sich beispielsweise nicht mit Hörgeräten, denn durch deren Verstärkung des Schallsignals vom Mobiltelefon entsteht nur ein überlautes Summen, die ursprüngliche Stimme ist nicht mehr zu erkennen. Angesichts der generell dürftigen Berücksichtigung von Hörgeschädigten bei technischen Geräten ist dies nicht weiter schlimm, aber wenn Apple damit gegen die Vorschriften der US-Behörde FCC verstößt und sich dadurch eine Beschwerde bei eben jener Federal Communications Commission einfängt, wird es interessant.
22.09.2007 09:20 Uhr, Maclife,
22.09.2007 9:00 Uhr
Transcend enters digiframe market with 710
Filed under: Digital Cameras, Displays
You won't find us complaining about newcomers joining the digital photo frame biz, so it's with open arms that we welcome Transcend to the fray. Its questionably designed 710 marks the firm's first foray into this arena, and it packs a seven-inch 480 x 234 widescreen display, 1GB of internal memory, support for "ambient background music," and a multicard reader that plays nice with SD, SDHC, MMC, MS and CF cards. Furthermore, you'll find USB connectivity, support for JPEG / BMP / Moti
22.09.2007 08:50 Uhr, Engadget,
Neue Bilder zur Wold of Warcraft Erweiterung Wrath of the Lich King
Autor: Bastian Für alle, denen es mit Blizards kommender Erweiterung zu World of Warcraft "Wrath of the Lich King" nicht schnell genug gehen kann, hält Blizard zwei neue Bilder bereit, die Einblick auf ein neues Modell der einheimischen Dryade und einem Waldgebiet geben. WoW-Spielern dürfte es beim Anblick schon ganz schön "in den Fingern jucken" ob dieser stimmungsvollen Atmosphäre. Wann die Erweiterung auf den Markt kommt, ist bis jetzt unklar. Scenenkenner gehen aber vom Frühjahr 2008 aus.
22.09.2007 08:05 Uhr, Macinplay,
22.09.2007 8:00 Uhr
Widget der Woche: Wetter
Noch ein Wetter Widget werden jetzt viele denken. Und tatsächlich, dass Standard Wetter Widget von Apple ist grafisch und funktionell schon ein Leckerbissen. Dementsprechend hoch liegt auch die Messlatte für alle anderen Widgets dieser Sparte.
Das Dashboard Wetter Widget versucht nicht ein Pseudo-Bonbon-Layout abzukupfern sondern Entwickler Frank Merl hat eine eigene erwachsene Oberfläche kreiert, die zudem
22.09.2007 07:20 Uhr, MACNOTES.DE,
22.09.2007 7:00 Uhr
PSP overtakes DS in Japanese hardware sales
Filed under: Gaming
Just in case you've been keeping one eye trained on the console wars out there, you might want to take note of the most recent sales figures from Japan. According to the latest stats, the PSP overtook the DS, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, and PS2 in sales last week, propelled by the newest handheld installment of the Final Fantasy series, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Sure, it's happened before, but with the increasing competitiveness out there, this one seems extra important. The message should be clear to Nintendo -- don't rest on your laurels. Also, don't miss out on really hot Square Enix
22.09.2007 06:05 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 6:00 Uhr
Hori Ace Combat joystick for Xbox 360 on display
Filed under: Features, Gaming, Peripherals
Blink and you might have missed it: at Tokyo Game Show Microsoft is showing off the Hori Ace Combat joysticks that were announced a couple of months ago for the Xbox 360. They still aren't available until November 1st overseas (and who knows when the US will get 'em), but there's nothing that manages to excite us like glass-encased $150 video game flight sticks that use old school parallel serial connections. Sign us up!Gallery: Hori Ace Combat joystick for X
22.09.2007 05:20 Uhr, Engadget,
Apple Partnering with Inline Video Ad Company?
NewTeeVee claims that Apple has partnered with a small San Francisco-based video advertising startup named Podaddies. The extent of the deal appears to be developing advertising support for Apple's Quicktime and iTunes groups, and does not involve a
22.09.2007 05:05 Uhr, Macrumors,
22.09.2007 5:00 Uhr
Steve Wozniak engaged to Kathy Griffin?
Filed under: Misc. GadgetsWe wouldn't bet the farm on this being true -- after all, it's a celebrity rumor -- but Us Magazine has it that Apple's Steve Wozniak may be engaged to loudmouth Kathy Griffin. Apparently, Kathy was spotted rocking "what appeared to be an engagement ring" at the Emmys, and when questioned about it, she simply stated that she doesn't "kiss and tell." Of course, Kathy has made known that the two are in some sort of relationship, but whether she's well on her way to becoming Woz's wife (or if she's the elusive genius behind Apple's next cash cow) remains to be seen.[Via
22.09.2007 04:20 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 4:00 Uhr
Sony PSP 1-SEG digital TV tuner hands-on
Filed under: Features, Gaming, Portable Video
Just launched in Japan, Sony's got high hopes for its 1-SEG digital TV tuner -- and with over seven million Japanese PSPs now capable of viewing high quality video over the air (complete with EPG), we can't blame Sony for it's optimism. The only way you'll get one of these, though, is if you pack your sorry self up and move on overseas -- or find a way to set up a pirate 1-SEG cell, anyway. It'll might just be worth it though, the whole mobile TV experience we saw on this tuner was pretty smooth, with near-insta
22.09.2007 03:05 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 3:00 Uhr
MIT student arrested for fake bomb at Boston's Logan airport
Filed under: Misc. Gadgets
Boston authorities have once again put their hair-trigger reactions on display for the world today in a case involving an MIT student and bad fashion choices. In a situation eerily similar to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force debacle, Star Simpson (the student in question) was placed under arrest at gunpoint (submachine gunpoint, that is) at Boston's Logan airport because of an "art project" she was wearing. Simpson, who was at the airport to meet her boyfriend, was sporting a black sweatshirt with a circuit board and flashing LEDs
22.09.2007 02:21 Uhr, Engadget,
Know Your Rights: How does fair use work?
