22.03.2016 21:39 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Security How-To: Enable two-factor authentication on iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan

Three years ago to the day, Apple added in two-step verification to help improve user security. The verification method relied on the user having another device readily available to help authenticate a sign-in. As of today, Apple has taken that security further by now offering two-factor authentication to all users running iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan. Both methods strive to increase a user’s foothold in security practices, but both go about doing so in very different ways. Luckily, Apple has chosen to make sure that the end user experience is phenomenal no matter what method they choose. Getting started, or switching to the new two-factor authentication is not without it’s questions. Let’s dive in and resolve them. more…Filed under: How-To, iOS Tagged: iOS, Security, two-factor authentication, two-step verification

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