23.03.2016 19:11 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Opinion: iPhone 7 should be imaginative, not status quo, or risk spectacular fail

Walt Mossberg, “Friend of Apple” and Personal Technology Columnist at The Verge, is out today with his take on the iPhone SE announcement from Monday. His not terribly hot take? Ouch. That’s not a great sign. Neither is the fact that Apple’s Chief Design Officer Jony Ive didn’t make the 2-building over commute to see the show. We, however, thought the iPhone SE $399 price was a big deal. Its incredible power in small size was unprecedented and frankly lustworthy. But Mossberg glossed over any meaningful discussion of the SE and instead ultimatum-ed a wishlist for the iPhone 7… more…Filed under: iOS Devices, Opinion Tagged: Apple, iPhone 7, Walt Mossberg

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