Filed under: FeaturesKnow Your Rights is Engadget's new technology law series, written by our own totally punk copyright attorney Nilay Patel. In it we'll try to answer some fundamental tech-law questions to help you stay out of trouble in this brave new world. Disclaimer: Although this post was written by an attorney, it is not meant as legal advice or analysis and should not be taken as such.Why're you doing a KYR on fair use? It's all right there in the name, isn't it?If only it were that simple. Like so many other legal terms, the hardest thing about understanding fair use isn't how it works, but rather that it has such an appealingly simple name -- one that seems to invite a lot of off-the-cuff interpretation.Well, that's stupid. Why not just make it simple?Because then lawyers would be out of their jobs, obviously.T
22.09.2007 02:21 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 2:00 Uhr
Intel, Embraco team up on cooling laptop docking station
Filed under: Laptops, Peripherals
Sure, there's a number of pre-fabricated (and DIY) laptop cooling options already out there, but apparently, Intel and Embraco saw the need for one more. Granted, the External Chilled Air Docking Station is still in prototype form, but early peeks showed the device packing a minuscule "compressor that cools the air bef
22.09.2007 01:20 Uhr, Engadget,
Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) 9A559
After seeding Leopard 9A528d just yesterday, Apple has released 9A559 to ADC members tonight. Yesterday's update appears to have been primarily testing Leopard's Software Update mechanism.
The 6.55GB download lists only two known issu
22.09.2007 01:20 Uhr, Macrumors,
Microsoft apologizes, corrects .Mac issue
We previously reported that some users of Microsoft's Windows Live Messenger service have this week found themselves unable to connect. If a user with a "" e-mail address attempts to sign on to Messenger, the client software would display an error message, informing them that they need to change their address to resume service. We've now rec
22.09.2007 01:20 Uhr, MacNN,
Europäische Apple Stores nicht erreichbar
Momentan sind die europäischen Apple Stores nicht mehr erreichbar. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass es sich hierbei um normale Wartungsarbeiten handelt, neue Produkte sind unwahrscheinlich. Neue Produkte werden meist zwischen 14 und 15 Uhr deutscher Zeit von Apple eingeführt, wenn kein Presseevent abgeha
22.09.2007 01:05 Uhr, MacTechNews,
22.09.2007 1:00 Uhr
Xbox 360 Halo 3 Legendary Edition unboxing
Filed under: Features, Gaming
Listen up kids -- the holidays have come way early. We've got our hands on the special edition Xbox 360 all done up in Halo 3 fashion but that's not all. The boys from Redmond sent a massive, massive package our way, including a giant, custom army bag, custom dog tags, two army meal rations, a first aid kit, the Xbox itself, two
22.09.2007 00:50 Uhr, Engadget,
IDF: „Turbo Memory“-Technologie für Desktops
Auf dem Intel Developer Forum hat Intel erneut einige Details und Ausblicke über die „Turbo Memory“-Technologie, als Teil der mobilen Santa-Rosa-Plattform auch bekannt unter dem Namen „Robson“, zum Besten gegeben, insbesondere was den Einsatz dieser Technologie in Desktop-PCs betrifft.
22.09.2007 00:50 Uhr, ComputerBase,
Sans Digital debuts iSCSI NAS storage
Sans Digital today unveiled its AccuNAS AN104LS, a unified storage appliance that supports both NAS (Network Area Storage) and iSCSI storage simultaneously in a 1U rackmount enclosure. The new model is designed to support RAID 5 without additional hardware, and enables users to upgrade to a Pentium dual-core processor. The AN104LS includes an insta
22.09.2007 00:20 Uhr, MacNN,
Apple forced to pay up over iBook G4 flaw
Filed under: LaptopsJust months ago, the Consumer Complaints Board in Denmark announced that it had "proven" that the logic board within a slew of Apple's iBook G4s were faulty, and now it seems that Cupertino has been forced to cough up reparations. According to InfoWorld, a US-based Apple spokeswoman stated that it "disagreed with the DCCB's findings based on its own investigation, and has a strong track record for customer satisfaction." Apparently, the counter report that Apple assembled wasn't enough to persuade the board that the swarm of customer complaints were unwarrant
22.09.2007 00:06 Uhr, Engadget,
22.09.2007 10:00 Uhr
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