26.06.2007 16:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

1TB 3.5" HD by Seagate

Via a Press Release, Seagate announced its first 3.5" 1TB HD. The drive will be available in both SATA and SAS format, deliver max transfer speed of 105MB/s while remaining rather silent (27dB). Seagate will offer 2 versions of its 3.5" 1TB HD: Barracuda 7200.11 (MTBF of 750 000 hours) and Barracuda ES.2 (MTBF 1 200 000 hours) dedicated to high-capacity and higher reliability enterprise storage. The Barracuda 7200.11 should be available for Q3 2007 at a tag price of US$399,99. With Hitachi and Samsung, we now have three HD manufacturers releasing 3.5" 1TB HD units for enterprise and consumer markets, so we should expect to see the price of such large storage capacity models as well as previous models to rapidly go down. [translation by Linathael]

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