Source : OranewsThe market for NAND chips is a highly competitive one, and manufacturers are innovating as much as possible to offer the largest storage capacity without affecting their margins.
The innovation race was initially focusing on the capacity of NAND chip itself, but one is limited by the engraving process. So manufacturers started to pile NAND chips up in order to increase the density, and so on the storage capacity. In this field, Hynix seems to be ahead, and announced to have created a package composed of 24 layers of 2GB NAND reaching a record capacity of 48GB, for a thickness of 1.4mm!
Hynix expect to go further and the next goal is to deliver a package based on 28 layers. The real breakthrough resides in the development of the sophisticated technology required for producing multi layer chip package, as dozens of chips are stacked one over the other, w